Chapter 880: “We’ve always been cornered, without our Devil.”

éclair sat before a council of noblemen. The Empress of Alphia called a meeting of the leaders, Vengeance kept at the prime minister’s side. The council hall was vast and circular, tables upon which laid names and affiliation. A holographic display at the center displayed the Alrosian crest. Chatter and whisper were common – the vastness drowned the otherwise ‘rude’ interjections.

“On behalf of me and Alrosia, I’d like to thank you for the swift call,” she took center stage, “-on the matter of foreign policies,” she glared the various opportunist nobles, “-on request of Pope Carrigan II, Duke of Kreston, an independent faction from the Wracia Empire, I propose the following,” she said bearing the same authority as the emperor, “-inclusion of Kreston as a council member of the Alrosia Empire.”

“No,” voiced instantly, “-the request won’t benefit us or them. The empire’s evil – the long-fought peace by King Igna mustn’t’ be wasted. Who knows, it may be a trap for all we know.”

“I second the opposition,” voiced another noble, the faces were few but recognizable. Princes, dukes, the ranks shuttled to Count. The bold announcement felt slightly out of place. She examined each table, “-King Igna, what are your thoughts?” she asked.

‘My thoughts?’ Vengeance blinked.

“Please,” interjected Count Hellan of the Hellan dynasty, “-the king’s got much on his plate. Its best we move for a democratic approach. A voting,” he smirked, “-council members, please,” he stood, “-options have been laid on thy screen. Please vote for or against the policy.” Tension hovered; she noticed the otherwise normal atmosphere. Those who sat in Alphia’s general direction voted, as for Hidros, they followed suit – the nobles backing Igna hung their faces in defeat. One side bore their chest, the other content in accepting the room.

“The vote’s been cast,” she turned to the screen, “-80 percent have voted in favor of including the Duke of Kreston as a trial member of the council. We shall evaluate the man’s character, after which, we’ll decide if he’s friend or foe. I’m no fool to leak our military secrets.”


“What’s there to hide anyway,” muffled the Alphian side, “-Hidros’ dominance in Maicite research’s been given to the Wracia Empire.”

“Lord McFowl, please – I’d refrain from making unnecessary comments.”

“No,” he quipped, “-Alphia needs to boaster its military power. We’ve hosted countless negotiations with Phantom and their associate companies. Nothing, they would offer to buy or even trade, is Hidros trying to save face on an international level?”

“Lord McFowl speak the truth, we ought to know what the Cobalt Unit has.”

“What good will it bring,” fired Luther Remington.

“-Baron Remington, I’d mind thy tongue,” fired across the hall.

“We shan’t...”

“Duchess Goldberg,” added another, “-before chasing us, why not chase thine daughter. We hear she refuses to return to her lawfully wedded husband. She bares the child of another noble – Hidros’s influence dwindles by the day. No matter the picture, if not for King Igna and his strength, Hidros would be crushed easily.”

“There ooze Alphia’s true colors,” said a representative of Arda’s court, lady Haru.

“Enough,” thundered Eira, her hair hovered – mist blew from her exhales, “-I call the council for a diplomatic meeting, not a tug of war. Gentlemen, tis a pleasure.”

“Lousy continent,” muttered the Alphian side, “-lady Goldberg, keep thy daughter in check before attempting politics. A beauty of thy level is best kept far from the affairs of men,” the richly deep brown colored door closed in a loud ‘thud’.

Duchess Goldberg threw a glance at éclair, “-I hope my time will be recompensated. The revolution won’t end until King Igna steps from the crown. Lady Eia’s child is the rightful heir,” she stood and three-quarters of the council followed, a testament to the Dorchester and Kreston’s added influence. Representatives of Plaustan, Arda, and Totrya simply shrugged the matter; no passion nor will fight. Hidros was nothing but a shell, a prosperous factory of puppets. Igna’s entourage faded, leaving éclair browsing a few papers and the Empress in the distance. She gathered her strength and shuffled to Hidros’ table.

