The Villain’s Wife 704 Disneyland

Lily had already expected Eliza and Levi’s arrival. What she did not expect was the fact that Levi and Qin Yuanfeng would actually bond over video games! What was more surprising was seeing Zhou Jingren join in on them!

Lily was all smiles. She had never seen her husband this excited about little things like a game. However, she also understood that this was something that Zhou Jingren never had when he was a child.

"Well... I don’t know how to play those games." Eliza grumbled before sipping her orange juice. Her eyes were glued at the gigantic screen in front of them. "Do you know how to play any of those games?"

"No," Lily responded. In fact, she had never seen Zhou Jingren play any video games before. "I don’t think I am good enough to play those games. And I am a very petty person. I hate losing. I don’t want to hate someone over a game."

"Same," Eliza uttered. "My elder brother never played games while growing up. He took his responsibilities very seriously and was all about the throne and learning everything about it. However, Levi and I are different."

Lily pursed her lips in response. Seeing this, Eliza continued. "By the way, my elder sister asked me to give you some tea that would be good for pregnancy. And... mother also asked me to give this to you." She handed a black velvet box about the size of her hand. "It’s a moon rock that belongs to Grandpa Frederick. Mother said you should have it. This was given by a friend who went and harvested these rocks from the moon around the seventies. We don’t really know who gave him this piece of rock, but it is pretty valuable and expensive."

When Lily opened the box, her eyes immediately widened. She heard about Moon Rock costing millions per gram and she was expecting to be given a small rock, maybe the size of her pinky.


The rock lying inside the box was as half as big as Lily’s fist. It was enclosed in another glass-like box that seemed to have a mechanism that would need someone to enter a password to open it. "A password?"

"We have no idea how to open the glass." Eliza laughed. "I think my grandfather knew how to open it. But my father doesn’t. Of course, this is not the reason why we decided to give it to you. It’s just that... this is rightfully yours."

Lily closed the box and smiled. "Thank you." She immediately wondered why her grandfather didn’t bring this when he left Luxembourg. Was it possible that he actually didn’t see the value of the rock? Maybe his love for Lilian is greater than this rock? Lily chuckled at her own thoughts.

Maybe her grandfather just didn’t want to risk going back to see his father again. She thought. "This is such a precious gift," Lily uttered.

"As I said... it is rightfully yours." Eliza then let out a yawn. "I feel really sleepy. Jetlag maybe?"

"Of course. You should go and rest. I will tell Levi to sleep too. I will ask someone to call you down for dinner?"

"Dinner? Can you bring us somewhere?" Eliza beamed. "Maybe an eastern restaurant in Hong Kong?"

"I was already planning too." Lily chuckled. "It would be nice to enjoy dinner in one of the prestigious restaurants here in the City."

Eliza let out another yawn. "My elder sister tried to convince my mother to change her schedule so she could come too. She said she wanted to see your belly. Isn’t she weird?" Eliza rolled her eyes. "She already has kids of her own and still wants to get pregnant. I don’t see the point, really." Shrugging, she finished her juice. "As much as I love my nieces and nephews, I can’t see myself getting pregnant and having my own children in the future."

"That is because you haven’t found the person that you want to spend your life with." Lily smiled.

"Actually, I already have someone that I will spend my life with. Or at least... that’s what father said." Eliza gave another shrug before rolling her eyes. "For our country." Sarcasm apparent in her tone.

Eliza then turned towards Lily. "I envy you. You have a grandmother like Lilian and a grandfather that could leave everything behind just for the woman that he loved."

"Is this such a sad topic?" Lily forced a grin. Of course, Eliza would say this as she didn’t experience all the things that Lily went through. After all, it was always easy to say that we were envious of someone when we don’t really have an idea about their past or their pain. "Why are we even talking about this?" She raised an eyebrow.

A flash of sadness glinted in Eliza’s eyes before she smiled. "You’re right. We should just enjoy this vacation with everyone."

"You should. I will bring you to different places in Hong Kong. We can even go to Disneyland, though, I might not be able to walk a lot." Now that Lily thought about it, she had never been to Disneyland in Hong Kong.

"Disneyland is for kids," Eliza responded with a low chuckle.

"For kids or adults, it doesn’t matter. Disneyland is a joyful place." Lily beamed. "We should go. And this is not a suggestion."


"Of course! Isn’t it nice to be a kid sometimes?"

Eliza immediately turned silent at her words. It took her a few seconds before she nodded and beamed at Lily. "You are right," Eliza said. "We should go with everyone. It will be fun." Eliza thought when was the last time that she had fun in a place for kids. Yes, that was almost twenty years ago.

When she was still so small, she could not even remember what she did in that place as she spent most of her time sleeping. Moreover, like royalties, they could not just spend some time in a very crowded place like Disneyland as children.

Well... they could. But that would require renting the entire place and not letting anyone in for security purposes. Spending all your time, alone in a huge place like Disneyland doesn’t sound so fun, right?


Proofreader: Dragon777

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