The Villain's Story

Chapter 113 [113]....A Different World.[3]

The grass, the bushes, the pavements, the rustling of the trees, and the movement of everything within fifty meters around me.

Everything is so...vivid.

Such a great feeling this is.

As if I'm a monarch walking in his domain, knowledgeable about everything happening here.

After I had suffered my defeat and put Lucas in the infirmary for probably a week or two. I opted to walk towards my dorm rather than just teleport. l to get used to the world of Mana sense.

Speaking about Lucas, I wonder how he became a disciple.

And just talking about him makes me remember the conversation I had with 'him'.

Alexander Wright.

Lucas Hiddleston.

Maxwell Parker.

Thinking about it, they are similar to me.

But why?

Why did I feel that 'he' wasn't saying the words change to me?

It was odd as if he was looking into a mirror as he uttered those words.

My evolution is also coming up soon as well, I'll have to plan for it.

since there are only 12 days left, I should hold on getting an early leave.

Who knows, it might be one of those evolutions which occur before the designated time, like 3 or 5 days early.

I just hope that isn't the case, but if it is, I'll put in a long sick leave 5 days before it just in case.

Good to be cautious, but the problem is what will happen during the evolution, is staying in my room viable? Or will I have to consult a teacher of mine I could trust?

The only option is the sword saint.

And Oliver, I guess.

I think I can get a private conversation with him to allow me a long leave.

But on the topic of Alex, Lucas, and Maxwell, the only one I have made some progress on is Alex.

Quite fun, it is.

Trying to change someone.

... it's thrilling.

As you watch them grow from weak-willed and cowardly into having some form of bravery and strength.

The process... it's just too addicting to me.

At this point, I don't even care about 'his' words.

I'm just doing it for fun.

I can contact Maxwell later, but Lucas...oh how must I approach him?

Should I regularly beat the shit out of him to get rid of his pervertedness or do something else to change it?

Ahh, just the thought of it EXCITES me.

'...hmm, would exposing him to p*rn magazines and seeing if his member would rise and immediately kicking it back down work?'

I thought to myself, already jumping to ways I could torture him to change.

With Alex, I can take a calm approach. With Lucas? Oh boy, I'm having fun with it.

How do I change a prideful lecherous bastard into a gentleman other than beating the shit out of him?

'Should I get more creative? I could even... who there?'

I stopped suddenly when I sensed a human enter my domain.

Considering the incident and what happened, the entirety of the campus was deserted for some apparent reason.

There were surprisingly no people walking there, except for the gentleman that just entered my sphere of influence.

"Mana Sense? How did you get a skill as rare as that?"

I heard his voice, his figure stood at a height of 6 foot 5 inches and he was holding something square, three square-shaped objects.




Ok not a threat at least, but who is he? The lines on his face are very much defined, he possesses at least a B+ charm.

I need to open my eyes to confirm his identity and remember his face.

And so I opened my eyes, and they widened in shock as I realized who the person in front of me was.

...what is the first-ranked hero, the father of my arch-enemy, and the head of the strongest family doing here?

Did he visit because of the recent incident?

No, he should be far too busy for that...or is it that this overprotective father made time for his beloved daughter even though his duties are so burdensome?

How envious.

"Those blue eyes of yours, are you Alan Peccator?"

I heard his calm and soothing voice and answered his question.

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Who doesn't know of you? His face is plastered nearly everywhere, it's pointless to act stupid and don't know him.

"No, it is mine to meet the only spatial awakened among humans."

He said as the boxes of pizza in his hands disappeared and he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a pen.

And then there was silence between us before he broke it.

"Ahem, my apologies. This has become a habit of mine."

...were you expecting me to pull out a notebook and ask you for your autograph?

I wonder, how many times has it happened that it became a habit for him?

"Please excuse my...earlier actions."

He said to me as I looked at him amidst the awkward silence and finally responded.

"It's nothing, it's probably become a habit because of your fame."

"Thank you for your understanding."

And then there was silence between us again.

"...I would like to apologize for my daughter's actions, I have heard that she has been quite rude towards you due to recent rumors. I hope you can forgive her...she has had a troubled childhood."

"No need, I'm not bothered by it, sir."

And then there was silence between us again when I answered his question.

Come to think of it, even I'm confused by this silence.

There are just not many topics for us to talk about. I'm not his fanboy or anything.

I mean Yeah, number 1 ranked superhero but in a world where there are things even stronger than him?

It kind of ruins the appeal I guess you could say.

"Would you care to join Serena and her friends? Considering your relationship with Sabrina Wellington, who is also there waiting, I think you should also come and...just enjoy?"

He asked me, breaking the silence once again.

Oh now I get it, the other protagonists probably visited their friends, and he probably snuck out from there and his excuse to return was that he got pizza.

A smart man by my standards.

But unfortunately, I have no desire to get involved with them, and I want to visit my sister before she goes to sleep after getting used to Mana Sense.

So I respectfully decline.

"I'm sorry, but I'm currently recuperating, so I will be unable I participate."

And that would be the cue for us to take off.

Both He and I started going our ways

as if the atmosphere, between us was stifling and both of us couldn't wait to leave.

It was a short encounter, but it was a weird encounter.

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