The Villain's Wife

Chapter 323 Qin Haos Ruthless Nature

The Villain’s Wife 323 Qin Hao’s Ruthless Nature

Qin Hao clenched his fist as he took another deep breath. The he stared at the group of photos on his table.

Once again, he tried to align the time stamps in those photos with the withdrawals that Zhang Yifei had made throughout the years. He realized the results were going to be the same no matter how many times he re-examined the photos.

In front of him lay not one or two but hundreds of photographs that served as proof of how Zhang Yifei had manipulated him and the Qin Family over the years. There were even photos that illustrated how she’d used her own niece to seduce Qin Yuanfeng, and also the fact that Zhang Yifei had been meeting with her brother fairly often. Moreover, she was the one who caused the death of Qin Hao’s late wife.

Qin Hao gritted his teeth as his rage threatened to consume his sanity. He wanted her dead. He wanted to strangle her until she lost the light in her eyes. He wanted to make her suffer for betraying him. He wanted to severely punish Zhang Yifei.

The moment Qin Hao felt his phone vibrating in his pocket he roughly grabbed it and barked "What?!" by way of greeting. "What do you mean she didn’t come home?" His already stormy expression morphed into something even darker as he heard Qin Mimi’s butler say that he could not reach Qin Mimi or her driver. "She left the mansion around 11pm so how is that possible that she hasn’t reached home yet? And what about her husband?" Qin Hao demanded.

"Drunk again? That man is such a jerk!" he added when the butler informed him that his daughter’s husband just staggered home, beyond drunk and currently passed out in the living room. "I will try calling Mimi," he said before ending the call. The butler was one of Qin Hao’s people who he’d entrusted with taking care of his daughter. It was only natural for him to call Qin Hao the moment he felt that something was wrong.

Qin Hao rose from his seat and started calling his people to look for his daughter. Even though Qin Mimi was already twenty-eight years old and married for some time, she still loved to party and spend a lot of time with her friends. Most of the time she would spend all night partying somewhere. This actually posed no problem for Qin Hao. After all, his daughter was already a grown woman.

Right now, however, he couldn’t allow her to indulge in this carefree lifestyle and have her doing things like this, especially at a time like this. Old Man Qin was still lying in a hospital bed, and if the media got hold of news that Qin Mimi was partying at this hour, it would only lead to more chaos and problems for Qin Hao to handle.

"Sh*t," Qin Hao cursed when even serial calling Qin Mimi’s phone and listening to the endless ringing of his unanswered calls failed to prompt her to stop doing whatever she was doing and pick up the phone.He really did not have the time to deal with this right now but he couldn’t go to bed and ignore the situation because he also needed to protect the reputation of his daughter, and of course, the company.

Once again, Qin Hao failed to get Qin Mimi on the phone. After a few more calls, he decided to have his people find her by tracking the location of her car.

Then Qin Hao decided to examine the documents again. He clearly remembered Lily informing them that Zhang Yifei had been manipulating them over the years but he didn’t believe Lily at all.

Zhang Yifei has been living with the Qin’s for so long that he found it hard to believe any of Lily’s story. But after examining the evidence for the umpteenth time, Qin Hao reached the conclusion that Zhang Yifei had indeed been toying with them for a long time now.

He let loose another string of profanities before glancing at the wall clock to his right. It was almost five in the morning and he had spent most of his night analyzing the items that were delivered to his door by some random courier, and every time he studied and compared the evidence and dates he ended up with the same result, again and again and again...

Zhang Yifei was the sole reason why the Qin Family had fallen into chaos.


After a sleepless night, Zhang Yifei walked out of her room wearing the same light make-up and a gentle smile on her face. Her first priority was to check on Old Man Qin to make sure that he was okay. After that she made sure she gave the doctors and nurses caring for the old man a list of things they should pay close attention to.

On the outside, Zhang Yifei appeared to be normal. On the inside, however, her heart was raging like an erupting volcano. Her anger had been coursing through her veins like molten lava all night long and she was finding it really difficult to think rationally. How could she? Her men have been unable to locate her brother and her niece, either dead or alive, and she couldn’t seem to take her mind off of this problem so she could come up with a counterattack.

"Where is Qin Hao?" she asked the moment she walked into the dining room and found that no one was there.

"The second master left early this morning to deal with another emergency," one of the maids informed her.

"What emergency?" she asked.

"The master did not say," the maid said as she lowered her eyes.

Zhang Yifei’s goal today was very simple. She wanted to make Qin Hao do her bidding and kidnap Li Shanshan - one of Lily’s friends - so she could do a prisoner exchange with Lily. Zhang Yifei had planned everything in regard to what she had to say to convince Qin Hao to do her bidding.

Zhang Yifei merely nodded before she asking them to serve her breakfast. How could Qin Hao leave without even saying good morning to her? In the past few years, Qin Hao had been acting boldly, to the point of visiting her room every morning. He was lucky that Qin Chuan and Zhang Yifei did not sleep together, or even in the same room, otherwise he would never have an opportunity to do that.

Qin Hao had also been very vocal about his affection for her in the past few weeks. It was as if his confidence in their relationship had actually increased. Yet for some reason, Zhang Yifei had the feeling that something was off. She felt if there was a problem lurking between her and Qin Hao. After contemplating the current situation for a few minutes, Zhang Yifei dialed Qin Hao’s number.

Unfortunately, all she heard was a busy signal. Zhang Yifei frowned as she helplessly closed her phone and stared at the sumptuous breakfast in front of her. A sudden chill ran down her spine as she thought about Qin Hao’s actions since last night.

Last night... her brother’s base was burned, he went missing, and coincidentally, Qin Hao also started avoiding her. Of course, she could not stop herself from thinking that these two incidents were actually connected after all.

Is it possible that Qin Hao was the one who attacked her brother’s base last night? Zhang Yifei contemplated in great depth. The current situation suggested that Lily and Zhuo Jingren were not involved in her brother’s accident, Yet she had to admit that there is a possibility that Lily may have sent all of the evidence of her activities to Qin Hao to inform him of Zhang Yifei’s past deeds.

Zhang Yifei clenched her jaw as she thought about Qin Hao’s ruthless nature. If he discovered that Zhang Yifei’s brother is alive and that she has been fooling him for quite a long time now...Zhang Yifei was dead certain that Qin Hao would not stop until he ruined her and her entire family.

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