The Villain’s Wife 398 Eureka

Qin Residence, HK

"This was all your fault!" Tang Lingyun yelled, traces of tears can be seen in her face. "What have you done to Lily? Tell me!?"

"I told you! I did nothing! Nothing! That woman is crazy!"

"Crazy? If she was crazy, then what are you? You killed your son, Mo! Liwei.... You sacrificed him for your own gain! What kind of father are you?" It was easy for Tang Lingyun to believe that her husband can indeed hurt his son. She had been with Qin Mo for years, she is already very familiar with the man. She was sure that Qin Mo is capable of killing their son. "You are a monster!"

"You-" Qin Mo fumed as he glared at her. "Stupid! How could you let that woman manipulate your thoughts? You are stupid! If you really think that I am what I am, then leave! I don’t need someone as dumb as you around me!" It has been a few days since Qin Liwei was cremated. It has also been a few days since they moved out of the mansion and transferred to a three-bedroom flat that is under Qin Mo’s name. They chose this flat mainly because it wasn’t that big and there were no stairs so it would be easy for Qin Mo to move while he is still in a wheelchair.

Tang Lingyun stared wide-eyed at her husband. "You wanted me to leave? Do you think that I wouldn’t do that? Do you think that I wouldn’t dare leave you?"

"Then leave! If you think you can survive without me and the Tang Family then leave! You stupid woman!"

Tang Lingyun furrowed her brows before stomping her feet. She then rushed out towards their room where she broke down and cried her hearts out. She was stupid. Or why would she marry a man like Qin Mo? Why would she choose to love a man as ruthless as that? Or why would she chose to suffer...


Why does she need to suffer? Why was she even staying with the person who will only make her suffer? It as if a Eureka moment happened as Tang Lingyun rose from the bed, determination apparent in her eyes. She then opened her closet and started packing her clothes. She can always leave and start a new life away from these... monsters!

"What do you think you are doing?" Tang Lingyun did not respond to her husband as she continued to empty her closet. Since moving out of the mansion, they only have one servant left. This servant is in charge of cooking and other menial things inside the flat. Unlike before, Tang Lingyun does not have any personal maids anymore. She sloppily tried to fit her clothing in her luggage as tears continued to flow in her cheeks.

"What the hell are you doing?" Qin Mo’s voice boomed inside the room.

"Can’t you see? I am leaving you!"

"I know that you are leaving me! But take out the small duffel bag from your luggage." He said while approaching Tang Lingyun, he then tried to snatch the bag from the luggage. But Tang Lingyun was quick enough to get the bag. She then held it towards her chest.

"Why would I give this to you?"

"That is my money! If you want to leave, then leave! Why would you take my money?" After Lily asked them to move out, Qin Mo decided to withdraw most of his savings. He wanted to keep the money in case he needed to run away from Hong Kong. As his wife, Tang Lingyun knew this. "Give it to me!"

"Why would I?" she said before marching out of the room. It was unfortunate that Qin Mo saw her take the money. However, this was her only way to survive for a few days while she tries to find someone that could help her.

"I said give it to me!" Qin Mo demanded. Tang Lingyun didn’t know how the latter caught up to her while he was in his wheelchair.

"Let go of my arm!" Tang Lingyun flinched when Qin Mo grabbed her arm, making her halt her steps. "Let go." She tried to shake off his hands. To her surprise, Qin Mo’s strength seemed to have doubled. She could not move her arm at all.

"You- You are planning to steal from me?" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes before using his other hands to punch his wife’s leg. "You think you can get away from me?"

Surprise flashed in Tang Lingyun’s eyes as she fell on the floor. "You..."


A loud slapping sound interrupted her words. Tang Lingyun instantly clutched her aching cheeks. Her tear stricken face stared in disbelief at her husband. How could he hurt her?

"You think you are superior just because you can walk? In your dreams, Tang Lingyun! In your dream!" Qin Mo said as he approached the small duffel bag that was thrown away when Tang Lingyun fell. "Don’t get ahead of yourself. I cannot walk... but I can still use my hands." He said disgust laced his voice. It was as if, using his hands on her, would dirty his entire being. After holding the bag, Qin Mo turned towards Tang Lingyun, his eyes venomous.

Seeing this it was as if, something snapped inside Tang Lingyun. Qin Mo didn’t even think twice about hurting her. Tang Lingyun laughed inwardly. Qin Mo could even kill their son. How could he spare her? She closed her eyes, reminiscing the face of his son. After a few minutes, Tang Lingyun stood up and opened her eyes.

"What? Do you think you could stand against me? Have you forgotten? The Tang Family is no more." Qin Mo taunted her. "Are you going to the police? Do you think they will believe a daughter of a criminal? They will arrest you! My friends in the force would arrest you the moment you come inside the station. You have nowhere to go Lingyun... nowhere!" He then turned towards their room. His laughter echoed inside the whole flat.

However, this did not last long. An ominous atmosphere can be felt inside the whole house as Qin Mo widened his eyes in surprise. He stared at Tang Lingyun who was already standing in front of him, her eyes filled with tears.

"You- You stabbed me?" Qin Mo asked as he felt the pain on his right chest. He then lowered his gaze at the knife as he thought of Tang Lingyun walking in front of him, surprising him as she stabbed the knife straight to him.

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