Chapter 663 Mo Yi Counterattack

  Xie Jiuhan took a few deep breaths and turned to look around. He saw a guard reading a book with the title 'On the Breeding of Pigs'.

  Xie Jiuhan recalled the nightmare of giving birth to seven daughters in a row when he saw this title. The next second, the guard, who was reading, lost his grip on the book. Xie Jiuhan snatched the book from his hand. Before the guard could speak, the book was shattered by Xie Jiuhan and thrown into the sea along with the sea breeze.

  The guard said in confusion, "Huge Whale, what are you doing? Why did you tear up my book? I still have to go home and build a pig farm when this mission is over!"

  Xie Jiuhan said in a cold voice, "From now on, don't read such books in front of me. Otherwise, I'll tear them apart every time I see them. If you want to read them, get lost and go back to your room to read."

  The guard felt a chill in his heart after being stared at by the man's murderous gaze. He hurriedly turned his head to the side to avoid Xie Jiuhan's terrifying gaze. Although he didn't know why the man was angry, the guard knew that the man wasn't joking.

  "Alert! Everyone, alert! An unknown battleship has appeared in the eight seas ahead. It's suspected to be pirates." At this moment, the ship's loudspeaker sounded.

  After two days of trekking, their freighter had already reached the other end of the M6 Strait and was prepared to pass through the sea where pirates were prevalent. This was the most dangerous place in the sea and also the most chaotic place. There was once a time when the five major countries in the world sent their navies to encircle and suppress the pirates, but in the end, the five-nation alliance army all returned in defeat.

  Xie Jiuhan licked his lips when he saw the pirate ship in the distance. His black eyes were filled with surging killing intent. He was already frustrated by the nightmare and was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger. In the end, the pirates came knocking on his door. He couldn't ask for more. He thought in his heart as he carried a modified rocket launcher.

  "I'll send you to hell now!" Xie Jiuhan said with a smile. Then, he aimed and pulled the trigger.


  In the Capital's Xie Manor.

  Feng Qing had just fallen asleep when she was woken up by the phone at the head of the bed. She opened her sleepy eyes and reached out to wipe the bedside table. After touching for a long time, she found the phone that was ringing.

  Feng Qing picked up the phone and said sleepily, "Who is it?"

  As she spoke, she closed her eyes again because she was too sleepy. Calling her at this time was simply disturbing her sleep. It was already very good that she wasn't angry.

  On the other end of the phone, a familiar voice sounded. "You're asleep so early? I called you at this time because I have something to inform you."

  Feng Qing raised her eyebrows. This arrogant voice immediately reminded her of someone. The boss of Feiyun Clubhouse, Han Jintian!

  When there's no reaction from her for a long time, Han Jintian's angry voice sounded. "Hey, Feng Qing, are you asleep again?"

  Feng Qing's sleepiness dissipated by half after being woken up by him. "If you didn't call, I would have fallen asleep."

  Han Jintian said, "Listen to my advice. From now on, it's best not to go online or watch the television or news. It's best to use the Xie family's power to do some public relations to the news that is targeting you on the Internet."

  It would have been fine if he hadn't said anything. Before he could finish speaking, Feng Qing took her tablet and opened Weibo. She wanted to go up and see what was going on online. Han Jintian didn't sleep at night and specially called her to say this.

  As soon as she opened Weibo, the number one trending topic popped up. "Mo Yi's press conference."

  Feng Qing raised her eyebrows and clicked on the title to enter Weibo. On the blue background, the words "Press Conference" were written in white. The male actor, Mo Yi, was standing in front of the background.

  After quickly skimming through the content of the main article, Feng Qing saw that the male actor, Mo Yi, had specially held a press conference at a five-star hotel in the Capital an hour ago. Just now, he had responded to the matter about the "Han Jintian's cast-couching".

  Mo Yi claimed that Feng Qing had deliberately smeared and slandered his personal image, indicating that it was a fact that Han Jintian had violated him. All the evidence was conclusive. In order to please the international director, Han Jintian, Feng Qing did not even want her most basic personality…

  There were also a few screenshots of Mo Yi's personal Weibo comment section. It was filled with Mo Yi's interactions with his fans and netizens after the press conference.

  "Siren is too good at using popularity. She really has no bottom line."

  "Mo Yi, you're the best. I like your acting. When you go to the production team to film in the future, you must protect yourself."

  "Siren should come out and apologize to Mo Yi. This kind of slander is the greatest harm to Mo Yi."

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