The Villain’s Wife 669 Illogical

When Lily reached the Facci Group, she was surprised to know that Qin Yuanfeng hadn’t left his office for two nights in a row.

"You did this just so you could watch Chen Shi?" Lily asked as she made herself comfortable on the couch that he was using as his bed. "I should probably buy you a bed, and renovate this office so you can actually live here."

Qin Yuanfeng didn’t say anything, instead, he handed Lily a stack of newly printed drawings. "My office." He uttered, his eyes on his computers. "Floor plan."

"This... You are planning to buy a property at the Peak?"

"Hmmm. I want a house so I can create an underground office with all the securities measures I want."

"Then good. I won’t have any problems." She nodded as she examined the floor plan that also included what he wanted for this office. "So? Do you have something new for me?"

"Hmmm... I feel like someone is trying to pry on your security cameras. I am not sure so I trying to stalk them in case they will show themselves again."

"Security? In our house?" A line appeared in between Lily’s brows.

"Yes. With the technology that we have now, no one is really safe from other people. I already installed all the security precautions for all of your CCTV’s. This includes the GPS in your car. I already told Jingren about this."

As expected, Lily turned silent. She stared at the stack of papers on her hand as her mind started swirling into a direction that she did not want to explore. She could feel a different kind of suspicion building inside her.

"Also... check out the folder next to you. That’s the file on that petroleum company." He added, interrupting Lily’s stupor in the process. Sensing that Lily had turned silent, Qin Yuanfeng turned his head towards her. "Is there something wrong?"

"No." She lied. Lily felt that the only person who could understand her gut feeling was her husband. "Thank you." Lily turned towards the file. She then absentmindedly started reading each of the people in the file.

For some reason, Lily had this feeling that someone was indeed watching her. At first she thought, this was only because her hormones were all over the place and that she was actually over thinking— something that was normal for her. Maybe her tendency to overthink became illogical because of her hormones? Who knows.

"The people who own this company are clean. Not the spotless clean type as they still have their own skeletons hiding in their closet. However, I don’t think they are suspicious. Maybe they only want to do this because they know that the influence of Facci Group could help them." Qin Yuanfeng said, while typing mercilessly on his keyboard. "It’s up to you." He added.

Lily shrugged in response. This is not something that she could just decide after one night. She thought before she continued reading the files on her hand.


What Lily didn’t know was that someone was trying to scheme against her through Zhou Jingren.

"Your wife has been acting like a saint in front of you while causing chaos everywhere." Liu Chin said, her eyes straight towards Zhou Jingren. "Before Xun Yiyi left, she stayed at your mansion. After that, she talked to my grandfather and showed him the proof that your wife had in our family. I came here to tell you that she is not the type of person that you think she is." She said, her shrill voice echoed inside Zhou Jingren’s office. She laid the images of Lily and Madam He together on top of Zhou Jingren’s table before pushing it towards him.

"I printed it out in case you won’t believe me. Or in case, she lies and says that she did not manipulate that woman into ruining Gannon’s life." She added.

"Miss Liu... you came in here... demanding to see me or that you will release this news to the media?" Zhou Jingren said, ignoring the photos in front of him. "You are threatening me."

"Mr. Zhou... I know what I did was pretty harsh but as you can see... I am desperate. My grandfather just removed my brother out of his will and his company. I don’t even know if he removed me too. But he is threatening to remove my mother from his will too. Your wife caused this." Liu Chin lifted her chin, confidence apparent in his eyes.

In Liu Chin’s mind, Lily was very good at acting like a saint in front of her husband. To her, there is no way that Zhou Jingren knew about his wife’s nasty and scheming behavior. Any man would despise a woman like that. A woman too intimidating and evil will always end up alone.

"I see... so you wanted to release the news that my wife helped Madam He in ruining your lives?"

She nodded.

"Are you going to include the evidence that Madam He showed to your grandfather? Including you and your mother threatening her life?"

"You— " It was as if a lump magically appeared in her throat. Her eyes widened at Zhou Jingren’s words. "You knew."

"Miss Liu... let me ask you this.... What makes you think that I don’t know what kind of woman my wife is?" He chuckled. Liu Chin must have grown up in a place where her mother acted differently when her husband was around. "I would assume that you had a very sad childhood." Zhou Jingren said.

"I— This is personal... I— " She stuttered. Her mother was always kind and sweet around her father. While she was not as gentle when he was not there. Her mother always told her to adapt to situations and to always— always please her soon to be husband. This led her to believe that all women were like this.

Treacherous creatures who acted like sheeps in front of their husband while revealing their devilish side when they were not with him.

"Miss Liu... what made you think that it was actually Lily who manipulated Madam He into sending those proof and not me?" Zhou Jingren raised an eyebrow.


Proofreader: Dragon777

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