“Sufficient proof?” side-glanced éclair, they half expected Yui to barge through the door and scream, “-I told you!”

“The anger runs deeper than I thought.”

“It’s not anger, tis their right as the victor. What did I say, the moment we bring a policy against Hidros, the council will vote in favor of the decision. The attacks have been common and honestly, petty. Tis the state of thy leadership, spoon-fed puppets born into the elite world. You know full well how hard it was to climb to our station – the founder started from nothing, built an empire that’s part of a greater order. ‘

“Kreston’s join the Alrosia council. Won’t it open a door for Iqeavea to exploit?”

“The pope, behind who stands the church, is going to take a stand behind us. We won’t yield until the blood of our enemies stains the ground. Don’t forget,” he rose suddenly, “-we’re in Hidros, not Alphia, not anywhere else. Empress Eira,” the visage dropped, “-as a family member to the Haggard, I say this – if Emperor Sultria becomes a liability...”

“Are you threatening my family,” her lashes froze, a cape dashed upon her shoulders, and a staff of ice summon at her finger – claws stopped millimeters away.

Vengeance held his palm, the expression calm and unthreatened, “-Empress Eira, don’t forget, I’m master Igna’s guardian. I’m a weapon, and if push comes to shove, I will fight for what my master holds dear.”

“You draw power from the Shadow Realm?” the sharpened ice moved.

“I was granted the authority to summon a domain fixed in the Shadow Realm. Altering reality in the overworld is a simple matter of a snap and a few chants. Never underestimate my master’s foresight,” he smiled, “-for now though,” the gloomy expression lifted, “-I’m a replacement for the king,” he sighed, the weapons lifted.

*Notification,* flashed across éclair, “-Yui’s plane has gone missing,” read the report, “-we can’t track the AFR signal.”

“What’s happened?”

“Yui’s plane’s gone,” he exhaled, “-I ought to return,” he rushed, “-Vengeance, head to the manor.”

“Understood,” he nodded and turned to lady Eira, “-would you like to tag along?” nothing, she faded, leaving only a trail of ice. ‘-Meeting,’ he exhaled and climbed the stairs, the doors opened to a spark of blond hair, “-morning, cousin,” said Julius, “-long time no see.”

“Morning already?” he watched through a small window, “-another all-nighter. What brings the prince to me?”

“It’s about Eia,” the steps stopped before another corridor, “-we’ve gotten news few nobles are planning to usurp the throne on basis of a true heir.”

“Usurp the throne. Intrigue isn’t my forte,” he confessed, “-what did the others have to say?”

“éclair said to act as we saw fit. We need to move discreetly, who better to send than my cousin’s secret weapon.”

“An assassination?” he muffled, “-Cto?”

“Yes,” he smiled, “-there’s the list and location,” he handed a paper, “-make it look nice.”

“I’ll make it a work of art,” he chuckled, a breath in, he teleported to a hidden chamber in the castle’s underground labyrinth. Dusty floor, an array of weapons, and most importantly, the Cto butcher’s outfit. Blood-stained white shirt, khaki pants, military boots, and an apron, he pressed a lock, the table’s drawer opened into a rack of different weapons, “-this,” he smiled, “-perfect,” fingers around the butcher knife, a lick of the lips, he teleported to a well-dressed neighborhood. It stood quite a ways away, located to the northeast – a private area reserved for the top of the top – Froen. Sheltered by the naturally beautiful forest and meadows after which laid rough terrain – a remote place fit for those wanting privacy.

Meanwhile, Vengeance did his due; Julius found himself waiting under the three pillars of Rotherham, “-there you are,” hailed Serene dressed in her very tight outfit, her shirt’s buttons seemed moment from being snapped. Stilettoes and short black pencil shirt – her climb up the stairs to the skyscrapers felt arduous on the clothes. The prince could but avert his gaze and glance at the few gentlemen passing behind, all glanced and admired the very fit lady perched atop stairs.

