The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl

Chapter 213 - Chapter 213: Chapter 209: A Virtuous Wife Brings Prosperity to Three Generations_1

Chapter 213: Chapter 209: A Virtuous Wife Brings Prosperity to Three Generations_1

Translator: 549690339

After speaking, the Han Family lady briskly walked home, carrying her son in her arms.

Her thoughts churned all the way home.

This matter, her husband must not find out about it.

Her time in jail already disgusted him, if he found out that Wanwan had become a low-class citizen…

She didn’t dare continue that thought, considering how her husband might treat her afterward.

The Jiang family, they’d blabbed to the leader of the Chen Clan. There was no hope of hiding it any longer. Maybe soon, it’ll make the rounds through the whole village, even the entire town, what would she do then?

The more Han Juniang thought about it, the more resentful she felt towards the Jiang family. With a heavy heart, she carried her son and headed home.

The Chen matriarch Feng was stepping out of the house and saw her daughter-in-law and immediately wore a cold expression. “Where are you off to carrying Xubao again? Didn’t we tell you not to go wandering? Is there not enough room at home for you?” she questioned critically.

Han didn’t dare talk back to her mother-in-law and stammered meekly, “I just went to visit the clan leader’s house. I didn’t go anywhere else.”

Upon hearing her visiting the clan leader’s house, Feng’s expression softened slightly but she still wore a hard face, “Stop wasting time and start making the meal, your husband will need it soon, don’t leave him hungry.”

She then disdainfully looked at the child in Han’s arms. Heading back into the house, she emerged carrying two eggs which she took into the kitchen and set down near the stove. “Make a sweet egg tea for your husband, put more sugar, he likes it sweet.”

“I understand.” Han placed her son in the wicker basket and started to prepare the water for boiling.

Seeing there was no firewood in the stove, she went outside to the yard to grab some.

Just as she stepped out, her son started bawling loudly.

Han immediately rushed back to check on him.

Seeing her darling son crying with a runny nose, holding out his chubby hands wanting to be held, made her heart ache. She quickly picked him up and started comforting him.

Feng came out of the house fuming, “Which child doesn’t cry at all? Look at you spoiling the child till it becomes a liability. He’s ten months old, and you are still holding him day and night. What, are you planning on holding him for the rest of his life? You never once held Wanwan or Chen Zhao when they were kids, but now all of a sudden you’ve become a doting mother? Stop coddling him and go make the tea.”

Han turned around and kept her back towards Feng, as she held her son and comforted him, resentment filling her heart.

Feng knew very well that her hands were tied with the baby, yet she still asked Han to make egg tea. The damn woman did nothing herself, not even looking at the child, but had the gall to command her around.

To make matters worse, she also sent Chen Zhao, her second daughter to become an apprentice, leaving her without any help even at night, as Xubao was quite the handful.

Feng, after seeing her daughter-in-law sulking got even angrier and yelled, “You think you can ignore me? He has stopped crying now, what are you still holding him for? You deliberately want to go against me, don’t you?”

Han turned towards her mother-in-law, suppressing her feelings of resentment and said, “Mother, it’s not that I don’t want to put him down, but the midwife said that male children will get hernias if they cry too much.”

This took Feng aback briefly before she angrily retorted, “I raised three sons, none of whom needed to be held all day, and they all grew up just fine. But your precious son, he can’t even cry now!”

Han lowered her eyes and softly said, “Mother, why don’t we let Chen Zhao come back? If she could help with Xubao, I could manage the household chores.”

As soon as Feng heard this, she exploded in anger, pointing at Han and scolded, “What the hell is wrong with you, plotting behind my back? It was I who sent Chen Zhao away. She is a girl, and learning a skill could help her find a good family. Being around you all day could tarnish her reputation.”

“Mother!” All of a sudden, Han lost her temper, yelled, “How have I been tarnishing her reputation?”

