The Wife of Hades

Chapter 106 - Country U

K nodded, "Yes, Master Mo. I will definitely complete the job well."

As they walked out of the house, An Luxia could still hear a ringing of the gun shot sound in her ears, and in the background, she could hear Li Yilan's parents screaming to have her wake up.

The group of neighbors all stared at them in fear as they did not know what to do. Should they call the police? But that didn't seem like a very smart idea.

They naturally made way for An Luxia and Mo Han as they walked out of the house and back to their car. The entire walk to the car was silent and the world around them was also a deafening silence until they finally entered the car.

Country U was not just some normal country, but it was known as a "living he*l." During mid-spring to summer, the entire country was burning hot, and with very bad infrastructure and Internet connection, very few areas had air conditioning or cold areas.

However, during the winter and fall, the country seemed to be a whole different place, as it was freezing cold. The country included both extremes in temperature, but that wasn't even the worst.

The country was incredibly dangerous, with many terrorist groups and also underworld organizations. Many people had gone missing in the country, although no one would know, and it was rumored that they were captured as slaves or even killed.

If Li Yilan and her parents were to go there. . . Who knew if they would be able to come out alive? However, that wasn't An Luxia's problem.


It was nighttime, so An Luxia and Mo Han directly went home without going anywhere else. On the car ride home, An Luxia fell asleep very fast and positioned her head comfortably against Mo Han's shoulder as she slept.

When they arrived, she did not wake up and Mo Han carried her into the house, carefully setting her on the bed. When she was placed on the bed, An Luxia blinked her eyes open, her heartbeat speeding up again as she immediately sat up on the bed.

"I'm going to go take a shower," she told Mo Han before entering the bathroom. When she entered the shower place, she immediately turned on the water, which was cold at first. The ice cold water splashed down onto her entire body, causing her to shiver in the cold.

However, soon, the water turned hot and as she had turned the shower all the way onto the hottest setting, the water was burning. She quickly jumped out of the water and moved the control to medium.

The water did help her wake up a lot, but it also brought back flashbacks of the blood she had seen. An Luxia shook her head and stepped into the water again, trying to stop thinking about it.

She quickly took a shower and changed into her pajamas before entering the bedroom. When she opened the door, she saw that Mo Han had also taken a shower, probably in a different room.

He sat on the bed, waiting for her. When he saw her, he stood up and walked over, pulling her onto the bed. Without saying anything, he began drying her hair.

The hair dryer was loud, and neither of them said anything until An Luxia's hair was completely dry.

"Let's go to sleep." Mo Han put away the hair dryer and closed the lights on the way, engulfing the room in darkness. As he got onto the bed, he immediately pulled An Luxia into an embrace and closed his eyes, holding onto her tightly.

An Luxia also closed her eyes and gently placed her hand onto his waist, not saying anything.

"I'm sorry about raising my voice at you earlier today. I was. . . mad." Mo Han said, his hands tightening around An Luxia as he spoke, realizing how he might have scared her in the Li house earlier.

An Luxia did not open her eyes but responded, "It's okay, I understand. . . I was mad too."

The room silenced as all they could hear was the air conditioning running in the room. Finally, An Luxia added, "Good night," and both of them went to sleep.


K was indeed fast at his job as the next day, Mo Han had received a message from K saying that his job was done.

'K: Sir, He Muya, Li Qiyu, and Li Yilan were both sent on a plane to Country U today. They should arrive by tomorrow. We have also sent people to watch on them to make sure they will never return again.'

Mo Han read the message and closed his phone, going to bed again since it was early in the morning. However, An Luxia had woken up from the movement.

"Who was that?" She asked, her voice slightly hoarse after sleeping.

"K. They are gone now."

An Luxia nodded her head as a small smile crept up her lips, "They are gone. . . forever?"


An Luxia opened her eyes, "So it is only us now? They are gone. . . There will be no one to disturb our life anymore, right?"

Mo Han could see the sparkle in her eyes, and he nodded his head, "Yes, you're right."

An Luxia's smile widened as she rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed, "Come on, let's go visit my parents and eat breakfast there today. I have to share the good news with them."


Half an hour later, An Luxia and Mo Han arrived at the An family's house and they had not told the An couple they were coming, so An Luxia's dad hurriedly went to go make breakfast for them as they sat down on the couch to talk to An Luxia's mom.

The breakfast was quickly made and they went to eat together. An Yuchen had gone to the hospital already, so it was only the four of them.

"Mom, dad. I have something exciting to tell you," An Luxia said with a smile before beginning to eat.

"What is it?"

"You know my biological parents and Li Yilan," An Luxia frowned slightly from mentioning their names.

Her parents did too, "Yes. . . What about them?"

"They are gone." An Luxia smiled, deciding not to tell her parents the details, "They left for another country, and they won't be coming back."

An Ping and Qi Lanyu both looked up excitedly, as they both had worried about the Li family and their daughter, since they were all not sensible people.

"Really?! That's great! Finally, they are gone!" Qi Lanyu clapped her hands together excitedly and looked down at the table, "Come on, that's great news! Eat, eat!"

An Luxia smiled and picked up her chopsticks to begin eating. She watched as Mo Han placed some food into her bowl and didn't move.

She stared at her bowl for a long time before looking up, her eyes sparkling as the tears rolled around inside of them, "Thank you, mom, dad. . . Thank you for giving me a family."

Everyone was quite surprised at An Luxia's sudden emotional words, and Qi Lanyu and An Ping looked at each other in shock before they both also got emotional.

Qi Lanyu immediately dropped her chopsticks and grabbed onto her daughter's hands, "What are you talking about? Why are you thanking us?! We should thank you! You are the best daughter I could ever ask for!"

Seeing that this only made An Luxia's crying worsen, Qi Lanyu immediately added, "Plus, you are much better than that dumb brother of yours! What would I do without you?!"

An Luxia chuckled slightly after hearing this and used one hand to wipe away her tears. Why was she crying? She should be happy right now.

The most annoying people in her life were gone and everything was perfect now. She had her family and Mo Han, everything she could ever ask for.

An Ping also smiled softly from his side of the table. As a man, he obviously wasn't as emotional and considerate as the two girls in his household, but his heart also softened at the emotional scene in front of them.

He smiled and placed some food into her daughter's bowl, "Eat, eat."

An Luxia nodded, knowing that this was the way her father cared for her, and she picked up her chopsticks to start eating.

Mo Han did not want to speak during this time for family, and he silently placed food into An Luxia's bowl, watching her eat with a faint grin on his face.

From the other side of the table, Qi Lanyu also silently wiped away some tears.


After a very long and enjoyable meal, An Luxia and Mo Han went back home. At the door, An Luxia turned around and hugged her mom and dad before leaving, promising to come back and visit soon.

The car was waiting outside and Mo Han and An Luxia got in together. Not until the car had completely gone out of sight did An Luxia's parents finally return home.

Inside the car, Mo Han drove as the driver did not come with them today. An Luxia was in a much better mood by now, and it seemed as if all of the troubles had gone.

After a moment of silence, Mo Han suddenly asked, "Do you remember?"

An Luxia looked up, "Remember what?"

"19 years ago, you foresaw the future," Mo Han said, a small grin appearing on his face.

An Luxia tilted her head slightly, confused on what he was saying, "What?"

The car stopped in front of a traffic light and Mo Han turned around to look at her, smiling as he said, "19 years ago, you said you would marry me when you grew up, and you did."

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