The Villain's Story

Chapter 392 [392] Wudang[4]

Elijah bowed. Showing respect to the Wudang sect master.


The Wudang sect master was not expecting this. He had expected the challenger to charge forward almost instantly and attack him as if he were a monster.

"It's strange."

He mouthed. A weird feeling welled up inside him. How long has it been?

Since he had been treated with respect, respect that his position deserved?

The respect that the leader of Wudang, one of the Ten Great sects deserved?!

Just how long had it been?

Months? Years?...decades…

It had been decades since it happened. His solitude had made him forget nearly everything at this point, his mind could stay sane for only a little while longer.

"May I ask what it is?"


Elijah still did not attack. He remained peaceful and his tone was respectful and kind.

Something like this was rare, even in the Murim of the past. Someone like Elijah was rare to find, someone who had no ulterior motives.

"Nothing, I was just reminded of the past."

Said the Wudang Sect Master, reminiscing about the past. The time when his sect was beautiful and not run down, the time when his home was lively, filled with those who were passionate, who were driven, and those who wished to learn the Way Of Wudang.

The way of Taoism.

Such an era was long gone. It was nothing else but a myth at this point, existing only in his and a few other's memories. Was it more fit to call it a story of the past…haha.

"I apologize for having caused such a memory to occur."

"It's fine."

Elijah apologized, and the Wudang sect master sighed and stared at the Dark clouds that filled the skies of the mountain of Wudang.

Once…weren't these skies full of blue sky?


"Why did you not attack me immediately?"

Asked the Wudang Sect master, his black eyes staring at Elijah's every movement.

"You did not seem like one to attack first."

"Ho? So that is the reason…"

His cracked lips muttered…How peculiar.

This one was different. There was no lie in his words, his intentions were sincere.

"You are an amusing one."

The Wudang sect master mused. He stroked his beard and sat down on the stairs.


Elijah was bewildered. He was expecting something but not this! What did the Man plan to do now?

"You don't want to attack, neither do I. So what reason is there to fight?"

The Wudang Sect master closed his eyes and lay down, the sharp edges of the stairs not uncomfortable for him at all.

Elijah stood still and blankly stared at the Wudang master. To his surprise, He was not attacked by any Shadow Beasts…He was left alone. 

The Wudang sect master was resting, and he was left staring at his figure.


"Didn't expect this did you?"

Laughed the Wudang Sect Master. He opened his eyes and gestured for Elijah to come sit beside him.

Elijah, feeling no killing intent or any other forces hidden in the mountain, followed and sat down on the stairs, beside the Wudang Sect Master.

He was oblivious to why…but he just did it. He didn't know why he complied with the Man's words.

Was this a sort of respect towards him? An Action governed by the respect he had towards his graceful figure?

Elijah didn't need to fight him to know he was someone of great repute. Someone akin to the ones of the Empire…someone who was just unfortunate to fall to the Shadow.

Did he sympathize with the Master of Wudang?

Or did he pity him? He did not know…not yet.

The Master of Wudnag pointed towards the sky covered in dark, dreary clouds.

"How do they look to you?"

He asked, expecting the young man to say something of significance…something that would awaken him.

"They are beautiful."


However, Elijah's words caused him to pause. He pondered for a while.

Was it not depressing?

Was it not Dark?

Was it not…despicable?

He could not figure out the meaning behind Elijah's answer. So he asked Elijah.

"Why are they beautiful?"

But instead of answering, Elijah posed a counter-question.

"Why not?"

The answer left the master of Wudang baffled…

Why not?..

Why not?..

"Isn't it a part of nature…We can't honestly expect the sky to be blue all the time, the clouds can't be white forever."


Elijah had a subtle smile on his face as he stared at the sky, describing the 'beauty' the dark clouds held.

"Sometimes there is rain, Sometimes there is wind and sometimes it is tranquil."

And then…something ignited in the dead heart of the Wudang Sect master. His cracked lips gained moisture, and his dead eyes gained a sense of vigor… filled with expectation.

Elijah continues, unaware of the expectant eyes of the Wudang Sect Master.

He simply smiled and stared at the dark skies.

"It's all part of nature. So It's beautiful."



Laughter escaped the lips of the Wudang Sect Master. His dead heart…his burning passion was relit,

"What is your reason?"

Asked the Wudang Sect master, possessing some of his long-lost vigor back.

"I beg your pardon?"

He explained more clearly.

"What is your reason for climbing this accursed thing?"

He was referring to the Tower. Elijah understood and had a dark look on his face, just like the skies.

"I…I want to save someone who's dying."

And that was it. That was enough for the Master of Wudang.

"I see…"

He stood up and gestured for Elijah to follow him up through the mountain. The dead mountain.


Elijah followed him although he was confused.

"A noble cause to climb, a noble cause to fight."

Muttered the Wudang Sword Master, he had not smiled like this in a long time.

'Cheon Ma…Our end comes soon. Our suffering ends soon.'

They reached the Sect And went over to a platform. Elijah reluctantly followed, unaware of where they were going. Or what they were going to do.

They went to the same platform where the master of Wudang fought Cheon Ma, The heavenly demon once.

"Stay on this side."

He said and went over to the opposite side and brandished his broken, rusty blade.

"Come, let us draw swords like men, like martial artists, not like brutes who know nothing but destruction. Pass this trial and go forth, towards the Highest demonic peak of Murim."

"You will fight me with that…? Sir, please Change your weapon."

"A martial artist needs not a great weapon for him to be formidable."

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