Chapter 862: Fall from Grace

“Rather I say previous high-tier goddess?” he observed at the loss of power, the manifestation of her strength fell upon charred earth – a temperate breeze passed the duo. She knelt and held a bleak frown – a recognized look of rejection, “-Athena?” he called, no response. The goddess built her frown into a scowl and threw the vengeful leer to the heavens, her jaws clenched, veins at her neck as well as fists strained.

“Athena?” a shuffled brought her dejected look at arm’s reach, “-look here,” he grabbed her chin and pulled the sky-bound leer to his face, “-look at me,” he narrowed, “-will staring the heavens bring change? How about self-pity, has it ever helped anyone?” the rhetorical questions took jabs, she blinked uncaringly, “-such a sad display isn’t worth thy time...”

“-Should have left me to die,” she held his wrist and pulled, “-I don’t have anything to live towards.”

“If thee wish to die,” he dropped on one knee, “-you’ve come to the wrong place. I suppose a very painful death would have fallen if I hadn’t interjected. Pardon me for being a curious soul,” he reached and pulled a knife from the pocket dimension, “-here, a blade forged in the bowels of, well, something along the line of hell?” it landed at her side, “-doesn’t sound impressive, the bowels of something,” he climbed, “-Athena, if thee wish to die, please be my guest. I’ll wait and dispose of the body. However,” a deep glare flung over the shoulder, “-if vengeance is thy desire, if thee wishes for the wrongs to be right, let’s sign a contract – a deal between you and I. Doth thee wish a deal with the devil?”

“What type of deal?”


“And I say I want gods to pay for their crimes?”


“Depends,” he faced forward and lit a cigar, “-what good will killing a few celestials bring. Understand, mindless revenge is the worst,” he puffed, “-no action nor fun.”

“A deal is a deal,” she clambered, fought pain in her legs and back, “-no questioning my reasons.”

“Very well,” half a circle warped between each party, “-swear on thy name, offer thine blood, thus shalt be our alliance.”

“Making a deal with the devil,” she scoffed and pricked her thumb – a golden glow dribbled as opposed to blood, it splattered across an ancient symbol. An ominous cloud of mystery rose from the ashes, it exploded into a dense fog. Growls and cries wailed in the echoey distance, crimson-colored eyes lit at vague distances, “-are you really the devil?” she blinked.

“I was given the title, suppose I am,” he kept a smug smile and clenched his fist. *AHHH,* the sound of a lit fuse carried quickly, a symbol, a simple circle, burnt on the side of her neck, “-consider the symbol a blank check,” he smiled, “-nothing in the middle means I haven’t decided the payment for when the job is complete,” a deep inhale, rearranged thoughts, he blinked and waved, the simple gesture tore the mist from reality. The clear sky felt dull – on a whim, Igna stared at the sky and clapped. Clouds summoned as did a sudden rumbling of thunder, “-there, rain and lightning to set the mood.”

Athena gawked, her mouth slightly opened at the nonchalant display of power, “-Igna?”

“Changing the weather is easy,” he shrugged, “-all one ought to do is use the massive pool of mana left unused. You see, goddess, there is much we have to discuss.” Following the display of strength, the duo struggled to exit the dense grove.

“So much for being almighty?” commented Athena.

“Don’t,” he chuckled, all the while fighting stray branches, uneven ground, the sudden interjection of rocks abled to twist ankles without warning – a clearing rose in the distance. Lights flashed on and off, “-Pops, here,” waved the blasé Vanesa, her repeated assault on the headlights brought a genuine smile on Igna’s face.

“Where are we?”

“Hidros,” he replied.

“Hidros...” she looked around; “-the air sure feels different.”

“Let’s chat in the car,” he hopped in the driver’s seat.

Vanesa reluctantly climbed into the back seat, “-I called it,” she yawned, “-a fallen celestial.”

On starting the engine, a confused stare from Athena landed on a nonchalant frown, “-I get it,” he reached and locked the door, “-seems the goddess has much to learn in the mortal world. Here I thought we were friends...”

“I forgot, ok?” her eyes rolled, “-time passes differently, and I guess, I forgot how humanity worked?”

“Yeah, enough excuses,” the tires screeched till facing a vague direction towards Rosespire.

“What did the little lady mean by called it?”

“If not for her, I’d have driven past. Enough about her, tell me about you, how does a high-tier goddess fall into the mortal realm?”

