The Villain’s Wife 667 A Favor

Liu Chin narrowed her eyes at Lily. She did not believe any of her words. However, coming here was useless. They already knew she wouldn’t say anything about this matter. She gritted her teeth, anger apparent in her eyes. "The next time that you try to ruin us..."

"There will be no next time." Lily said. "Don’t come onto my property again. And I won’t touch your family. This is only fair." Lily beamed. Of course she won’t do anything to them. But this does not mean Madam He won’t.

"Mother... let’s go. We are wasting our time by coming here." Liu Chin said, her eyes were still glued to Lily. "I am telling you... we know it was you and we will be watching you!" She squinted her eyes before she held her mother’s hands and left the terrace with a sinister smile on her face.

She knew Lily won’t stop dabbling into their lives. Did Lily really think they wouldn’t retaliate? Liu Chin sneered inwardly.

"You should come back here." Lily uttered softly before ending her call. She then waited for Madam He to come back and join her. Lily turned her head to see Madam He walking towards her. As expected, Madam He’s face was already a mess. Her eyes were once again swollen, her face pale.

"The Liu Family is really something." Lily said. "Marching in here just to tell me to stop following you around so they can hurt you? How sinister."

"Did you tell my husband about what I did?"

"Of course not." Lily said. "Why would I even do that? Will that benefit me?" She lied. "And I already told you I won’t involve myself in this matter."

"Then... who...."

"That should be a question you need to ask your husband. Or... I can try and find it out for you."

Madam He lowered her gaze. The conversation earlier in between Lily and the Liu’s echoed in her head. "Then... were they really planning to— "

"To be honest, it makes sense." Lily interrupted her. "They wanted you to stop following Gannon around. A simple no would not make it through your thick skull. If I was Madam Liu, I would do the same. Of course, I would do it in a more meticulous and quick way."

Madam He gulped. Lily had always been direct to her. And to be honest, she quite liked it when Lily was being honest and harsh. Her direct words might hurt sometimes but it was the truth she needed to hear. "I understand." She let out a sigh before lifting her head. "So... did you really ask your people to follow me around?"

"Don’t flatter yourself. " Lily retorted. "I was not concerned about your welfare. I was only doing it to check if you will really follow Gannon around. You know... I like gossip sometimes."

Madam He turned her head away, a small smile blossomed on her face. Lily might have said harsh words but she could still feel her concern towards her. "Thank you." Without Lily’s people following her around, who knows what the Liu’s would have done to her? While Madam He knew Lily might lie to her, she also had this gut feeling inside her telling her to trust Lily’s words.

She knew Lily might be lying, she might be trying to manipulate her right now. But she did not care. Lily was a friend. The type of friend that would always tell her that she looked ugly in her dress. The one friend that would always tell her the harsh truth. The only friend she needed right now.

"Thank you is a mere word. You owe me one favor now." Lily met her eyes. "Soon... I will ask for a favor and you are not allowed to say no to me."

"Of course." Madam He smiled. She knew that there is no such thing as free lunch in this world. Another sigh escaped her lips. It’s funny how she did not like Lily when they first met. She thought Lily was a threat, another pretty woman who could gain Gannon’s attention. Then she started suspecting Lily actually liked Gannon.

Now that she thought about it, it’s funny how she had grown from hating the woman to actually liking her. Lily was indeed misunderstood. Her strong personality was too blinding, sometimes getting close to her was very intimidating. It was even frightening. "I will leave now." She said.

"How about breakfast?"

"It’s alright. I needed to leave and talk to my soon to be ex-husband." Madam He gave a sad smile. She made a mistake. Something that cannot be fixed by a mere apology. But... she would still apologize for what she had done. "He deserves an apology from me." He might not have loved her the way she wanted him to but the man had been with her for more than ten years. They had treated each other with respect once upon a time.

Madam He’s lips were already curled into a slight smile, yet sadness still shone from her eyes.

A flash of understanding glinted on Lily’s eyes."Take care. I hope— I sincerely hope that you will find your happiness in yourself."

Madam He nodded silently. It might take some time— a long time. But she knew she would soon forget him. She would soon... heal. One day, the scars inside her would no longer remind her of her stupidity and painful decisions. Instead, they would remind her of how strong she had become. "Thank you." She said before she stood from her seat. "I honestly would want to see you again."

Lily only responded with a smile. "The world is too small. We will soon see each other. And please... don’t forget... you still owe me a favor." She chuckled.

"I understand." Madam He smiled at Lily as tears pooled in her eyes. Why was she even crying? Why was she being emotional now? She immediately turned her back and walked towards the exit. "Let’s see each other again, Lily." She said in a low voice only she could hear. "Let’s see each other again."


Proofreader: Dragon777

Bye Madam He. Jiayou!

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