“Men,” she stopped and smiled, “-very easy to distract,” the pace slowed, “-has Vengeance been briefed?”

“Yeah, he’s ready to strike. What of the bodies?”

“I spoke to the hospice,” they entered, “-seems we’re in luck,” she handed her tablet, “-those two were found dead in a gang killing earlier this week. The bodies were dumped in the forest – some joggers found them.”

“-I mean, are they fresh?” he interjected.

“Don’t sweat the details,” she pressed for the elevator, “-I have the best artists working the bodies. What about law enforcement?”

“Best we leave them out of the loop,” the chamber arrived, “-the less who know, the better it will be.”

“And on the subject of knowing, I heard Yui threw a tantrum?”

“Yeah, you know how she is. Her outbursts are timed and precise, part of me wonders if they’re premeditated or sheer bad luck.”

“I agree,” she pressed her teeth and exhaled, “-Lady Elvira and Lady Courtney found out the hard way. I’m still shaken by the chaos lady Courtney caused... it was a sight to behold – the destruction of a whole village using a blade. I could never,” her shoulders shook, “-you’re here about Yui’s disappearance?”

“No. Lady Elvira called, what about you?”

“Same reason, I was pulled from a profitable deal.”

“Raven’s made headline,” he tapped her tablet, “-you saved the article?”

“I had to,” she laughed, “-we’ve had so much trouble with Alphia lately. It was good to hear Igna’s overseas team fighting relentlessly. They’ve fully gained the support of the familia. Much of it was on aggressive ploys from Starix. I envy them,” the lift stopped, “-Raven’s are a team of superstars – masterminds and formidable opponents.”

“I know, they run the drug, gambling, and sex market. The rule’s pretty peaceful and profitable for those willing to sweat.”

“Long as one profit without straining one’s hand – the effort is worth every bit.”

Guards were more on edge than usual, “-young master Julius, lady Serene, please,” motioned one of the guards, “-lady Elvira awaits,” he pulled the door ajar, from which, Serene pushed and fully opened the door.

“Lady Serene,” said both.

“Julius and Serene,” sat behind her large desk, “-take a seat,” she offered and pulled her glasses, a tap lowered the blinders, the door locked, a display sprawled above her desk, “-an associate of ours was recently killed by the Skey Faction. The Overlord’s asked of Phantom to handle the matter quietly, a gang war might break what little faith the people have in their protectors. Young men and women have gone missing at the capital and the industrial town of Sterkno. We have no idea who or what is responsible. Maybe it’s Skey, Snow, Cimier, the damned Patek’s, and even the Gaso Group. We’re in the dark, hence why I called,” she flicked on another screen, “-on growing tensions, Count Avian Stark has sought refugee in Rotherham.”

“Avion Stark?”

“Avion, Avian, means the same person. A misprint sort of jumbled the name. Long story short, Count Stark will be moving his family and wealth to Rotherham. I mustn’t remind how much of an honor it is for us to welcome a man of such repute.”

“Heavens no,” returned Serene, “-the man played us for a fool and masterminded most of the Dark-Guild’s downfall and forced the organization onto the hole we peer from today. Clambering out’s not a possibility, the leaderships have been split, a cracked glass can never fully be restored, just like the Dark-Guild’s cowardly loss against Snow. We lost the battle and the gangs know we don’t have the influence to move against Cimier or the four greats. Attack there and they’ll reply in forcing our hand at the Alrosian Council.”

“The decision’s been made,” she said, “-my orders are final. We will grant lord Stark shelter. Tis not a matter of dignity or repute, I’m simply fulfilling a friendship Igna formed years ago. Favors are very important – and the safety of his family is one he can’t downplay. He knows as do I, the moment he lands in Hidros, the life known in the hometown will be gone forever,” nothing would change the decision, Julius and Serene simply nodded, the blinders opened, they left.

“We’re cornered.”

“We’ve always been cornered, without our Devil. Tis hard to say what’ll happen next.”

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