The Villain’s Wife 506 Senile

"Aren’t you going to say anything?" Old Man Lee sat comfortably across from Zhou Wu Ye. "From today onwards, the world will know that we are related." He then looked at Lily who was sitting next to Zhou Dae Un, "You shouldn’t have challenged me, young lady when yourage isn’t even half mine."

Lily only rolled her eyes in response. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for someone to say something.

"You went too far this time." It was Zhou Jingren. "I already sent you a warning, but it seems that you really want your company to suffer with you."

"If something happens to me, they will blame you," Old Man Lee countered. He then eyed Thomas and Ron, who accompanied him. "Tell them... Tell them how much media personnel are waiting for your call."

"What do you want?" Zhou Dae Un said. Irritation flashing in her eyes. "I am sure that is not forgiveness. If you want us to forgive you, then you wouldn’t have done that."

"For one... I want my equipments back." Old Man Lee said with confidence. "Second, I want that woman out of my company." He eyed Lily. "And third... I don’t want you to misunderstand, Lingling. I am already dying. All I wanted was a chance to be closer to you and Jingren’s life." He lied. "I am already desperate. My time is running out and you won’t even spare a single minute in talking to me."

"That’s because you are insane." Zhou Dae Un snapped. "Looked at all the trouble that you have caused! You — I am not sure if this is only because of your age. Or is it because someone is telling you to do these things? But Isaac... everything that you want will never happen!" Her chest raised and fell as her face reddened. Until now, Zhou Dae Un could still feel rage against this man.

"You ruined my mother’s life. You — You ruined my life because of your greed! And now... you are saying that you want to get close to me?" Zhou Dae Un continued.

"Lingling... your father is old. Can’t you at least give him a chance?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Dae Un hissed at Ron. "Both of you ruined my life!" Zhou Dae Un could feel anger burst inside her. "You were so greedy! You wanted more power. More influence! In exchange, you did not hesitate to turn your back on me after I gave birth!"

Zhou Dae Un balled her hand into a fist as she tried to stop herself from trembling. Memories of what happened that night flashed in her mind as if it just happened yesterday. "When Zhou Kang and his father killed the Zhou Family’s members... I — I tried to ask for your help! I tried to — " Zhou Dae Un did not continue her words as she started to sob.

"Isaac... what you did was unforgivable." Zhou Wu Ye held his wife. Because of this man, they ended up missing thirty years of their son’s life. "How could you abandoned your own daughter just like that?"

As expected Isaac’s face turned ugly. He never expected that until now his daughter would still harbor those memories against him.

"You were the only family member that I had." Zhou Dae Un continued. "You are my father! What kind of father would abandon their daughter to die because he is afraid that the people who are after his daughter would go after him instead?"

"You have to understand..." Ron started. He looked at his long-time friend before he continued. "Your father... had a company to run. People are working for him. People with families! What do you think will happen if he rescued you and Zhou Kang will go after him and his company instead?" he argued and bravely met Zhou Wu Ye’s eyes. "I suggest that we forget about all this. Since... this is nothing but a part of our past. It was terrible. True. But the past belongs to the past for a reason."

"Your father is already a changed man. True... he did all those crazy things just so you will agree to see him. However, he is truly desperate. He does not have much time left, and he wanted your forgiveness."

"I cannot forgive you." Zhou Dae Un met her father’s eyes. "I never will."

"You cannot just come into our lives and expect that we recognize you as one of us." Zhou Wu Ye added. "You aren’t. So stop this delusion and just... leave us."

For a few seconds, silence descended upon the room. Isaac pursed his lips.

"Can’t you just give him a chance? A chance to prove himself."

Ron’s words only met with a snort from Zhou Wu Ye. "He had one. But what did he do? He threatened my son, accused him of r*pe and now... announced to the world that he is related to us." Zhou Wu Ye sneered. Both of them respected Zhou Jingren’s decision to not reveal him as someone related to them.

This was because he does not want to complicate his life. Zhou Jingren knew that his parents have enemies. People lurking behind the shadows, scheming, and planning on taking them down. And both Zhou Dae Un and Zhou Wu Ye knew this from the start. This was the reason why they were actually happy that Zhou Jingren chose not to introduce himself to the world.

After all, no matter what happens, he is still their son.

However... the old man ruined all this. Because of his selfishness, he disrespected everyone’s decision and just do what he wanted for his own advantages. How could a man be this selfish?

"If you... continue doing this then... I will be forced to use the media on my side." Isaac said. However, her words only met a snort from Zhou Jingren.

"Old man... you have gone senile." Zhou Jingren uttered his cold tone sent shivers down everyone’s spine. "Since you really wanted to do this, then... don’t blame me for not showing any mercy."

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