The Villain’s Wife 407 Accomplice

"Move." Lily hissed. She eyed the tall man wearing a black suit blocking her way. In response, the man gave her a condescending smile and refused to move.

Without waiting for Lily to say something, Daohu already moved past her and tackled the man. His moves were agile and swift. Lily didn’t even notice what he did to the man that was now on his knees.

"Surprise?" It was Bei Tian. He smiled at Lily. He then walked in front of everyone, making sure that Lily stays behind him as they continue to walk towards Lin Yu Yan’s suite. "Five men. To be honest... I am insulted that they only stationed five men to stop us. They think too lowly of me." His voice was full of amusement. The exact opposite of the sinister glint in his eyes. "A dozen would have make me feel a little better." he let out a dramatic sigh. "My ego is bruised."

"Well.... They never thought that you are coming. Five men can easily stop me." Lily said. She does not know any decent martial arts. So five, six foot tall men could easily suppress her.

"Fair enough. Why don’t you practice martial arts, anyway? Jingren is really good at it. Of course, I am still the best. I can teach you if you want." Bei Tian offered. His voice contained a hint of smugness. Lily doesn’t need to see his face to know that he was smirking.

Lily recalled how Zhuo Jingren told her how Bei Tian is different when it comes to fighting. Even he knew that the silly Bei Tian is better in martial arts compared to him. And Zhuo Jingren seemed not embarrassed to accept such truth.

Lily’s lips lifted into a smile. Her man was never afraid to accept something that a normal man would not easily do. In fact, Zhuo Jingren had shown that he was somehow proud of his friend and cousin. In their world full of people acting as alpha males, someone like Zhuo Jingren is truly unique. This maturity and wisdom is something that she adores so much about him.

"Alright... we are here." Bei Tian said as he eyed the room in front of them. He then used a card to open the door. "Uhhhh...."

Lily instantly frowned when she heard Bei Tian. Since she was behind him, she gently shoved him to the side and what she saw made her speechless.

Zhuo Jingren was clutching Lin Yu Yan’s neck, his eyes red, as he gave Lin Yu Yan a sinister smile. Lin Yu Yan on the other hand was struggling, She gasped for air, helplessly trying to pry Zhuo Jingren’s fingers from her neck. Lily blinked, speechless of the scene in front of her. She shifted her gaze back to Zhuo Jingren who seemed not to notice her nor Bei Tian.

"Jingren! What are you doing!?" It was Bei Tian. He walked past Lily and tried to remove Zhuo Jingren’s hands from Lin Yu Yan’s neck. However, it was futile. He didn’t even budge nor look at Bei Tian. "Oi! Jingren! Let go!"

It was as if something was struck in Lily’s throat. This was the first time that she saw Zhuo Jingren this way. She stilled and watch as Bei Tian do his best to free Lin Yu Yan from Zhuo Jingren’s gasp.

"You dare drugged me?" Zhuo Jingren asked, his voice menacing. A scoff escaped his lips as he leaned towards Lin Yu Yan’s ears and whispered something inadible to everyone except for the woman struggling for her life in front of him. Lin Yu Yan widened her eyes in response. She struggled as she desperately tried made him loosen his hands.

Lin Yu Yan then looked at Bei Tian then at Lily, her gaze begging for her to stop him. Her pleading words woke Lily up in her stupor. She walked towards them, understanding apparent in her eyes. She does not need to know what the woman did to her husband. At this point, she would allow him to do whatever he wanted.

However, she also knew that her thoughts were wrong. She shook out the anger building up inside her and calmly held Zhuo Jingren’s face.

"Let her go. She is not worth it." She uttered, her voice soft. "Jingren.... Let her go." Right then and there, he let go of Lin Yu Yan’s neck, making her fell into her knees. Seeing this, Lily immediately pulled him into a hug as Bei Tian was quick to help Lin Yu Yan up and have her sat on the couch.

"I am not feeling well." It was almost a whisper. Something that contain a hint of relief and anger. Lily felt him tightened his hug around her. "There is something in this room... ask Bei Tian to find it. And don’t let go of that woman."

"Hmmm." She nodded and stroked his back. "Lets go out of this place." He nodded silently while breathing a sigh of relief. However, before Lily could walk out of the door, she looked at Lin Yu Yan, her gaze full of disgust.

"To be honest, I was not expecting that you will stoop this low." She chided making Lin Yu Yan froze. "Your father will be very disappointed in you."

"W— What are you talking about?" Seeing Lily gave her a knowing smile was enough for Lin Yu Yan. She crumbled into another pool of tears. Her shoulders shook as she lowered her head even more, refusing to see the same disappointment in Bei Tian’s eyes. She heard him instruct his men to find the drug that was affecting the air. Defeat was coming for her. At one point, she was hoping that Bei Tian would pull her into a hug and comfort her. However, this did not happen.

Instead, Bei Tian only gave her a glass of water before sitting as far away as possible from her.

"I was not expecting that you could do this." His voice was gruff. Lin Yu Yan lifted her head and met his dark brown eyes. The absence of any emotions in his orbs made her cringe. Does he not really care about her, anymore?

"I was forced to do it." She declared. Since there is no way that she could do her plans, then it would be best that she asked for Bei Tian’s help to deal with the Zhou Family.

"Zhuo Jingren would have helped you." He said. "But you were too stupid and attempt this equally stupid plan."

"Tian... I have no choice. They will kill my father if I refuse to do it."

"Don’t you really have a choice?" he asked. "Yu Yan... I have considered you as a little sister since we grew up together. I also knew that this is one of the reasons why Jingren would come here. However now—"

"Bei Tian... please forgive me. I won’t do it again. As long as you promise to help me... I will stay away from Jingren. Just please..." she watched as Bei Tian shook his head. Horror filled her eyes. Jingren was already disgusted by her, she would not want to lose Bei Tian too.

"You are hopeless." Bei Tian uttered. "If you were not a friend, he would have snapped your neck in seconds." He then stood from his seat. His hands on his pockets as he gaze at her. "You have accomplices.... Where are they?"

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