The Villain's Wife

Chapter 296 Trust and Loyalty

The Villain’s Wife 296 Trust and Loyalty

"Qin Yuanfeng?" Three deep lines appeared across Qin Fei’s brow at the thought of the cousin they rarely even saw when they visited the main branch of the family. Qin Fei always thought Qin Yuanfeng was abnormal because he always hid whenever they were there. He didn’t even join the family banquets. "I can barely remember what he looks like," she thought out loud.

"That’s because he was sick - or at least that’s what Aunt Yifei told us. I’m not sure if you remember him, but he was a quiet little kid who really didn’t like talking to other people. Recently I heard that he’s been pursuing a career in acting, but for some reason he is using makeup and prosthetics to hide his true appearance when he takes on roles. My guess is that this was Aunt Yifei’s idea, a measure to ensure his safety, I would imagine," Qin Liwei explained.

"Oh..." she nodded. "Well then, since you’re saying that Qin Wuyang is useless,I guess I’ll have to agree with your plan. We are family after all so we should all work together against Lily. I am actually quite confident that they will assist us once we explain the situation to them."

"You’re right. I remember how much Aunt Yifei cares about face. She would not let Lily ruin us and risk ruining their reputation in Mainland China," Qin Liwei reasoned.


Meanwhile, Lily’s face showed not a hint of expression as she stared at her ’surprise’ visitor. It was Qin Yuanfeng, and his demeanour was completely different from the way he’d had acted when they last met.

"You are making me nervous," he confessed, gazing briefly at Lily before gazing at the floor.

"Why are you here? In my house?" Lily asked, her arms are crossed in front of her. Yesterday when she saw Qin Yuanfeng, he exhibited nothing but confidence. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness in anything he said or did. That behaviour was completely different from the behaviour that he was exhibiting today. Lily instantly wondered if Bei Tian was right about Qin Yuanfeng having a problem.

Lily knew that abuse could damage a person’s mental health, however, there was no diagnosis about this in any of the investigations related to Qin Yuanfeng. She didn’t want to make any assumptions and pity him without any proof at all.

"I need your help," he blurted as he eyed Zhuo Jingren who was sitting right next to Lily. Beside Zhuo Jingren was the man he’d encountered on the elevator earlier. This guy was most likely Zhuo Jingren’s right hand man, Bei Tian, a rather well-known sculptor in Hong Kong who was known for his peculiar artworks.

"My help, or my husband’s?" Lily asked. Of course, she did not miss it when Qin Yuanfeng glanced at Zhuo Jingren.

"Yours. I know if you help me, he will help me too," Qin Yuanfeng answered, displaying his understanding of their dynamic. Zhuo Jingren would surely not let his sister encounter danger. He was sure that once Lily decided to help him then Zhuo Jingren would also join them in order to protect her.

"And why should I help you? You did nothing but lie to me," Lily asked the man who was now sporting either a white wig or bleached white hair.

"I did not lie. I omitted some information but that is not lying."

"Is that not called lying by omission?"

"Lying by omission implies that I lied to protect you from pain and embarrassment. It is considered a white lie to protect someone’s feelings. I know I was not being straightforward, but... I didn’t omit any important information by hiding things. I deliberately withheld some things you may have wanted to know because I did not think that it concerned you, or your quest for revenge at any rate. It is my fight and I wanted to do it without your help."

His words only earned an arched eyebrow from Lily as she sent Zhuo Jingren a meaningful gaze. "You omitted some information because you were afraid that I might not help you with your ’revenge’. Did you not?"

"I did." Qin Yuanfeng nodded.

"Then you lied by omission. You left out things you should have said to me. You intend to use me by appealing to my femininity. I am a woman, therefore I’m likely to be more emotional than logical," Lily surmised. "But you did not anticipate my heartless nature so now you are here now with ’the truth’. Am I correct?"

Once again, he nodded. "As your twin, you should have pitied me and acted based on emotion. But you didn’t. It was surprising, but given the things that you yourself have suffered it’s only logical that you would be cautious against someone that you’ve just met. You are my twin sister and you did not fail me."

"You think too highly of yourself, and you have been saying that I am indeed your sister since yesterday. Yesterday you thought that I was beneath you, and now... you keep on saying these things... It’s as if you’re trying to convince me — or yourself — that I am worthy of you but this could also be the other way around. It’s either your level of self-importance is... almost similar to mine, or you think too little of your own capabilities so you have been trying to convince yourself that you are my equal. You are doubting yourself," Lily said. "According to my logic, your presence would not benefit me in any way, therefore I should not help you."

"Wow...." Bei Tian’s mind-blown voice instantly ruined the tense atmosphere. He looked at Lily and then Qin Yuanfeng. "You guys are different," he observed brilliantly as he shook his head and nudged Zhuo Jingren’s elbow. "I am out of here. Call me if you need anything." He did not wait for them to reply as he strolled out of their apartment.

He’d just got out of bed and had breakfast. This level of conversation was... quite confusing to his simple brain. It was way too early to try to figure those two out. His time would be better spent by going out and antagonizing old enemies and maybe making a few new ones!

"I understand the level of your cautiousness. I am still considered a stranger but I actually like the fact that you are very blunt," Qin Yuanfeng said as he stared straight into Lily’s eyes. "I know you will forever doubt me until I prove that I am loyal to you. However, I don’t have the time to do that right now. Zhang Yifei is coming to Hong Kong and I need your help in ruining her plans. I am not sure if you would help me just to ruin her schemes. I know you are ruthless, but I am hoping that we could at least stand on the same side."

"And which side is that?" Zhuo Jingren asked.

"Against her." Qin Yuanfeng answered without hesitation. "If... If you won’t help me then I would ask you not to interfere with my plans."

Zhou Jingren studied Qin Yuanfeng. If Qin Yuanfeng’s mind was indeed unstable then it would really be hard for them to work together. Trust and loyalty have not been established, and no matter how much DNA Lily and Qin Yuanfeng share, trust is still the most important thing for both Lily and Zhuo Jingren.

How could someone work with people whom they don’t fully trust? Lily’s schemes were deep and his were sinister. Both of them required absolute trust and loyalty for their partnership to work.

"And if I stand against you?" Lily asked.

"Then I would not hesitate to ruin you along with the Qin Family," Qin Yuanfeng declared boldly. Ruining Lily and Zhuo Jingren was completely far fetched, he knew it. But he didn’t have a choice. Their intervention could change everything that he had planned.

"And why would you risk it? You know you won’t win against me. Do you think it’s worth it?"

After a few minutes of silence, Qin Yuanfeng slowly nodded. "It would be. It’s either... I die or I go all out. There is no in-between."

Lily could only stare at Qin Yuanfeng, her eyes calm as she looked at the determination flashing in his eyes before he pursed his lips and stared at her in return. "Why?" she asked.

"Because... she was worth it."

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