The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 1220 - I Want to Make You Stay (98)

Chapter 1220: I Want to Make You Stay (98)

The path along the corridors from the operating theater to the hospital ward was cleared. Fortunately, the operation ended a while later.

An Xiaoning received some stitches on her head, and there was now a bald spot on the part of her scalp that had been wounded.

“Mr. Jin, Ms. An’s surgery was very successful.”

“Thank you, Doctor. Is she alright?”

“The impact was very forceful, and she’ll definitely suffer some symptoms of concussion...”

Fan Shixin immediately glared daggers at Henry.

Henry avoided eye contact with him and asked the surgeon, “Is her condition serious?”

“It’s not too serious, but it’s not minor either.”

“Administer her with the best medicine.”

“We will.”

Just as the surgeon was about to leave, Fan Shixin stopped him and said, “I hope you’ll keep my Young Madam’s condition confidential. Otherwise, Young Sir will start donating to another hospital instead.”

“Rest assured, our lips are sealed. We’ll never leak any of the news.”


An Xiaoning was sent to the ward, her head bandaged.

The nurse handed Henry An Xiaoning’s mobile phone.

Fan Shixin and Henry were the only ones in the ward.

“The doctor said that she had suffered a great impact. Did you really just give her a little push?” Fan Shixin questioned.

“I felt exceptionally strong in that moment and I managed to push her away with ease...”

Fan Shixin sneered, “Young Sir would never speak to Young Madam harshly, let alone get physical with her. Why didn’t you just kill her?”

Henry was at a loss for words and thus said, “I’ll stay behind to look after her.”

Fan Shixin said, “I’m heading to the office now.”

He turned around and left, closing the door after him.

Henry walked toward the bed and took a seat on a chair. He could not help but feel a strange sense of misery at the sight of An Xiaoning, who was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly shut.

He felt as if someone was ripping his heart apart.

I really didn’t want to hurt her, I really didn’t...

What was with that sudden burst of strength?

Henry sighed and remained seated quietly while waiting for her to wake up.

“Boss, that fellow is calling you again!” Her mobile phone had begun to ring.

Henry whipped out the mobile phone and took a look at the caller display.

It was a call from Wang Jinsheng.

Thinking that it must be something important, he picked up the call and answered, “Hello.”

Slightly taken aback to hear that a man had picked up, Wang Jinsheng asked, “Isn’t this Ms. An’s mobile phone?”

“Yes, is something wrong? She’s not free to talk on the phone right now, so I’ll relay your message to her.”

“Okay, alright. I’m Wang Jinsheng from the archeological team. Tell her that there’s a major discovery at the lakeside, and do also tell her to call me whenever she can.”

“Alright, I’ll get her to call you when she’s available.”


After ending the call, Henry placed the mobile phone on the table and prayed to himself that she would come to as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, An Xiaoning came to. Perhaps his prayers had worked, or perhaps it was just time for her to regain her consciousness.

She had a splitting headache.

After scanning her surroundings with her eyes glassed over and taking a whiff of the smell of antiseptic solution, she accurately guessed that she was in the hospital.

“Are you awake?”

Upon hearing his voice, An Xiaoning looked at him quietly.

“I didn’t do it on purpose...” he added.

“I know. Prop the bed up,” she said, feeling dizzy and nauseated.

He immediately did as instructed and propped the bed up slowly, allowing her to feel much better.

“Bring me a plastic bag.”


He handed her a large black plastic bag, which she then held with both hands and threw up into.

She felt much more relieved after throwing up. He immediately poured her a glass of warm water, which she then used to rinse her mouth with.

An Xiaoning handed him the black plastic bag and said, “Dump it.”

Henry grabbed it and discarded it into the trash can.

“Wang Jinsheng from the archeological team called you to say that there’s a major discovery by the lake.”

“Okay, where’s my mobile phone?”

He handed it to An Xiaoning, who then immediately called Wang Jinsheng.

“What discovery is there?” she asked feebly.

“Ms. An, we found a very special and unique graveyard near the lake. There are four openings, and our team members have entered to take a look inside. It’s dark and spooky, and there are also strange sounds. They got a huge fright and ran out frantically. I thought that they were just being timid and so I tried to go inside to take a look. It was indeed very terrifying.”

“Don’t touch it first. Send some people to keep close tabs. I’m not feeling well right now. I’ll go take a look in another few days.”

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Listen to me, don’t let anyone else enter. Wait for me to arrive.”

“Okay, take care of yourself, then, Ms. An. Come again when you’ve recovered.”


An Xiaoning then called Fan Shixin and said, “Shixin, isn’t it a little inappropriate to hire someone whose identity and profile are unknown?”

Upon hearing her words, Henry immediately said, “I’ll just tell you, will that do?”

An Xiaoning looked down and said to Fan Shixin over the phone, “It’s okay, get back to work.”

She ended the call and said, “Shoot.”

“That girl’s name is Li Baozhen, and she once saved me when I was a child.”

“When you were a child? Do you mean when she was a child?” An Xiaoning questioned.

“When I was a child,” he affirmed.

An Xiaoning was speechless. “You’re already in your thirties and she looks like she’s barely twenty. Are you sure it happened when you were a child?”

“I’m only 24 years old this year. I’m not in my thirties.”


“Actually, I’ve always been trying to find her and her father to thank them personally. I finally found them. Baozhen said that she’d like to work in a corporate office so I agreed to hire her.”

“You’re really fortunate, you’re always being saved by girls,” said An Xiaoning, who could not help but be reminded of Bu Xianxian. She continued, “Wouldn’t everything be fine if you came clean earlier? It’s nothing to be ashamed of, anyway. Why did you have to be so secretive?”

“I just felt that there was no need to tell you about my private matters.”

An Xiaoning closed her eyes and stopped talking to him. She was not in the least bit curious about how that girl had even saved him.

“Why aren’t you talking?”

“Hmm, I don’t feel like talking to you.”

“Didn’t you want to know how I found out about that secret passageway?”

An Xiaoning opened her eyes to look at him. “How did you?”

“I don’t know how I did either. No one told me about it. I just knew it naturally.”

“What do you mean naturally?” An Xiaoning asked in puzzlement.

“I mean, I just had a feeling that there was a secret passageway there.”

An Xiaoning was extremely baffled. Is this a sign of the two personalities becoming one?

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