The Villain's Wife

Chapter 715 Not Anymore

The Villain’s Wife 715 Not Anymore

Chapters are unedited for now. I can’t access google docs.


"You — You are choosing to side with her?"

He immediately scowled at her words. "What are you talking about?"

"Why would you not do something to avenge me?"

Xuan Hui shook his head, helplessness apparent in his eyes. "Qin Fei — You should stop this nonsense."

"Or what?" Tears started streaming in her eyes. "Hui... I felt that — are you regretting marrying me instead of Lily?" This was a question that had been bugging her since Lily came back. "Are you? Was it because she is prettier than me now? She is more influential?"

"Qin Fei... you are tired. You should rest, sleep. I still needed to finish a lot of things for the upcoming board meeting."

"Does this mean that you really like her?"

"Qin Fei— "

"No! I want your answer! I want to hear your answer now! Did you regret marrying me? Did you regret everything that you did to hurt Lily in the past? Answer me!"

"Yes!" Xuan Hui’s lips trembled as he watched the sadness into his wife’s face. "Qin Fei... I am tired!" He added. "I am tired of everything! I am tired of you always asking me these questions! I am tired of you wanting to become whatever it is that you could think of while ignoring our son! I am so tired of you... not trusting me!"

"You — You treacherous creature!" Qin Fei yelled before she threw her phone on the bookshelves behind his seat. The loud sound of her phone hitting the walls echoed inside the room, "You created me! You made me not trust you! You made me pregnant! You made me insecure about my body! You — it’s you who made me this way!"

Xuan Hui’s stared at Qin Fei’s face for a few minutes before sighing. "I guess... marrying each other was really a mistake." He slumped into his leather chair, defeat apparent in his face.

"What did you say?" Qin Fei asked. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me, Qin Fei... We can’t always act like this. We are already parents! We have a son, a life together! We have a future and yet you — You keep on drowning into your insecurities! Your jealousy!"

"What are you saying?" Qin Fei sobbed. "Did you forget what you did to me? Hui! You cheated on me with my cousin! You sleep with another woman!" She walked in front of his table. "You promise me you will only love me!"

"It was a mistake! Something that would never happen again! I thought — I thought we already move past this? I thought you already forgave me?"

"Forgive? It was so easy to say — "Tears continued to flow on her cheeks. "How could I forget? How could I forget killing someone for you!? Tell me? Xuan Hui? How could I forget that because of what you did... I killed my own cousin!?" She stared at her hands. "And now you are saying that you made a mistake? That you are regretting everything? You — How dare you!?"

"Feifei — "Slowly, his eyes turned gentle. "Can we at least... move on from this?" How could Qin Fei keep on bringing things like this up? "If you want to keep this relationship, then I believe we should forget about the past. Everything about it. It is best that we move on and just stop thinking about Lily and Zhou Jingren. Let’s focus on our life instead."

Despite his anger and regrets, Xuan Hui could not deny the fact that he loved Qin Fei. "Let’s do our best to save this relationship, Qin Fei... this is for our own child." Lily seemed to have ignored them when they didn’t do something to offend her. So why not just continue avoiding her? They have avoided her for half a year now... isn’t that an achievement on their part?

"So... you just wanted us to stay like this forever? Act like Lily’s slaves, working for her company while she earned all the profits? Qin Industries is supposed to be mind!" Qin Fei raged. She then recalled the things that her new friends told her earlier. "Xuan Hui! The only thing that would make me find peace is by taking everything that is supposed to be mine! That woman took everything from me! The business! My parents! My brother! Lily took everything from me!"

"And what would be the cost of this?" Xuan Hui asked. "Can’t you see? The fight hasn’t even started yet and we are already losing. Years ago, we took away from Lily and now... she took something from us in return. Qin Fei... can’t you see? This is Karma. The Karma that we deserved from hurting someone all those years ago!" He let out another sharp breath. "I am so tired, Qin Fei."

Seeing Qin Fei just started bawling, Xuan Hui added. "I am so tired of being your doormat. I am so tired of adjusting, thinking, and hoping that everything will be alright soon. I am just so tired of sitting here and thinking about what you are doing every day because I am too scared that your jealousy will eat you up and you will end up offending Lily!"

"I am so tired of everything. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I never met you! Sometimes... I think about what would have happened if I didn’t enable this behavior of yours. If I — If I did not tolerate this terrible attitude. If I didn’t spoil you!"

"Xuan Hui— "

"And Yes... I am wondering what would happen if I divorce you."

His words came like a thunderbolt towards Qin Fei. She stilled and stared at her husband’s serious expression. "Don’t you love me anymore?"

"I am saying that once I knew that you tried to offend Lily again, I will file the divorce myself and ask the court that you are an unfit mother. You do not deserve to see our son and you needed to undergo a treatment in a mental facility before you will be given visitation rights." He answered with a straight face. "I still love you, Qin Fei. The Gods know how much I regretted feeling this way. However — loving you do not mean that I would tolerate these actions. Not anymore."

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