Chapter 1361: I Only Want You (59)

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

Jing Chu answered, “No.”

He got out of bed and handed her a bathrobe. “Go take a shower and change into this. I’ll bring you out of here later.”

She grabbed the bathrobe and headed to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror to see that the fire had left lots of bald spots on her scalp. She was overwhelmed with excruciating pain. If she had not fallen off the cliff in time, she would have become charred.

She dared not take a thorough shower, for fear that she would aggravate her wounds. Hence, she came out of the bathroom soon after.

At this moment, the sky had yet to brighten. Pei Yi brought her away from the tourist attraction.

He had initially wanted to stay for a few more days. However, he decided that it would be fine to leave now too.

Jing Chu would need her passport to leave the nation. Hence, Pei Yi had no choice but to choose to cross the borders illegally for her sake.

He did not get his subordinates to register a passport for Jing Chu because she was stuck in a tricky predicament. They would be in a lot of trouble if the people were to discover that Jing Chu was still alive.

However, it was indeed very uncomfortable to cross the borders illegally by being a stowaway.

There was a twelve-hour time difference between R Nation and S Nation. They left S Nation at eight o’clock in the morning and arrived in R Nation in the morning as well due to the time difference.

Instead of taking her straight to Mount Qingping, Pei Yi brought her back to his own abode instead.

It was a large mansion that strangely did not have any servants.

However, he had hired a part-time maid who would come at regular intervals to tidy the place.

Hence, the mansion was kept spick and span even though he had not lived there for a long time.

“You shall stay here. There’s a supermarket outside. Don’t wander off too far.”

Jing Chu asked softly, “How about you?”

“I won’t be coming back often so stay here by yourself. The security of this estate is rather tight. Those people from S Nation must think that you’re already dead. Hence, no one will come and disturb your peace. I’ll give you my mobile number. Call me if something happens.”

“What am I supposed to do then...?” Jing Chu asked.

Pei Yi scanned her from head to toe and said, “Rest well and recuperate. By the way, come here.”

Jing Chu had no idea what he wanted and thus followed him into the room.

He then walked toward an electronic scale and switched it on. Pointing at the scale, he said, “Stand on it.”

She stepped onto the scale slowly, after which the display showed that she weighed 40 kilograms.

She was tall yet dangerously emaciated.

He whipped out a wad of cash and handed it to her. “I hope you’ll have gained ten kilograms the next time I see you.”

Jing Chu accepted the money.

Fortunately, she had already learned the basic skills of life when she was in the village. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have known what to do with the money either.

Pei Yi left shortly after.

Jing Chu exited from the bedroom and put on his pajamas and his cap before heading to the supermarket outside.

It was rather tough for Jing Chu to live alone in such a spacious house since she did not know how to cook or use household appliances. She could barely read or write either...

Nonetheless, she decided to go out to buy herself some clothes and shoes, as well as some groceries that she filled the refrigerator up with.

She had also bought a cheap mobile phone and saved Pei Yi’s mobile number.

She would strive to learn and pick up the skills she didn’t have and would make an effort to ask for guidance whenever she was stuck. This was the new beginning of her life.


Life went on peacefully for several consecutive days. Both An Xiaoning and Jin Qingyan were extremely worried and anxious about the jade ring. However, there was nothing they could do.

Hence, they had a discussion and decided to stop worrying about things that had yet to happen or stress themselves out unnecessarily.

Apart from the thing that had been bugging them, they lived each day rather interestingly.

It was the middle of December.

It was the winter break for the children in the boot camp.

They were entirely thrilled and felt as if they were birds that had just been freed from their cages.

They were over the moon to know that they no longer had to wake up early in the morning to train and attend lessons, at least not for a period of time.

However, Jin Qingyan was out of sorts because he had to put on a stern front as the children’s father and could no longer go about his carefree ways.

If it weren’t because of how much they resembled each other, Jin Yiheng would have never believed that Jin Qingyan was his father.

He was not at all bothered by Jin Qingyan’s austerity because he had long gotten used to it.

He continued to enjoy a whale of a time at home.

“Daddy, if Yuechan looks for me later, tell her that I’m not home,” Jin Yiheng said while making his way upstairs.

Jin Qingyan looked up and said, “Why must I lie for you?”

“Because you’re my daddy.”

“I have to lie for you just because I’m your daddy? Seems like you haven’t kicked that lying habit of yours. I should have reprimanded you harder.”

Pulling a long face, Jin Yiheng said, “Daddy, do you know what a white lie is? I’m just asking you to tell Yuechan a white lie. If I play with her, Xiaoxi, your daughter-in-law, will be upset. Do you want to see her upset?”

“What has that got to do with me? My wife is not the one getting angry.”

Jin Yiheng frowned and exclaimed in disgruntlement, “Daddy, when I grow up and get married, I definitely won’t stay with you.”

“If you’re that capable, stop living with me starting from now. Besides, did you actually think that I would let you stay here after you get married?” said Jin Qingyan, who was not threatened at all.

Children should never try to argue or talk back to adults, because adults would always have a way to outargue children.

Jin Yiheng was distraught about being punished by Jin Qingyan, who did not allow him to leave the house.

“Uncle, is Yiheng home?”

Jin Qingyan looked at Wen Yuechan and answered, “Yes...”

Just as Wen Yuechan was about to zoom upstairs to look for Jin Yiheng, Jin Qingyan added, “But he doesn’t want to play with you, so don’t come looking for him again.”

Wen Yuechan stood rooted to the ground and clenched her fists tightly. Although she had understood what Jin Qingyan meant, she could not just give up. Hence, she said, “Is... Rongyan home, then?”

Jin Qingyan raised his brows and scanned her from head to toe, only to find that she was rather pretty. “Rongyan is not in. He’s gone to Xiaoxi’s home opposite.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” said Wen Yuechan, who did not have an excuse to go upstairs.

She then left.

Wen Yuechan was dressed in a pink quilted jacket with her hair draped across her shoulders. She had especially dolled herself up before arriving. Yet, she had her spirits dampened.

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