Feng staggered back a step as her daughter-in-law yelled at her. She stared at her for a moment then slapped her, exclaiming, “You dare to yell at me! It was a mistake to have rescued you back then! You ungrateful wretch!”

Han did not expect her mother-in-law to hit her, something that had never happened before. This sudden turn of events filled her with panic, dissipating her hostility.

She was terrified, afraid that her mother-in-law in her anger might discard her, as disrespecting one’s elders is a valid reason for divorce.

Ten-month-old Xubao was so scared by Chen Feng’s actions that he began to wail, which broke Han Family’s heart. She decided to carry her son and escape into the room, avoiding her mother-in-law’s rage.

Chen Feng was so angered by her daughter-in-law’s attitude that it was like a pain in her liver. She turned and returned to the main room, grinding her teeth and saying, “Once Erlang finishes his county exam, we might as well divorce her.”

Dealing with such a troublesome thing every day could shorten her life by ten years.

Old Chen Changping, sitting cross-legged on the kang flipping through an account book, didn’t even lift an eyelid. “Han Family’s parents are gone, there’s no way to divorce her.”

Because one of the three unbreakable rules is: if a wife had parents when she got married, but they have passed away when her husband wants to divorce her, leaving the wife without a homeland to return to, the husband cannot divorce her.

Otherwise, not only would the man be beaten, but he would also have to serve a year and a half in prison.

And Han Family is in this situation.

Even without this rule, Han Family cannot be divorced temporarily, because Han’s younger sister has been favored by a prominent staff member in Prefecture City.

If the Chen Family dared to divorce Han, it wasn’t guaranteed that Han’s younger sister wouldn’t seek revenge on Chen Changping.

With just one word from that staff member, her son’s future could be ruined.

So old Chen Changping could not take this risk.

“So what do you suggest we do? Just let her wreak havoc at home?” Chen Feng sat down on the kang, huffing angrily at her husband.

Old Chen Changping, “Once Erlang passes his exams, we’ll move to the county. Let Han Family stay alone in the countryside; there are still several dozen acres of farmland. Let her endure here by herself.”

That way, out of sight, out of mind.

The last time Han Family sold more than a hundred acres of good farmland at home, it almost drove old Chen Changping mad, he wanted to strangle this worthless woman with a rope.

What kind of bad luck did the old Chen Family have to deal with, to have such a daughter-in-law.

He had painstakingly accumulated some wealth, only for it to be ruined by this stupid woman.

As the old saying goes, a virtuous wife brings prosperity for three generations, while a wicked wife can ruin a lifetime.

His second son was almost ruined by this woman.

Old Chen Changping gritted his teeth in hatred whenever he thought of the past events.

If it weren’t for the fact that the child in her belly was Erlang’s, he would have killed her on the way to Prefecture City.

Chen Feng was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: “We shouldn’t have saved Han Family in the first place. Now what? She’s always running around, she has no shame at all. If Xubao grows up under Han Family’s influence, will he amount to anything? Our Chen Family having such a grandson is worse than without.”

Chen Changping squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, shaking his head, “No matter what, Xubao is Erlang’s only son. Let’s see what happens. ”

If Erlang becomes a scholar next year, let him first take a concubine and have a son or daughter, then we can discuss further.

Han Family cannot always be Erlang’s lawful wife, or else the descendants of his old Chen Family will be ruined by her.

Yes, they should let Han Family die of illness in the old house then.

In the countryside, it’s nothing unusual for a woman to die at home. Those who die from childbirth, those who commit suicide out of suffering, and those who are beaten to death by their husbands and then claimed to have died of a sudden disease, the majority are never brought to justice.

When it comes to troublesome in-laws, a bit of silver coins can usually send them off.

There’s a saying “people don’t complain and officials don’t investigate.” Even if someone suspects that the daughter-in-law was beaten to death by her husband’s family, who would willingly stick their neck out to cause trouble?

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