The Villain's Wife

Chapter 328 All About Wealth

The Villain’s Wife 328 All About Wealth

While Lily and Zhuo Jingren were busy having an emotionally charged conversation with each other, Zhang Yifei was busy having one with herself as she relentlessly paced back and forth in her hotel room. A quick glance at her watch showed her that it was almost ten in the evening... She had been in the hotel for almost twenty four hours yet she was still no closer to coming up with a solution to solve the problems at hand.

By now, Zhang Yifei had guessed that Lily was the one responsible for all of this. It had to be Lily. She was clearly the person who informed Qin Hao about all of her misdeeds. Lily wanted to pit them against each other and there was no better way to start than providing Qin Hao with Zhang Chen’s address so he could confirm his suspicions

Moreover, after analyzing all of the facts, she realised that Lily had also framed her for the old man’s demise. Zhang Yifei gritted her teeth as she recalled receiving cryptic messages telling her to pay a visit to her father’s grave. At first she thought that it was Zhang Cheng’s way of leaving her clues. She thought that it was his way of telling her that he was somewhere safe.

But no! It was all a part of an elaborate plan to trap her; to lure her out of the house to make it look like she ran away after killing the old man and buying as many shares in the Qin Group as she possibly could. Every scenario, every hurdle that she’d encountered so far was meticulously calculated. It was all part of a grand plan to make Qin Hao think that she was the enemy and not Lily.

Zhang Yifei’s fingers curled into a fist before she picked her phone and tried calling Qin Hao again. She was sure that if he returned home now, he would not give her a chance to explain herself. Zhang Yifei was sure that Qin Hao would definitely urt her or even have her killed!

When Zhang Yifei heard the phone continue to ring on his side she sighed in frustration. Zhang Yifei wanted Qin Hao to know that all of this- everything that has happened - was all Lily’s fault and not hers.

"And... you really dared to call me. Very good!" Qin Hao’s cold voice suddenly boomed across the line.

" have to listen to me," Zhang Yifei pleaded. "I was framed... I did not kill Father." There was no point in prolonging this situation anymore, so she came rightto the point. All she wanted right now was to make it clear to Qin Hao that she was innocent.

"Ohhh... Shut up! I know you did it! I know this was your revenge... everything was! I should have believed... or at least given the benefit of the doubt to Lily and the things she said about you at that dinner!" he bellowed.

"Listen... this is all Lily’s fault. I did not kill Father and I have nothing to do with the stocks purchased in my name. I am..."

"Listen to yourself Zhang Yifei!" Qin Hao hissed. "You sound like you are a truly innocent soul! B*tch! You have been controlling my family for more than twenty years and yet you still have the audacity to blame this on someone else?"

"Qin Hao... this was not my fault! I was framed. I did not transfer those stocks to my name and I did not kill Father. Whatever information you have is all made up by Lily to turn us against each other!" Zhang Yifei tried her best to reason with him. While she didn’t really care about what would happen to the Qin Family personally, she did care about her image and the status of the Qin Group. Now that Qin Hao already knows the truth, it would be really easy for him to ruin her or cause trouble for her.

"Do you really see me as a fool? Why don’t you show your true colors to me? Huh! Show your pathetic self to me! You ingrate! My father clothed you and fed you! He helped you in every way possible and yet this is how you repay him?? You have him killed!"

"You were the one who poisoned him!" Zhang Yifei suddenly blurted out. The tone of her voice was extremely different from her usual meek way of speaking. "Why are you blaming me when you were the one who wanted him dead?"

"Don’t forget that you are the one who gave me the idea to frame Lily! You are also the last person to visit Father before he died! You think you can get away with this? You think the shares that you have will still be yours once I report this to the authorities?" Qin Hao countered.

"You -"

"Yes! Do you think I will let you have those shares forever? You are not only pathetic, you’re also delusional!" Qin Hao might not be intelligent but he is most definitely cunning. He would never let Zhang Yifei have those shares.

"Can you just stop being stupid? This is all Lily’s plan! She wants us to fight against each other! What the hell is wrong with you?"

In response, Zhang Yifei heard a snort of derision come down line. "If you still think you can get any part of the Qin Family’s wealth then you are wrong. You are so damn wrong! Zhang Yifei... I will ruin you! I will make sure that you will be left with nothing!"

"Is this why you took my brother?" Zhang Yifei suddenly asked, her face red with anger and frustration. "Is that why you took the only people that I love?"

"And you’re still trying to appeal to my emotions to earn my pity again?" Qin Hao only scoffed at her words. "You really think too little of me. I know that you arranged your brother’s escape. I also know that you asked him to take a step back and leave the country."

"I did not!"

"Shut up! Shut your trap and listen to me Zhang Yifei! I’m aware of things now... I know that you hid your brother and your niece for all of these years. I also know that you kidnapped my daughter to obtain her shares in the company.Do you think that I would be dumb enough to still see you as a weak damsel who needs to be saved?" Qin Hao’s voice grew colder and colder as he continued to speak. "Did you really think that you could use my daughter to make me transfer my shares to you?"

Zhang Yifei’s eyes widened as she continued to listen to Qin Hao speak. How did he even come up with all this? What has Lily given to him? "So.. this is all about wealth," Zhang Yifei uttered slowly as she realized why Qin Hao’s behavior had become so strange. "All this talk about how pathetic I am, yet you... you are only doing this for money," Zhang Yifei said with disdain. It was all about the money. Did Qin Hao even care about his father’s death? His brother? Or even his daughter? Was there anything in this world more important to him than his shares of Qin Industry?

"Stop being a hypocrite!" Qin Hao immediately countered. "Aren’t you doing this for money as well? Lily was right... you were only interested in obtaining control of the Qin Group so you manipulated us all! You are just another greedy b*tch in search of fast cash!"

"I am nothing like that!" Zhang Yifei said, her voice a little higher as she really wanted to emphasize her point. "I am only here because your father killed mine! Instead of condemning him for causing the death of a fellow comrade and friend, all of you worshipped him like a hero! Everyone overlooked his crime and kept quiet about it. He was nothing but a murderer who destroyed people’s lives, and yet everyone in the Qin Family worshipped him like a f*cking god!"

"For that reason alone everyone in the Qin Family deserves to suffer!" Zhang Yifei gritted her teeth as she tried to control her anger. The only thing that could satisfy her would be to have everything that the Qin Family has:- their wealth, their influence, everything!

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