The Villain’s Wife 414 Therapy

Traveling to Skopelos takes a lot of time.

While Lily and Zhuo Jingren could easily fly in a private plane towards the place. Lily said it would be better to have them ride a plane and a yacht. The same way that Lilian did when they visited the place.

Of course, everyone else also came as this was a very special moment for everyone.

"I can see lovers everywhere! They are all in pairs!" Bei Tian grumbled. "Are they mocking me?"

"Then find one." Fernando answered. Everyone was in the business class and they still could practically see each other.

"And we are not a pair." Yang Mi added. She was sitting next to Bei Tian. "Go Jichen and I." She clarified.

"Really?" Bei Tian lifted an eyebrow and gave her a knowing smile. "I thought you two secretly got married. Was I wrong?"

Fernando’s laughter echoed. The group still needed to wait before take off and everyone was very excited in traveling together. Because of this, most of them already had a smile plastered all over their faces. "I actually thought the same!" Fernando added.

"What are you two talking about?" Secretary Go was seated behind Yang Mi.

"Your marriage." Both Fernando and Bei Tian answered together, then both chuckled. "We thought you and miss Yang here are already married." Fernando said.

"Oh... that." Secretary Go nodded. "Not yet."

"Go Jichen! Stop spouting nonsense!" Yang Mi hissed and turned to see Secretary Go’s serious space.

"What? Would you like me to tell them that we are already married? Yang Mi, ah. That is not the truth." Secretary Go watched as Yang Mi’s face turned scarlet. She glared at him. "You are not going to threaten me again, are you?" He widened his eyes.

"See? See? I told you something is going on." Fernando nudge to Li Shanshan. "I can feel it."

"Stop being so nosy. Why are you acting like a woman!?" Li Shanshan fired back. "Stop teasing Yang Mi. Secretary Go is the one afraid to confess to her. Why are you making fun to Yang Mi? Go make fun of Go Jichen!" She rolled her eyes and went to continue her conversation with Lily.

The teasing continued until it was announced that they are ready for takeoff. By that time, everyone started to stay quiet and slept. The flight will be about five hours and by the time that they arrive they will take the yacht. So everyone decided to save some energy and have some rest.


This ambiguous environment was the exact opposite of the environment in the Xuan Residence in Hong Kong. Screams echoed at the living room, followed by the sound of shattered glasses.

"I told you! It was a meeting! A meeting!" Xuan Hui used his arms to cover his face. Qin Fei on the other hand continued throwing vases at him.

"Stop lying to me! Are you screwing another secretary again?" Qin Fei’s face was red, her voice hoarse, eyes bulging as she continued to throw things at her husband. "It’s already dawn! DAWN! Are you saying that you have a meeting until dawn?" Qin Fei was livid. After that incident with her cousin, her anxiety had gone up. She could not sleep nor function well, everytime Xuan Hui is away from her.

"Tell me! Who is it this time? Huh?" Qin Fei yelled. "Who is it!?"

"Qin Fei! Stop this! I already told you! I am busy! I can’t just cater to your needs, every time! I have a business to run. Stop being such a pain in the ass!"

"What did you say?" Qin Fei walked towards her husband. "Are you calling me crazy?"

"You know that’s not what I said. And my new secretary is—"

"Stop! I don’t want to hear it! I know you always think I have lost my mind! I can see it in the way you look at me! You think I’m crazy!"

Xuan Hui stared at his wife for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. Since Qin Fei accidentally killed her cousin, she had been acting weird. However, he never thought that she was crazy. Maybe it was depression, he doesn’t know. All he knew is that his wife needed help. "Qin Fei... Listen to me." He walked towards her.

"I am not cheating on you." He uttered as he pulled her into a hug. Qin Fei tried to resist at first, however, in the end, she broke down in her husband’s arms. "It was a mistake. And I am not intending to do it again. All right?" Xuan Hui patted his wife’s back.

"I’m sorry." Xuan Hui added, making Qin Fei cry even more. Her shoulders shook. "Why... Why don’t we get some help?" Xuan Hui suggested. "A couple’s councilor? We could have some therapy to—"

"No." Qin Fei interrupted him and removed his arms. "Why would I get therapy? I am not crazy!"

"No... this is not something for crazy people. This is for both of us." Xuan Hui calmly said. He made a mistake and he would do his best to help his wife. "It would be better if we undergo therapy for our relationship. I don’t want you to feel that I no longer love you." He understood that Qin Fei had been really insecure after giving birth. Then he slept with her cousin. Moreover, her mother is still on the run from the authority and her father in comatose.

The bad state that she was in became worse. Xuan Hui could practically feel the dark aura surrounding Qin Fei.

Qin Fei met his eyes. "If I do therapy with you, my friends might say that —" she shook her head. "I don’t want them to think that we have problems."

"What do you mean?"

"Can’t you see? Everyone had been gossiping about us! The arrest, my parents, my mother. You working under Lily! If we go to a therapy, the press will have a party. They will think we are trying to fix our relationship and might even conclude that we will divorce soon! I don’t want that."

Xuan Hui stared at his wife in disbelief. How could she care about other people’s opinion despite everything that has been happening lately?

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