The Villain’s Wife 427 Brutal

Zhou Jingtao’s Residence.

The thick aroma of Zhou Jingtao’s unfinished coffee made him frown. Its bitter taste lingered in his mouth, reminding him of Zhou Jingren’s message a few hours back.

He swallowed his saliva, his Adam’s apple bobbed as he stared at his phone. For the umpteenth time, he read the text message. His hand trembled.

"They have Lanying." He whispered. He stood from his seat and started to pace in his study. Zhou Jingren is coming for him and is using his daughter as leverage. He bit his lips as he continued to ponder about Zhou Jingren’s words when he called him. "Why?" he asked himself. "Why me?" Zhou Kang was the one who targeted Zhou Jingren and his mother as well as his father. Why would he punish him first instead of that crazy Zhou Kang?

Moreover, Zhou Jingren was also using his daughter to get to him! How could he involve Lanying in all this?

He remembered how his son failed to find Zhou Lanying in Hong Kong. He thought she was only hiding, something that she often did. He never expected that something like this could happen. How the hell did Lanying got close to Lily? Were they together this entire time?

Questions flooded his mind as he remembered the news of Lily’s accident. They never mentioned that someone was with her inside the car other than her driver who was also injured.

Was it all plan by Zhou Jingren? Was this a trap? But why? Questions and more questions piled up inside his mind as he cursed in confusion.

A knock interrupted his thoughts. "What is it?" he asked, trying his best to maintain a calm tone. He could not let anyone in this house know that Zhou Jingren is holding his own daughter hostage. He could not let his brother or father knew of this matter.

"Brother!" Zhou Kang did not even ask for his brother’s permission. He strutted inside the room and beamed at his brother. "I missed you!" He sat on one of the leather seats in Zhou Jingtao’s study.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Jingtao wanted to slap himself as he realized the meaning of the words that came out of his mouth. "I — I mean... I was really busy. So... you know the year just started and... there’s a lot of planning for the company." He sat opposite to Zhou Kang.

"Oh! I totally understand. Forgive me for disturbing you." Zhou Kang gave an apologetic smile. However, this only made Zhou Jingtao frowned. His heart drummed faster as he wondered if Zhou Kang was here to discuss Zhou Lanying’s capture. What if they were already aware of this matter? He lowered his head as he attempted to hide the fear in his eyes.

"I just want to celebrate with you! I brought wine!" Zhou Kang’s excitement was understandable. Zhou Jingtao understood how his brother wanted to dispose of Lily. Her death would mean it would be easier for Zhou Kang to eliminate Zhou Jingren. However, to Zhou Jingtao, Lily’s death was akin to a death sentence. Lily was supposed to help him get out of this despicable family.

Zhou Jingren.

The name made him frowned inwardly. Zhou Jingren asked to see him and ask him to bring the things that Lily wanted. This made him more confused. Was it possible that Zhou Jingren is aware of his and Lily’s deal before? Does Zhou Jingren want his help to destroy the Zhou Family? But isn’t he grieving? Did he think that the Zhou Family was responsible for Lily’s death?

"Kang..." he started as he looked at Zhou Kang. "Be honest with me... Are you involved in Lily’s accident?"

"My..." the smile on his brother’s face vanished. "I am offended." Zhou Kang dramatically shook his head. "How could you think that I have the capability to... hurt a helpless woman? Do you really think that lowly of me?"

Zhou Jingtao tensed as he realized his accusatory question. Yet, he maintained a blank expression. "Can you blame me?" he asked. Zhou Kang was ruthless, and both of them knew that.

His words earned a burst of laughter from his brother. Zhou Kang shook his head, his eyes sparkled with joy. "I wish." He sneered. "I would have loved to kill that woman myself. Make her suffer in my own hands. He ruined some of my plans."

"That woman deserved to die a horrible death." Zhou Kang frowned. "What’s wrong? Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?" he asked.

"What if Zhuo Jingren will think that... that we are involved and he will..."

"Are you frightened of someone like him?" he mocked.

"Of course... not. I was just a little concerned. That’s all."

"Ah... then stop thinking about it. I am already planning to start my plan in dealing with him." Zhou Kang said as he opened the bottle of wine in his hands. He unceremoniously drank straight from the bottle and laughed. "Let’s celebrate, shall we?" Zhou Kang gave his brother the bottle as he hummed in happiness.

After a few minutes of continuous laughter and mockery, Zhou Kang bid his brother goodbye while laughing out loud.

"Observe him. He is planning something." Zhou Kang said towards one of Zhou Jingtao’s most trusted men. The smile on his face was long gone as he walked towards his car.

"But... Lily is dead. Do you think he will—"

"I do." A sinister glint flashed in Zhou Kang’s eyes. "Prepare the bomb. He will see Zhou Jingren soon. I want... I want him to die a heroic death."

"Boss... Are you sure about this matter? He is still your brother." The man responded.

"Are you trying to doubt my decision?" Zhou Kang eyed him. "Once he is dead, his son will listen to me. His contacts will be mine. The company, everything that he had worked for, is going to be with me. Do not worry, we will use all these resources against Zhou Jingren."

"But your father..."

"He doesn’t have to know. He thought Zhou Jingtao will betray him and will give Lily the fake information that you fed him. Now that Lily is dead, the old man does not want to dispose of him anymore. He thought that Zhou Jingtao would not have the guts to contact Zhou Jingren... But seeing his reactions now..."

"I have been with him all this time... and he tells me everything." The man responded. "He didn’t tell me about Zhou Jingren and was seriously devastated that Lily died. Are you sure about your plans? I mean... killing him just to frame Zhou Jingren is..."

"Brutal." Zhou Kang finished his sentence. "I know. However... this is a dog eat dog world. The weak do not have a place in this world." He shifted his eye towards the man and put his sunglasses on. Then he gave the man a sinister smile. "It wasn’t my fault that he is weak."

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