A/N:Result is in an hour or so, if I don't upload more chapters,I'm probably six feet under lol.


'Ahh, this feels much better.'

I thought to myself while feeling the intense cold wind on my face.

It was a perfect contrast to the previous floor, where the heat was affecting me greatly.

It's probably because of my Ice Affinity.

I feel comfy in cold environments while uncomfortable in Hot environments.

The same was the case for Elijah, who would feel very comfortable even in a volcano.

So probably my Ice affinity is the case.

On the previous floor, there was a secret way to get into this floor.

When the bloodsucker worms present on the 4th floor attack you, jumping inside their vortex would take you to the floor below.

It was found by Elijah later when he raided the labyrinth alone.

Albeit you would be falling from the sky, it was still a shortcut.

And as for the fall?

I already had a way to solve it.

As the others of my team had spread their bodies to increase their air resistance and lighten their fall as much as possible, I was the only one who didn't do so but instead dived down.

The wind at this velocity was tearing down my face, but I ignored it and dived even deeper down.

And when I was somewhat only a hundred or so meters above the ground, I stimulated the ice mana inside my body and raised my hands.

The mana of the Ice Element shot down from my hand and did what I wanted it to do.

Create a slide of ice for me.

Yep, I was planning to slide down to the ground using my ice slide.


The sound of my feet sliding down was unpleasant during the ride down even though the ice slide I had made was smooth.

And the moment I was about to leave the slide and touch the snow, I jumped and lightly landed on the snow, with my feet going under the snow a little.

I did the same for the rest of my teammates, who did not have as pleasant of a landing as I did.

They fell into the snow in interesting and funny positions.

Alex and Sabrina had fell face flat into the snow even after the slide.

Amy had fallen on her butt and as for Kyle?

I 'made' his slide especially bumpy.

And the result of this was him clenching a 'Specific' part of his body with his head in the snow.

He looked as white as snow while gripping that part too.

I made his slide have a special little bump in the middle to give him something special.

Oh, and my present had been received pretty well.

I let out a small laugh when I looked at his state.

"Are you Crazy?!"

[Are you CRAZY?!]

But my moment of laughter was interrupted by the shout of Alex, Amy, And Sabrina.

Alex and Amy screamed at me, while Sabrina had done the same with the only difference being that she did it through the Spatial bond.

I chuckled lightly and responded to all three.


All three stopped and looked at me for a second.

What? I'm not lying.

I am batshit insane.

Both in this world and the world before

I wasn't ashamed to admit it.

I had already done so long ago, I had come to terms with the fact that I was a Sociopath.

A psychopath that derived absolute joy from destroying his parent's company, destroying his elder brother's dreams, and making his sister even crazier than himself to the point she was admitted to an asylum.

Ahh, how I remember those times.

And yet, I still failed to achieve my revenge fully.

I wonder, how many days would there be left until I saw their company go bankrupt?

How many days would it have been until I could finally get a good sleep?

Tragedy truly, that I died just as I was on the cusp of achieving my revenge?

As I was relishing deep inside, I heard the pained groan is someone.


It was Kyle, who had had his nuts completely obliterated.

The attention of the team was directed towards him now, who was still groaning out of pain.

"...what do we do with him?"

Alex said, not having fear in his voice anymore as he talked about Kyle.

'The effects of the mushroom are magnificent.'

I thought in my head as I felt happy that the effects of the mushroom were greater than expected.

Its effects on me were dull but on Alex, that wasn't the case.

He contributed to some battles after taking the mushroom.

Although I do wonder why its effects on me are this dull.

I had the body of a draconian, that was the sole reason I ate more than a dozen mushrooms.

Yet I still felt only slightly happy.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this body it seems.

Increased strength, agility, and affinity of mana are the most common.

While increased appetite, and if I'm correct, should be a fast rate of metabolism.

Does that mean I can't get drunk? I hope not.

My love for alcohol surpasses that of even the heavens.

In my previous life smoking and drinking were unbearable to me.

Smoking was something that I couldn't handle after the 'incident' where acid was splashed onto my face.

Drinking, although still hurt, was much less painful than smoking.

My alcohol addiction was the only thing stopping me from committing suicide before getting revenge.

Even eating was painful.


Interrupting me yet again were the groans of Kyle, who was still white as snow and still clenching his part.

'Oh yeah, forgot about him.'

I thought with an amused smile on my face as I walked over towards him, grabbed his leg, and said to my teammates.

"Let's look for a place to set up camp."

And with that said, I dragged Kyle by the leg across the snow-filled lands.

And keep in mind, that his head was still in the snow.

It would leave a trail, but, the floor had snow storms every couple of hours, and I'm sure the trails would be concealed by them.

And even if they weren't, nothing on this floor could threaten me.

Not even the strongest monster here.

And so, dragging a near unconscious Kyle, I began to walk forward while activating [Dragon Eyes] to a minor level before searching a quarter of the floor for a good place to set up camp.

My team on the other hand?

Everybody had their eyes glued to the near unconscious Kyle I was dragging around.

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