The Villain’s Wife 757 Confusing



When the four of them arrived in the Facci Group, they expected to be welcomed by the executives with Lily and Mr. Rossi. Instead, what they got was the cold and suffocating atmosphere at Lily’s office.

"Good Morning!" Lily beamed the moment she saw the four of them. Contrary to the current atmosphere, Lily’s smile was as brilliant as the sun. This immediately confused Leon and his sons. "Please take your seats." Lily continued.

"We were expecting to see you with everyone else." Herman’s tone was firm. "Is there something wrong?"

"There is," Lily answered. "Let’s discuss it over coffee?" As if on cue, the door of her office opened, revealing Yang Mi with some refreshments.

"Miss Athalia, I asked my staff to include the rarest green tea just for you," Lily added. "I hope you like it."

"Eh? How did you— "

"I remember," Lily answered before she turned towards Leon Corneel. However, her answer did not sit well with Athalia. The latter stared at Lily, a foreboding feeling started to grow inside her as she eyed her fiance who was also giving her a confused gaze. This treatment is surprising for everyone as Lily had been cold to Athalia throughout the visit. This was the first time that she acknowledged the latter by offering some special tea.

However, they did not have the time to think about this as Lily already started talking about the contract.

"You will sign it?" Herman furrowed his brows. "After what happened? You will still sign it?" Surprise flashed in his eyes. Was Lily crazy? How could she even think about signing it? She knew that there had been some tension inside the Corneel Family. While the contract states that the Company will become a subsidiary under Facci Group, it is still technically an independent company that will be run by the Corneels.

However, this setup is hard to accomplish once there is a civil war inside the family that runs it. With the blackmail between Leon and his sons, this arrangement is bound to cause some losses — millions of losses. How could Lily do this?

"Of course. Why won’t I sign it?" she gave them a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. "Is there something wrong?"

"I — It’s just that — we were not expecting you to sign it. After what happened yesterday. The losses are just — its big. And I honestly thought signing it would not be beneficial to you in any way."

"That is true. It is indeed a risk."

"Then?" Rein chimed in. He too did not understand Lily’s point.

"Then... I am changing the contract. I would offer half of the original price. Every executive has signed and agreed to do this. I also— "

"What are you talking about? How could you— "

"Let me finish when I’m talking." Lily snapped at Leon. "How disrespectful."

"You— "

"I also happened to know that you blocked all the news about the incident yesterday. You paid a lot of money to keep it down so it won’t affect your shares. Releasing the news will surely affect your company, no?"

Silence followed Lily’s words as the people opposite her stared at her, half in confusion, half in anguish. Seeing this, Lily smiled and continued. "A company that prided themselves of having topmost security. A company with the least attacks had been raided by pirates twice in a day." She widened her eyes. "Wouldn’t that surprise the whole Oil Industry? Then... of course they will assume that another attack will happen. Many will sell their shares at a lower price, many will panic. What do you think will happen if something like that happens?"

"What is your point?" Herman asked as irritation flashed in his eyes. This was the only thing that he had been afraid of since he heard of the second attack yesterday. This incident will surely damage their company.

"Point is... if you won’t agree to me buying the company with half of the original offer, I will release the news, make it trend for days." Lily beamed.

"You are trying to blackmail us?" Leon hissed as the realization hit him. This is something that they could just decide without the approval of the board. Why is Lily making it difficult for everyone? That man said Lily was an extremely greedy person. Was it possible that she did all this, including the piracy just so she could buy the company shares half of the price?

"Call it whatever you want." Lily shrugged.

"We can’t just do that without the approval of the board. That means this will extend the process. Are you making my father sign the documents without the executives knowing of this matter? That — That is not possible." Herman said. Until now, Lily’s words make little sense.

"Well, then... " Amusement flashed in Lily’s eyes. "Yang Mi? Tell Yuanfeng to release it."

"What? Wait! What are you doing?" Both Herman and Rein panicked while their father was staring at Lily with a troubled expression on his face. When he called Mr. Yi earlier, the latter promised that he would help him, however, he wanted Lily to buy the company at all costs. This was the only condition that he would give him. Leon immediately agreed.

"I agree." Leon’s words immediately surprised his sons. Both stood from their seat, eyes wide, mouth agape.

"Are you out of your mind?" Rein approached his father. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Rein calm down." His older brother said as he held his brother’s arm. "Calm down."

"No! This old man is too idiotic." He glared at his father. "Do you understand what you are doing? Just because your friend wanted you to do this... does not mean that— "


It was as if someone had dumped a cold bucket of water into Leon and his son’s head as they realized the words that Rein said. Everyone turned their heads towards Lily.

"Too bad..." Lily said before she smiled, interrupting the thick silence inside the room. "I just decided not to buy it."


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