The Villain's Wife

Chapter 493 Too Generous.

The Villain’s Wife 493 Too Generous.

And they were right.

Lily was only waiting for them to show their cards. Before she acted, and when she started she never stopped. With Zhou Jingren behind her and a calculating brain inside her head, it was easy for Lily to create a plan like this while enjoying the day with her husband, watching sharks and snakes.

Of course, this was far from being over. Lily had plans... way bigger than this. In her eyes, profit is everything. Lily would never turn down a golden opportunity like this.

"How was she?" Lily eyed the lush wine-colored carpet of the bar. This bar was located a couple of floors above their room and it was very convenient for her to come here to enjoy a drink or two with her husband.

"I appreciate that you didn’t tell her how are you going to use the video to blackmail me into sharing my shares." Jun Liang’s tone had a hint of sarcasm. His eyes were glued on Lily’s beautiful face.

"Your welcome," she smiled at him. "I know how a father like you would never want to hurt his daughter... not intentionally at least."

Jun responded with a sighed. The more she talked to Lily, the more he realized how ruthless she was. However, at one point, he truly appreciated the way she told Demi that she will not use the video against her. At least, it had lessened the burden that his daughter felt.

Jun could never imagine what his daughter would feel if she knew that Lily used that video to blackmail him right now. "Was this all a game to you?" he asked.

"Games are for little girls, Mr. Liang. Do I look like a girl to you?" Lily answered. "I call this business. I am making an investment in my time and effort and in return, I earn some profits."

A gleam of understanding flashed in the older man’s eyes. "I already sent the signed copy to the other shareholders, and the majority agreed in less than a minute. Did you — Did you do that too?" he asked.

Lily nodded. "Not me. My husband did. When the old man announced that he was his heir, he failed to realize that businessmen will always act like businessmen. They are like bamboo trees. They sway... with the wind."

"We already brought her to a mental facility. The doctor said there is a possibility that she might try to hurt herself. So... they had to restrict her. As a father... it pains me to see her like this."

"Would you rather see her being used by greedy people?" She eyed the wine in Jun’s hands.

"Would you like some?"

"No... thank you." She stared at the red liquid on his wineglass.

Jun smiled. "What are your plans now? You told me that Zhou Jingren is not planning to take over Lee Group. Are you just planning to invest in the company?"

"Hmmm... hospitals seldom go bankrupt and the Lee Group had been around for a long time. They’re management and leadership are reliable."

"So you decided to use us."

"Yes... You are the most vulnerable target and I am not apologetic for what I did."

"I — " Jun did not continue his words, speechless. He stared at Lily for a few seconds. "I have never met someone as direct as you." How could a woman be this calm when talking about sinister things like this? Jun couldn’t help but wonder what kind of childhood Lily had to be able to act like this.

"I am taking that as a compliment, Mr. Liang."

"It is." He nodded. "As a businessman, I understand your point. My daughter was also the one who tried to sabotage your marriage. I — To be honest, I do not blame you for doing this. In fact... I am thankful. Thanks to you — the marriage alliance between Zhou Jingren and my daughter never happened. With a grandfather like Isaac Lee controlling even my daughter, I believe I just got lucky and dodge a bullet."

Lily smiled in response. "Your daughter... needs your attention. It is not too late — maybe you should focus on her for a while. I heard that your son is pretty competent too. Maybe it’s time to step back and spent some time on the things that truly matter."

Jun pursed his lips. He nodded at Lily’s words. "After today, I will seriously consider this matter. My daughter... grew up alone. She grew up without me and her brother. I have failed her." A sad smile hung on his lips."But as you said... it is not too late. I am not that old to fix things."

Lily chuckled before her face turned serious. "Your brother..."

"I will deal with him. However — I would like to warn you about something." Jun took a sip at his wine. "When Demi was three... I divorced my wife, Yani Chen." Seeing Lily lift an eyebrow, he continued. "The same Yani Chen that is well known in Mainland China for her angelic voice."

Interest immediately shone in Lily’s eyes. "Tell me more."

"Everyone thought that we divorced because of differences. That it was amicable." He met Lily’s eyes. "It wasn’t."

"My suspension — my instinct tell me that Ron is somehow still associated with Yani and she is the one behind all this." He continued. "I don’t think my brother can think about some stupid schemes like this. Ron is good at talking to people and that’s it. I am not sure about this matter. I just want you to be careful."

Lily nodded. "Thank you for letting me know about this." She then gave the man a folder. "As compensation... this is for you."

Jun opened the folder, and a tinge of surprise immediately laced his orbs. "You are investing in our new testing facility?"

"Hmmm... I always see profit Mr. Liang and I believe that this is just another opportunity for me to... expand in other fields."

"I understand. Well, then... Miss Lily, it has been a pleasure working with you. I hope that this is just the start of our partnership." He smiled. Sadness was still apparent in his eyes. Of course, Lily understood why the man was sad. However, this was not any of her concern at all. She had done her part in making sure that Demi will not blame herself anymore. And for Lily, that is already too generous.

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