The Villain's Story

Chapter 116 [116]...What Is Happening?

Where am I?

I can't see anything in this darkness...and feel...anything?

What is this?

I was just training with the sword saint. I was the last one left standing and was about to attack.

I suddenly felt lethargic, and I saw my scales appear even though I did not activate [Dragon Scales]

I was going to go fight...I was going to go fight. I was going to go fight. I was going to fight. I will keep fighting, I will keep fighting.

I will keep fighting.

I will keep fighting.

I will keep fighting and win.


What am I thinking?

Fighting? What do you mean by Fighti-AAAHHHHH!




What was that pain that I just experienced in this darkness?

As I was questioning what I experienced, the darkness changed around me.

And I found myself viewing three boys kicking a blonde-haired child in a lounge.

"Hah, kick him more!"

"How does this feel?!"

"Suck this, you bastard!"

They kept on kicking him, ruining his clothes yet they didn't stop until they were tired.

Yet the victim's eyes...were resolute?

He was not afraid.

He was not scared at all of these three boys even though he was being bitten. those are mine?


The eyes I had in my memories from when I was a kid, an abused child, seeking revenge and playing along with the abuse to bide time for my sweet sweet revenge.

Those are my eyes?

What is this?

My head is splitting apart.

I grabbed my head and the scenery around me changed.

And the memories I had kept playing in front of me.

From When I always cried myself to sleep.

From when my body was black and blue.

From when I was secretly plotting my revenge as I licked my wounds.

From when I began to rise in the world.

From when I began to oppose those sons of bitches.

From when...I had fallen into the trap of love.

From When James had had his face splashed with acid upon entering his office by the one he loved fallen into the trap of money.

From when his sanity broke down.

The day he lost his sanity after removing the bandages on his face.

The day his emerald eyes returned.

To the insanity possessed by him originally before he changed himself due to love.

The days when he began to be even more serious in his plan of revenge

...the day he put the metal mask onto his face.

His struggle of 8 years.

His endless struggle without a moment of ample rest.

The days he worked tirelessly.

The day he put a bullet into his brother's skull.

The day he went out to sea on a boat with just him and a woman trapped in a barrel of cement.

That same day when he skinned her face while she was conscious before throwing her into the ocean, laughing like a maniac and crying at the same time.

The day when he mentally destroyed his Eidetic sister, tortured her endlessly before becoming bored and sending her to a mental asylum he owned to be tortured until she begged for death.

From the day he began to soar in the world while hiding his heinous crimes.

...the day when he killed his the woman who had biologically brought him to this world...only to whisper the words

'Will you please just die?'

in his ears when he was a baby.

The day... when his revenge was nearly complete.

His Mother, his brother, his sister, his lover, and most importantly himself had all died in one way or another during this revenge.

Now, only a few more months, just a few more weeks and it will be complete.

The damned old man that brought him to this world will soon suffer even more in the days to come. Just as he had suffered.

*Tik Tok.*

As he walked into the dimly lit hallway, as he opened the heavy metal door. as he rested on his couch.

And the scenery changed once again.

And now in a different office with an aged man with silver hair, with his face all bloody.

And in front of him, was a blonde-haired man with his face covered by a metal mask, and he wearing brass knuckles that had marks of fired blood on them.


...what is this scene?

Didn't I die in the previous room?

What is this scene?

This is not in my memories.


The old man coughed and then shouted, and the man with a metal mask calmly said to him.

"They're all dead. You and I are all that are on this floor."

The old man's expression darkened after hearing the man in the metal mask.

"Why James?! What did we do to you?!

You killed your family, the woman you had loved, and brought down this company!"

"Do I need to state the reason why?...?"

James said calmly. His voice devoid of any human emotion.

He continued.

"From all, you did to me. Surely you remember these knuckles?"

He said while raising his hands to show the man the knuckles he had equipped.

"These very same knuckles that have my blood still on them to this day. How does it feel to get beat by them?"

And as I watched the man in the metal mask beat the old man, again and again, his eyes showing no sort of emotion whatsoever, I became even more confused.

What is happening?

I am James. And he is too?

I don't remember this, I don't remember this at all...

This is not in the memories I have.

I died before this happened.

Then what am I seeing?

But the scene continued with stopping for me to collect my thoughts.


The old man, beaten black and blue, this jaw and more broken, with quite a few other bones as well, lay on the ground gasping for breath.

p "Huuu."

James breathed calmly.

And began to walk and sit on the couch in front of the dying old man.

He sat on it calmly and watched the old man in his last breaths suffering from the pain.

It's finally over.

He probably thought.

I...could feel it.

His thoughts, his previously dull had a hint of happiness.

But why do I have a sense of foreboding danger?

He's done it, he's done it...but why are you happy? idiot! You lost your face when you succumbed to human emotions!

What am I saying?

He can't hear me.

And then, he closed his eyes as the old man stopped breathing.

he seemed to be relishing this moment.

The old man's...heart stopped beating.

And the moment it did.


And in front of me, the entire room became engulfed in a large explosion, killing whoever was inside.

The fires burned everything. fool.

Why didn't you learn your lesson?

I asked him, Did he forget that the reason he lost his face was that he became happy?

Whenever you are happy, you lose something.

That is why you were stoic, pragmatic, calm, cold all your life.

...and for such a calm, cold, and pragmatic man like yourself to meet an end when you become happy once again.

So pitiful.

But...why am I pitying myself?

I thought before the scenery around me changed once again and I was greeted by a another headache.

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