Chapter 1376

After hearing the word "Yu Yimo", song yean couldn't hear any more words. He clenched his mobile phone, his knuckles were slightly white, his eyes were heavy and cold, and he didn't get angry at all.

It turns out that today Ruan Shishi met Yu Yimo. No wonder she suddenly changed her mind

Song yean clenched his teeth, angry in the chest Sheng Teng, he hesitated, listening to the report of the fourth over there, irritable, immediately hang up the mobile phone, threw aside.

No, he can't wait to die like this!

At this time, a burst of children's laughter came from outside the door. He frowned, his mind flashed, and his heart had a way.

Ruan Shishi's depression lasted until before dinner. Fortunately, a few children ran to play football in the yard noisily. When she looked at them, her discomfort was relieved unconsciously.

At this time, Ms. Liu appeared at the door and called to her, "Shishi, come and have a look at my cake."

Ruan Shishi answered, got up from the small chair at the door, turned around and entered the room. Before she entered the kitchen, she smelled a light sweet smell of cream. She went in and said with a smile, "Mom, when did you learn to bake?"

Liu said with a smile, "since the students."

After a while, she was helping Ms. Liu with the cream. Unexpectedly, there was a confused sound of footsteps outside the kitchen. Sensen and Sasha ran in.

Ruan Shishi was about to give them a taste of the cake she had just made. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that both of them were panic faced, with tears in their eyes. She called pitifully, "Mom..."

Ruan Shishi's heart "clattered" for a moment, and he quickly asked, "what's the matter?"

"Brother Ziji, he He's running out. He's gone! "


Ruan Shishi was so surprised that she didn't even have time to take off her gloves. She ran out and ran to the gate. She saw that the yard was empty. Besides the football on the lawn, she looked around. Where was Ziji?

Ruan Shishi asked the two panicked little guys beside him, "where is Ziji? Do you see that? "

"No, he disappeared as soon as I turned my head..."

Sasha choked with fright and tears in her eyes. "I saw the gate was open, only my brother ran away..."

Ruan Shishi ran to the door. Sure enough, there was a small crack in the door. She ran out and looked left and right. She couldn't see half a figure in the distance!

"Are you sure you read it right?"


Sensen and Sasha shake their heads at the same time.

Ruan Shishi's heart suddenly pulled up and opened his mouth. He felt that his throat was dry, but he couldn't make a sound.

At this time, Ms. Liu also ran over and asked in a panic, "what's the matter? What's the matter? "

Ruan Shishi's nose was sour, but he didn't know how to talk about it. He knew she should have been there for a long time. No one thought that Ziji would disappear after she had left for only ten minutes.

Does he think this family is not good? So you ran away on purpose?

Ruan Shishi's brain roared, but there was no way. Seeing that the sky was dark, it was hard to find even if he ran out at this time.

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