Chapter 587 Live Acupuncture

Feng Qing walked up to Tessa and looked at her indifferently. “She’s having acute epilepsy.”

Upon hearing this, Xing Yue looked up at Feng Qing in surprise. Tessa had indeed had epilepsy since she was young, but she had been taken care of very well, so she rarely acted up. How did Feng Qing know this?

As the daughter of the Presidential Manor in Country F, Tessa’s illness had always been a secret. In order to not let the status of the President be affected by his daughter’s illness, the President of Country F could only do this. In Country F, which used perfume as a tradition, epilepsy was treated as a ‘dirty illness’. Anyone who had this illness would be despised.

All these years, Tessa had been taking drugs to control her epilepsy under the guidance of a professional private doctor. Coupled with the excellent living conditions, she had only had two relapses since she was young, and today was the third.

However, Tessa’s sudden relapse puzzled Xing Yue. Could it be that she relapsed because she drank a glass of red wine?

Feng Qing did not know what Xing Yue was thinking. Instead, she picked up a knife from the dining table beside her and squatted down in front of Tessa. She pried open Tessa’s mouth and placed the silver knife in her mouth. The guests were secretly impressed when they saw that she did not mind the filth that was spewing out of Tessa’s mouth.

Feng Qing slowly heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Tessa had bitten the knife tightly. This way, she wouldn’t bite off her tongue, or else she would easily ‘bite her tongue to commit suicide.’

At this moment, Imperial Concubine Anna walked over. She was surprised to see that Feng Qing had gotten a bag of silver needles from nowhere and was quickly stabbing Tessa’s head.

“Jesus, what is YLL doing? Is she stabbing Miss Tessa in the head with a needle?”

“Can anyone tell me what Master YLL is doing? Does she dare to hurt Miss Tessa in public?”

“If you’re ignorant, don’t talk nonsense. The silver needle used by Master YLL is a traditional Chinese medicine technique in Xia country. It’s used to treat illnesses and save lives. You guys should learn more.”

“What? Silver needles? You can stab your head with this? Nonsense!”

“I only know that when a person is sick, they have to go to the hospital. Compared to that silver needle, I believe in the most advanced medical equipment in the hospital.” The bodyguards in charge of Tessa’s safety only surrounded her in the middle, but when they saw Feng Qing stabbing her head with a needle, they immediately rushed forward to arrest her.

At the critical moment, Xing Yue stood forward. He stopped the bodyguards from the Presidential Manor. Although he didn’t know if Feng Qing would perform acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine, he still trusted Feng Qing unconditionally.

With a focused expression, Feng Qing raised her hand and pierced the needle into Tessa’s head quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. Shortly after, she inserted a bunch of silver needles into Tessa’s head. When the last silver needle landed on her, Tessa, who was still twitching violently, immediately stopped. It felt as if someone had pulled out the power.

Xing Yue heaved a sigh of relief after seeing this. He felt that he had made the right bet. Feng Qing had used the magical Eastern Acupuncture to save Tessa’s life.

Feng Qing pulled the acupuncture out of Tessa’s head one by one when Tessa had stopped twitching, and her mouth was no longer foaming or rolling her eyes, and her bruised face had also recovered some color.

Xing Yue asked, “Is she fine?”

Feng Qing nodded. “Yes, but let’s send her to the hospital for a full body checkup.”

Xing Yue nodded and wrapped Tessa in his military uniform to carry her. Then, he smiled gratefully at Feng Qing. Feng Qing looked at him hugging Tessa, but her good-looking face revealed a hint of sadness.

At this moment, the sound of an ambulance rang out. Three doctors carried a stretcher in. Xing Yue gently placed Tessa on the stretcher and sent someone to the hospital with her.

After doing this, Xing Yue turned to look at the two trays on the table and ordered, “Someone, bring the wine that Tessa drank to the Presidential Manor and find a professional organization to do the testing. I want to see if someone tampered with the wine.”

When he said this, he even glanced at Feng Jianing without a trace. If he didn’t guess wrong, Feng Jianing should have done something again.

The moment that was said, a lady said, “That shouldn’t be. If there’s a problem with the wine, why are YLL and Feng Jianing fine?”

Another man, who seemed to know a little about medicine, said, “Patients with epilepsy have different bodies than normal people. The same thing, such as chemical drugs, stimulating food, and so on, might not have any effects on normal people, but it might cause the epileptic person to act up.”

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