“I don’t remember exactly. Here goes nothing,” she sunk into a pensive expression, “-the heavenly realm isn’t much fun, therefore, I usually spent my time in my realm; Athens. I know, don’t look surprised. I don’t much care for innovative names, what matters is inside anyway. I spent most of my days within the Garden of Lone, painting, sculpting, name it, and I’d have done it. There were rumors of demons starting a rebellion, something to do with the rise of the fallen king, Alfred. I dismissed the rumors, content on spending my day painting. I couldn’t help shake a feeling of misplay, I headed to Zeus’s realm, the heavenly castle. It was supposed to be a casual visit – when I arrived, all was in chaos, the calm and composure was gone just like that. Zeus’s slumber had followers run to the next leader in search of faith and guidance. Lixbin had a field day controlling the masses, the other gods strengthened their realm, those of lesser power joined factions, a united front against the rise of demons. Rumors of Alfred had the heaven in fear. At said visit, I came to spot Lucifer and Lixbin chatting. I nonchalantly went and joined their conversation. The topic was the sudden death of angels, those present said viciously shaped hands clawed through heaven’s gate, grabbed angels, and pulled them to the mortal realm. Pure terror flashed on Lucifer’s face. He vowed to undo the harm caused by said hands, after which, he descended. Lixbin tried hiding his convincing sneer, we both knew it was impossible for him. Next arrived the news of Lucifer’s disappearance – heaven and hell shuddered. Reports spoke of Lucifer’s defeat; some said the prince was found in a weakened form at the entrance of the Aapith nation. The domain between each faction, Draebala, suffered a surge in power, celestials and demons flew to the warring domain – Celestials blamed Lucifer for Zeus’s slumber, demons blamed celestials for having masterminded the arrival of Alfred to lure Lucifer. Ancient texts speak of Alfred as the only entity able to best Demons and Gods alike. As if it wasn’t enough – efforts to halt the rise of Titans failed, the eternal abyss shattered, ancient demons and their leader, Kronos – part of him, rallied behind a distant domain. As for I, the gods called a council to best discuss ways of stopping the demons – the arguments ranged, things grew violent. Death, Creation, and Time were pulled from the equation, the pillars holding the power balance are nowhere to be found. The symbols of power are gone, many rose the nonsense of a mortal possessing each symbol. We laughed as said proposal came from a faction under Lucifer’s control. As goddess, I chastised and mocked the very idea – a simple soul can never hold such power. After the meeting – I received a message from Hermes, the last thing I remember was being hit in the head,” she looked at her forearm, “-my symbol’s gone, my owl,” she sighed, the beautifully stern visage bordered woe and loathing.

“At the risk of sounding rude. Goddess Athena, are you or are you not the goddess of war and wisdom, one of the strongest, if not, the strongest deity within the heavenly realm. Heroes of war, demi-gods, and plenty in between have sought thee for advice. How, and I mean, how, does one so high in the pecking order... fall?”

“Complacency,” she shrugged, “-if not for a certain someone, I’d have kept my wits about me. Instead, my focus was drawn into putting emotions on canvases, I wanted to see the world from many different points of view.”

“I’m honored,” he laughed, to which she flung a deeply judgmental leer.

“Your turn,” she reached and pulled his face from the road, “-can’t help notice the scars, where are the symbol of power?”

“Truth be told, the story has merit. Death and Time are in the hands of a mortal. Creation’s symbol is in the heir’s possession. Rumors about Lucifer’s defeat are true,” headstrong outside the windshield, “-I stole his wings, I killed the angels, and the reason the heavenly and demonic realm is about to crash are results Lixbin’s scheme. I served my own purpose, after knowing my true origin, how I was forsaken by everything, I sought to regain what I’d lose. To my surprise, the life of Staxius gathered the necessary tools for my ultimate ascension. Alas, Lucifer knew, perhaps he understood my actions of which were deprived of hidden motive. I wanted power – he killed me and cursed my soul. I can never be a god, my soul stained from walking the righteous path. I wonder if it was for the better – in the end, I reached the title of Watcher, a position above godhood. Goddess Athena, I wouldn’t put it past to say the downfall was the result of my actions. Therefore,” he lowered his guard, “-on the contract we forged, I hereby offer myself in judgment,” the car screamed to a stop, he stepped out, walked to her door, pulled the handle, and gestured for her to exit, “-here,” he dropped Tharis into her cupped hands and shuffled away, dropped on his knees on the side of the road, bound his hand at his back and relaxed, “-the anger, the hate, channel said power into the weapon, it will respond to the emotion. I advise stepping closer and placing the barrel against my head for insurance. My word is my word – take the first step in clearing the anger.”

“Igna,” ire fueled her face, she shakily rose her hand.

“WALK CLOSER!” he shouted; “-else you’ll miss.”

“Playing mind games, toying with my emotions,” she gritted, “-how do I know you’re not bluffing. I will pull this trigger.”

“And I count on it,” he returned sincerely, “-if I’m the bane of why a famed goddess was banished – I love nothing more than answering for what I’ve caused. Swear by the name of Tharis, judgment, and justice will be delivered.”

The shaky forearm stepped closer, she blinked – within her heart laid far more than mere hatred, betrayal, rejection. Bane of her downfall laid with a lowered guard on the side of the street, rain followed – droplets washed her oily visage.

“Stop stalling.”

Rain muffled her footsteps, a hard, cold surface pressed against the back of his head, “-there, that’s it,” he grinned sadistically, “-pull the trigger,” the eyes closed, ‘-a nice way to end.’

“WATCH OUT!” she screamed and tore the gun from his head, strong presences flew shy above the street, “-REVENGE FOR LUCIFER!” they cried, a volley of projectile spells flung, Athena sidestepped, *AEGIS* a golden shield summoned, a wave defected the first volley, a summoned spear flung across and impaled an attacker. The deflected spells scattered and exploded extreme balls of fire, in what seemed to be a mist – turns out, the shape was a gathering of similar strength demons. Athena held strong with her shield on which laid Medusa’s head, a flick opened the latter’s eyes into a wash of grey, part of the frontlines fell.

“Guess now isn’t the time,” Igna placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled, “-watch,” the hands pressed, wings sprouted, a burst of fire gathered, he twirled and concentrated the surrounding mana and flicked a tiny beam impaled carried across the swarm, it lit the demons, they laughed, as did Igna, *Die* the highly condensed beam expanded in a deafening boom – the whole area shook, echoes reached the cacophonous Rosespire. Left in its wake was a giant fissure that devastated the street, nothing save dust and rubbles laid, “-job well done,” he spun and smiled.

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