The Villain's Story

Chapter 75 {75}The Perpetrator.

[According to the footage we analyzed, it was a student by the Name of Alex Wright that Brought Him to the infirmary carrying him on his back.]

"What information do we have on him?"

Sabrina, Asked the person on the other side of the holographic phone call.

[He is the third son of The Wright Family. He awakened an affinity to an unknown attribute with no redeeming qualities. And is ranked 3rd last in the first-year rankings. He weighs about-]

"That's enough."

[Yes, Young miss. Will that be all?]


The call ended.

Sabrina had asked her family to investigate what had happened to Alan.

From what she heard. Alex had carried Alan from the direction of the training center, which was also the place where tremors were heard and sounds of a battle were heard from last night.

Unfortunately, No matter how hard her family tried, they could not get footage of whatever happened inside the training center.

The teachers also refused to disclose any information about it.

So she could only grit her teeth at not being able enough to find anything more.

'Alex wright, Class is 1-J, Is from the Wright Family...and is F Rank.'

No matter how much she tried to think of a logical conclusion to Alans State relating to Alex, she could not fathom Her bodyguard ever losing to him.

His reports had stated that he had beaten Benson, His B ranked assistant as a D Rank.

Although that could have also been exaggerated by the guild or him to increase his value.

But still...How could an F Rank even manage to defeat a C rank in combat?

The only thing she could think of was that Alex was a lackey that was tasked with bringing the Injured Alan into the infirmary.

Someone stronger must have had a duel with Alan, and Alex must have been ordered to take Alan to the infirmary after Alan lost.

But that itself raised the question. Who among the students, Could beat Alan to that extent. The teachers couldn't.

Alan himself was <C> rank, the rank multiple high ranked third years were.

Furthermore, He is a Spatial Awakened, someone who could literally, teleport anywhere around his opponent, giving him the element of surprise One on One.

So was it an ambush? A joint attack?

But as far as she remembered, he didn't offend any Major People in Shield.

So who was it? Who was the one who could beat her bodyguard that could teleport away if he was In danger?


[Midnight, At the training center.]

[Alans POV]

I dragged my injured body over to the training center where Alex and the Sword Saint were already present.

They were both dueling.

Although I shouldn't call this a duel, The Sword Saint was dodging Alex's every attack quite easily and was also giving him pointers.

"Your movements are too wide, shorten the distance more, You're a swordsman, Not a spearman."



The sound of the two dual Kung Fu Swords Slashing through the air rang out as Alex Tried desperately to attack the Sword Saint, who effortlessly dodged his every move.

"Your body is far too weak, The youngsters these days all just depend on Mana to enhance their bodies, That will happen if you can't use mana, huh?"

The Sword Saint Berated this generation with a scoff.

Mana Was Not Omnipotent, It was not All-powerful.

There were times when you would have had to depend on your body to endure whatever trial you faced.

A perfect example of this was the Chaos Continent of the Demons, which was formerly Australia. There was no amount of pure mana left there.

All of it was if the Chaos or Dark Attribute.

If you were an awakened with an affinity to either one of those two attributes, Then you would be somewhat okay, but for the poor awakened that didn't possess any of those attributes?

Good Fucking Luck trying to survive with a limited amount of mana.

This was why, During the time the Sword Saint Spent on the Shadow Continent, His raw body was his best and most competent weapon.

Along with something else that was his secret.

A Secret he would reveal later to his Disciples.

"Now, I'm going to start attacking."

The voice of the Sword Saint resounded out as he Hit the Body Of One Of Alex's Swords with his palm, Changing the weapons attack trajectory, Which also destroyed Alex's Stance.

And The Sword Saint, after cladding his Palm In Electricity, Hit Alexs Solar plexus with his thunder-clad palm.


The sound of lightning was heard as Alex's Body Spasmed as Alex lost consciousness. Yet his body continued to spasm.

Seeing this, I Activated Dragon Eyes and scrutinized Alex's Spasming body.

'...The lighting is stimulating his muscles.'

The Sword Saint had used lightning to stimulate their muscles of Alexander.

...It was surprising, and also effective.

'Is it called Shock Therapy?'

I wondered what it was called, I never went to the gym or trained hard in my previous life, So I had no clue.

"And As for you."

As I was thinking about researching the effects of Shock therapy when I had free time, I heard the voice of the Sword Saint, who was slowly walking toward me.

I tensed up, took out my spear, and got into my stance as he approached.

Even though my body was burning, I still did it.

"Relax, you should rest for today."


I questioned, I was honestly expecting a fight...but to relax?

"Your body is special.No Human, even if they were awakened could survive the beating you received yesterday. You would have been relatively fine, But the final attack you used completely shattered your body."

The Sword Saint Explained everything to me.

'Huh, So even with Dragon Scales Active, Abyssal Rend Was too much.'

It was terrifying to think of.

Especially when Abyssal Rend was only at 40 to 45% power.

[Chaotic Spear] was an art focused on the element of Chaos Mainly.

You could use Normal Mana or another attribute to perform its special moves but...the power would be entirely different.

To give an example, If I had used The Ice attribute to power Abyssal Rend, it would only be at 35% power.

If I used normal mana, It would be more powerful at 40 or 45 % power max.

And if I channeled the Chaos attribute into performing it?

100% Power, along with one hundred percent of my body also gone.

A Seven Star Art was truly not a joke.

It was terrifying.

I was excited to see when I would finally be able to use My Spear Technique without my body breaking apart.

But that was for when I would be able to use it without my body breaking apart.

'Hmmm, if I put it on the standard of the art Elijah has at the latter stages of the novel, I should have the power to easily destro-'

"But it is odd."

Interrupting me from my thoughts was the voice of the Sword Saint.

"Unlike the Rumours, Your not a demon but...

The level of strength you possess is unusual for your age, especially considering the time you spent on training...

So, Forgive me if I am being rude but.."

The Sword Saint paused, as if he was considering how to say his next words, however, he then put on an expression of Giving up and just straight up asked me.

"How did you get so strong?"


A|N:Oh how I love torturing my viewers with cliffhangers.

And Sike! I although am extremely busy,still uploaded a chapter even though I have exams!

The reason why?

I am Bored and don't want to study for them!


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