The Villain's Wife

Chapter 657 Losing Her Mind

The Villain’s Wife 657 Losing Her Mind

Mainland China

"Look at her! Why is she so happy?" Chen Shi fumed as she pointed at the big TV in front of her. "WHY IS SHE SO HAPPY?" She turned towards Chen Luan. "She did not win an award! It was her husband! Why is she beaming like that?"

"I— Maybe she is happy for her husband?"

"Stupid woman." Chen Shi muttered as she turned off the TV. She could not stand watching Lily and Zhou Jingren being happy and giddy on TV. So what if he won an award. Is that really something to be so happy about? "How was the thing I asked you to do?"

"Well... it will be hard to just accuse someone of sexual assault when he is always cooped up in a place full of CCTV’s and computers."

"Is there a way to drug him? I don’t know, maybe put it in his drink? Coffee? Is this really so hard?"

Chen Luan pursed his lips in response. Qin Yuanfeng was actually very hard to deal with. "Why don’t we... maybe focus our energy on Lily and Zhou Jingren and not Lily’s brother?" He stared at Chen Shi’s crazed eyes and sighed inwardly. Her obsessive behavior was really becoming too much this past few days.

To Chen Shi men were toys. Controlling them was her forte. However in the past few weeks, her control towards the men in her life was slipping through her fingers. This gave her a lot of stress and anxiety. This might be the reason why Chen Shi was now looking for another man to control just so she could satiate her thirst, and heal her ego.

But nothing was really going their way. Qin Yuanfeng, who she was targeting is someone who is very hard to deal with. He is smart and avoids crowds. He also does not interact with many people and does not even work with an assistant.

He does not allow anyone to go inside his office aside from Zhou Jingren, Secretary Go and Lily. He also works from seven in the morning until midnight and does not like to party or even have a coffee somewhere outside. What kind of man would choose such a boring life?

And it was obvious that Chen Shi could not accept this fact. She wanted to control and to break someone’s will. She thought she could easily do it with Qin Yuanfeng but she failed, miserably. Chen Luan thought that Chen Shi would give up and just scheme against Zhou Jingren instead.

He was wrong.

Chen Shi was still obsessing over the fact that she had never met anyone as eccentric as Qin Yuanfeng. She seemed unable to accept a man who is half her age was beating her in her own game.

The loud sound of the door bell interrupted them. Chen Luan instantly stood from his seat and walked towards the door.

"Who is it?" He heard Chen Shi ask behind him.

"I—" Chen Luan furrowed. He was about to close the door when he realized that someone left an envelope. He immediately picked it up and tried to shake it. "Someone left a gift." He knew it wasn’t a gift. Not one of Chen Shi’s fans knew she was staying in this place.

After making sure no one was indeed outside, Chen Luan went inside the house and gave the envelope to Chen Shi.

"What’s this?" She asked.

"Someone left it outside so I—"

"Are you crazy? What if it’s a bomb?"

"I doubt it, it’s so light. I tried to shake it— "

"Stupid! Get it away from me!" Chen Shi threw it back to Chen Luan. "Next time, don’t just bring anything inside and give it to me. If you want to open it then open it somewhere alone ! Just don’t— " she made an exasperated sigh. "Don’t put me in any danger!"

"Oh! I... Then I will open it outside." Chen Luan said. It seemed that Chen Shi had also become more paranoid these days. He thought as he went out of Chen Shi’s flat.

He first made sure he was alone before opening the envelope. As expected, there was no bomb inside. In fact, the only thing he saw inside was a flash drive that was tightly wrapped inside the bubble wrap. He let out a sigh as he walked inside the flat again.

"It was a flash drive." He showed the small device.

"Nothing else?"

"Yes. Just a flash drive."

"Then throw it away."

"But— "

"Just throw it away!" she barked. Why the hell would she open something she knew would make her more angry?

"Oh! Then. I will just—" a static sound interrupted Chen Luan’s words. He froze as he looked at the TV. "What— " He didn’t continue his words when slowly, bold letters started appearing on the TV screen.


"What is happening?" The panic in Chen Shi’s voice was instantaneous. "What is that?"

Slowly the letter’s dissipated before they started forming again.

"It’s a message." Chen Luang uttered.

"I know, you moron!"

"I think they want us to open the flashdrive?"

"No! I don’t want to— Ahhhh! Turn that off!" Chen Shi screamed when suddenly a loud hard metal music was heard from the TV. "Turn it off!" She squealed.


The duo started panicking as they approached the TV, trying to turn off the loud noise, coming from it. After a few seconds, Chen Shi was able to turn off her TV by pulling its plug, causing some damages to its wire in the process.

"I think we should just open the file. I mean... Clearly, someone wants to send us a message. Maybe it was important information that we need to see." He watched as Chen Shi started to pace inside her living room, her eyes wide, hands balled into a tight fist. For some reason, he felt that Chen Shi was slowly losing her mind.

And to be honest, this was making Chen Luan afraid. The only reason why Chen Shi let him near her was because he identified himself as a woman. He was feminine inside. He knew that Chen Shi always had extreme reactions to men and he felt lucky that Chen Shi actually saw him as a woman.

However, if this woman goes crazy...


Proofreader: Dragon777

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