The Villain's Story

Chapter 80 {80} Task Of The Sword Saint [2]


A Power that is hidden deep inside living beings.

It was hidden inside every living organism, however, the usage of this power was not so common among all living organisms.

The reason?


Mana had already become a fundamental part of the life of a majority of species, It was easier to control and in certain cases stronger than aura.

If aura was the power of the being itself.

Mana was the power of the universe.

And the power of a single organism couldn't match the power of the Entire Universe.

Mana could say to be more powerful than Aura in most cases.

But it did not mean Aura was weak.

If it was, Then the Orcs would be a lesser race and not a major race in the Alliance that stood toe to toe with the Elves, Who were masters of Mana.

If the Usage of Mana was to reinforce your body from the Outside to enhance one's strength temporarily, Then Aura Could enhance the strength of the user in all aspects....permanently.

Aura enhanced the body of the user from the inside, Not in the way mana did by making something akin to a force field on the outside enhancing the power of their attacks. the novel, it was specifically stated that only Orcs And Beastkin could use aura.

Orcs Couldnt uses mana at all and so had Aura as an alternative.

And their masterful use of Aura Made them stand equal to Elves who were masters of Mana.

One of the few downsides of Aura was that It could only be used by Orcs And Beastkin!

This fact was emphasized multiple times in the Novel!!!

Even Elijah, With his damn overpowered system, couldn't use Aura at all!

So how?! Just how was the sword saint who was a human using it?!

Was my knowledge from the Novel Useless?!


I muttered in my shock, The Sword Saint looked towards me and said.

"Aura is the power that resides deep inside every living being."

I know that! What I want to know is how you are using it!

The sword Saint, Still looking at the shock on my face with amusement said.

"Want me to tell you the story of my tale in the demon continent?"

Yeah! Tell me how you can use Aura!

I nodded with great force again and again.

Alex, Although still confused also nodded.

I turned to look over at him.

'Wait a minute...'

I thought This guy was supposed to be the original and only student of the sword saint.

So...why did his boss fight in the novel that spanned so many chapters that it was frustratingly annoying not to mention him using aura at all?

My memory wasn't perfect, I admit I had forgotten minor details and some major details from the early parts of the novel.

But this Bastards Boss fight wasn't in the early stages of the novel!

So why?

Why didn't he use aura at all during his fight with Elijah?

Did the sword saint not teach him how to use Aura or...

was he unable to learn it?

'Yeah, that has to be it, Of course, learning something like that can't be easy.'

I thought to calm myself down.

And the Sword Saint began to tell us his story.

The Story of when he was in the Chaos Continent.

"It all began when I was cornered..."


In a desolate land that no normal flora could hope to thrive in, an injured Human stood alone surrounded by multiple bodies of demons that had menacing horns and figures.

The human had cuts all over his body and his entire body was stained with red and purple blood.

The red from his own, and the purple from the countless demons he had killed.


The human gasped for breath as he rested on his Black Greatsword That was outlined in Grey.

The greatsword easily matched his length and was as wide as two entire humans together.

The pressure that was released from this great sword was nothing to scoff at.

The Human, who was going to close his eyes to rest for some time opened them abruptly.

He did so because he felt the presence of multiple demons coming closer.

He Raised his greatsword and stood his ground on the corpses of demons he had made a mountain out of.

He could run, But he did not.

And then, The terrifying presence he felt had reached his position.

10 Demon Earls, 4 Demon Marquess ranked demons, and finally, A Figure 16 feet tall and clad in purple flames.

A Duke Ranked Demon, A Balrog.

(A|N:He is facing ten <S> ranked demons, Four <SS> ranked demons, and one SSS Ranked Demon, Someone who is one major rank above him.)

"Haha, you fool, you followed us all the way here."

The Balrog clad in purple flames spoke confidently.

The Human did not respond, He only looked at the Massive Balrog without even an ounce of fear.

The other demons had already surrounded him.

Yet his gaze never left the Balrog clad in purple flames.

Seeing The Human in front of him, looking at him so fearlessly enraged The Balrog.

"Arken, You will die here today...but"

The balrog Said to the human, who was the Sword Saint Arken, albeit a slightly younger version of the One we know today.

A scroll glowing a menacing purple hue materialized in the massive hand of the Balrog, Not being burned by the purple flames on his hand.

"Sign a Demonic Contract with me, Your strength is wasted on the humans."

The Balrog spoke, Yet his offer was met with denial.

"Fuck Off."

Arken denied the offer and raised his greatsword even higher as if preparing to Perform a special movement.

"Haha, Do you not see the situation you are in? Maybe if you were at your peak strength, I would have been more cautious but look around you, You are surrounded. Has The Spear Saints Death driven you mad?"

The Balrog Said with a sneer.

The other demons waited for his order to attack but it did not come yet.

"How's Your Brothers Skull doing Azbadan?"

Arken Said to the Balrog whose name was Azbadan.

At the mere mention of 'Brother,' a frown had appeared on Azbadans Face that was clad in purple flames.

"How's His skull doing? I remember it being pierced by Hirotos Spear when he saved you."

Arken continued to speak, infuriating the balrog even further.

"Oh, how I remember the moment where you were going to die by Hirotos Spear, Only to have your Dear brother pull you away and take the hit for you. Oh, how I remember how you, despite being an entire major rank above us three, Still couldn't handle even one of us."

The Purple flames on Azbadans Head flared up As if they were portraying his current mood.

"You have no right to talk of him like that."

Azbadan Spoke.

"Your right, He was far more fucking honorable than scum like you, Even though he was a demon, It was you who deserved to die in his place you scum of a brother."

"..he was weak."

"Hah! Weak? I don't think it was him who was running away from us and fighting all three of us at the same time trying to buy time for his forces to retreat."


The flames on the balrog's head flared up even more as his temper flared up.

Arken didn't even flinch at this and continued to speak.

"You ran like a coward, while he stayed behind to buy time for his forces to retreat, He singlehandedly withstood the attack of every human to buy time, yet you, an arrogant prick charged into battle blinded by pride, And he, to save you died from Hirotos Spear...

And you, Didn't even try to help him and just attacked the weakened Hiroto and killed him, And Ordered the remaining demons he was trying to save to buy time for your escape. It should have been you who died that day, Not Azlan."

The Sword Saint saint spoke, He Clearly remembered the day the Demons Decided to Attack Japan, And he also remembered that a single Balrog stayed behind to buy time for their retreat.

"Although he was a demon, He was a much better leader than your scared ass."

The flames on the Balrog's Head Had flared up so high that you couldn't even see the faint outline of his face anymore.

"...You wasted your chance to live Arken, Attack!"

And with his words, The surrounding demons rushed towards Arken Who got into a stance.

He knew he would not leave alive today.

But he was gonna kill this bastard before he died.

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