The Villain’s Wife 635 Diabetes

"Hey! Why are you apologizing?" He held her hand.

"I don’t know," she shrugged. "Dealing with a person like me... must be quite tiring."

"Who told you that?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"It’s my assumption."

"Then that is a wrong assumption."

"So... you’re not tired of me?"

"Of course, not."

A smile instantly dangled on Lily’s lips. "Alright. I will believe that," she beamed. Of course, she knew that he was not tired of her. However, she still needed to hear it from him.

"Anyways, we should go see the doctor now." She rose from her seat. She could always think about possible problems. Or she could think about the possible happy things that would happen once she gave birth. She smiled. "We are going to hear the heartbeat of the baby again."

Zhou Jingren and Lily instantly left Zhou Capital to visit one of the most prestigious maternity hospitals in Hong Kong. While the two had already decided to give birth in Switzerland, they still needed to see their doctor in Hong Kong for their scheduled check up to monitor the baby’s growth and Lily’s overall health.

"Your weight gain is pretty good." The Doctor smiled at the couple. "However, I can see an increase in your blood sugar level. Have you been eating a lot of chocolates lately?"

"Oh!" Lily eyed her husband. "No... but I’ve been drinking a lot of milk tea? Oh, and brown sugar milk tea too."

"Then you should probably stop it. Or limit it. A pregnant woman usually has glucose build up in their blood, which is normal as your placenta tends to produce hormones that can cause this build up," the doctor explained. "We need insulin to handle this. And if our body can’t produce enough insulin, then our blood sugar level rises. This will eventually cause gestational diabetes."

The doctor continued, "I am not trying to scare you but this gestational diabetes can affect the baby as this will increase the risk of him or her having type 2 diabetes."

"Oh. Then, I will avoid drinking milk tea," Lily instantly answered.

"Well, you can limit it. Remember, too much of anything is bad for you."

"How about the baby’s heartbeat?" Zhou Jingren asked. "Is everything normal?"

"Yes. The baby is very healthy. You heard it yourself. The heartbeat and growth is good. He or she is a little on the taller side, but considering your height and Mrs. Zhou’s height, this is perfectly normal."

"Then, that’s fantastic," Lily beamed.

The doctor continued giving them some advice while educating them about Lily’s health. She then gave them another prescription for a new set of vitamins for the baby. Not long after, the couple instantly bid their goodbyes.

"Lily?" a shrill voice echoed in the hallway as they were about to walk towards the elevator of the building. "Why are you here?"

Surprise flashed on Lily’s face when she saw Su Ma. She instantly fought the urge to ignore this woman as she smiled. "Miss Su."

Su Ma had her usual gentle smile which was enough to irritate Lily. She walked towards them. Slowly, her eyebrows knitted. "Are you sick? I mean... are you alright?"

"Oh! We’re fine," she answered. "We are here because my husband insisted that I visit a dietitian. He thought that I was too slim and not gaining enough weight."

"Oh!" Su Ma nodded as she eyed Zhou Jingren. Lily was indeed slim. "I always thought that you gained a little muscle since the last time that I saw you," she laughed. "Would you like to have some coffee downstairs? There is also something that I wanted to talk to you about."

In response, Lily eyed Zhou Jingren, a sly smile apparent on her lips. "Of course. He will wait for me in the car."

Su Ma nodded before they started walking towards the elevator.

"You aren’t having coffee?" Su Ma asked when Lily didn’t order one. Instead she had ordered some soy drink.

"The doctor told me to avoid caffeine for now." Lily lied, "It causes anxiety, and well... I can’t really sleep because I’m over-thinking. Apparently, this is one of the reasons why I’m not gaining any weight."

"I understand. Then you should start having milk and also limit tea. Tea also has caffeine right?"

"Yes, it does. Anyway, what are you doing here? I thought you were already in Mainland China?" She eyed Su Ma’s hands, and as expected, the big diamond ring was still on her hand. "Nice ring by the way."

"Oh this? This is what I wanted to talk to you about." Su Ma’s voice turned soft. She eyed her ring finger and smiled. "I know... I know you haven’t talked to your father yet.I originally came to Hong Kong to talk to you about this. Meeting you here is just a coincidence. And I— I don’t want to cause any trouble and I don’t want you and Qin Chuan to argue because of me. So I..."

"You what?"

"I wanted to tell you that your father proposed to me last week. And I... I said yes." She lifted her head and met Lily’s eyes. To her surprise, Lily gave her a huge smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

"Well, what can I say? Congratulations!"

"You— You’re not angry?" Su Ma asked. She was expecting Lily to walk out of this cafe or maybe even slap her. Then she would have a reason to cry to Qin Chuan about Lily’s behavior. But this....

"Is there a reason that I should be angry? Isn’t this a good thing. From now on, you will be a part of my family."

"Are you really happy for us?"

"Of course!" Lily beamed. "Having someone like you in the Qin household is very good news."

"Really?" Su Ma asked, unable to believe Lily’s words.

"Miss Su, I am truly happy for you. I truly think that you and my father deserve each other. Like two puzzle pieces. You two just fit together."

"I..." Su Ma awkwardly smiled. She had already practiced the perfect comeback for Lily once she laid her hands on her or said something hurtful about this marriage. Even her recorder was switched on and ready in her purse. "Then, thank you!"

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