Episode 91

Translator : Missme

Editor : Aru

‘He exploited a bunch of sorcerers.’

The method used by Ash to travel a few days’ distance in just one day was simple.

One. Search the village and find a sorcerer.

Two, have the sorcerer use a moving spell to the next village.

Three. Arrive at the next village and repeat the above process.

Then, ta-da! We’ve reached our destination!

‘…… easier said than done.’

I was stunned and swallowed a sigh. It looks really simple at first glance, but it wasn’t at all when I dug into the facts.

It was a problem from the first stage. I don’t know if I’ve told this before, but in this world, a sorcerer was very valuable manpower.

There are many reasons, but the core of them was the sorcerer was rare. The sorcerer was not scattered by the side of the road. Their numbers weren’t as much as expected from the whole empire. Besides, they liked to hide away from people, whether it was a natural trait or not.

What does all of this mean? Yes. That’s right, it means the sorcerer was hard to find.

Although I’ve seen a sorcerer before, at the territory, this was the first time I’ve seen a sorcerer cast magic while living in this world.

Well, let’s say we managed to found a sorcerer who was hiding out of sight.

There was another problem. In fact, this is a bigger problem.

It is known that sorcerers were basically very high people. What I mean is that even if you give them a lot of gold, but they don’t like the request, they often refuse without looking back.

It was an anecdote that in the past, a billionaire, who had money to buy the mansion, was treated poorly and beaten at the door, even though he offered such an amount of money to buy the mansion.

And now, you want such a sorcerer to use the movement magic?

Let me add one more explanation to help you understand here. Movement magic was the number one challenge magic honour that the sorcerer commonly avoided. The reason is simple. Because it’s hard.

Among the numerous sorcerers, movement magic was known for its exceptionally demanding and arduous magic.

I’m not related to that major, so I don’t know in detail, but I heard that its difficulty level could make your legs tremble like a newborn deer because it’s so hard to cast.

In other words, a decent sorcerer will never, ever, willingly use that magic.

After all, Ash went through all the process of finding the sorcerers hiding in the village and forcing them to use movement magic.


I imagine what kind of threats, threats, and threats were there in a series of routes for Ash to move from village to village and exploit sorcerers. But I stop. Whatever I think, it shouldn’t be more than strange things.

‘Anyway, that’s really how it was.’

No, it’s like…….. It was an efficient means from a humanitarian point of view anyway.

It was amazing that such a thing was possible regardless of everything.

I think it was literally Ash’s way of doing it, and I heard that Ash used the same method to take to the mansion from the forest while I was asleep.

No wonder I didn’t think I was asleep that long but when I woke up, it was a mansion.

‘Two people would have been twice as hard. It’s late, but I’m giving you my silent tribute.’

May you live… or may you go to a good place…….?

As I was praying in my heart for the unknown sorcerers, I could hear a clear voice that the preparation was ready.

“It’s all done!”

I stopped praying and turned my eyes.

“It’s all done?”

“Yes, it’s all done. We can leave now.”

I looked down at the ground listening to her voice. The floor was painted with a very complex pattern of circular magic at a glance.

When Alex heard the conversation, while he went to call Ash, the sorcerer took my wrist and muttered.

“So, we’re going such a distance with two people, huu it’s my first time …I don’t know if I can do it well……”


“Oh, princess. Don’t worry. I’m a genius sorcerer after all.”

The sorcerer smiled at me as if to reassure me. Her eyes with the warm orange sunset curled into a half-moon…

What the hell is going on here?

It’s a long explanation, but I’ll shorten it for you. This very decent sorcerer is about to be used as a means of transportation to the south directly. And besides, she’s a sorcerer whom I know.

I whispered, looking at her, who was with the Crown Prince at the territory and had recently cast me the reverse magic in the northern village.

“Why are you here?”

“Why am I here? I saw a request where you were looking for a sorcerer.”

“You know I’m not asking you about that.”

After Ash and I decided to go down to the south together, Ash said, Let’s move on through the movement magic to the south.

And it was a little later that I learned that it was a different expression of the sound of ‘exploiting a sorcerer’.

Of course, I was surprised and opposed to it at first, but Ash had no intention of backing down.

I guess he was worried about my ankles and my stamina to ride the carriage for a few days, but…….


At any rate, Ash was stubborn and I couldn’t say no more, so I came up with a compromise instead.

Let’s get a volunteer before we force a sorcerer here to exploit. If there is no one willing to do it, let’s go and select them ourselves.

So I offered a request early in the morning, but not long after that, this sorcerer came to the mansion.

“I know how difficult the movement magic is. It’s magic that you use only when you want to test your limits.”

Honestly, I thought it would be better if at least one person came, but I didn’t know it was her.

It’s a pretty large sum of money, but I don’t think that would have tempted a genius sorcerer who was competent enough to work for the Imperial Palace.

Well, what should I say? It was a request that I gave out with the feeling that anyone could come, but when I saw a familiar face, I felt strangely complicated.

If you’re going to exploit it, it’s still a little bit of remorse for someone you don’t know…… No, wait a minute. What’s wrong with my personality?

Then the sorcerer answered back.

“Well, it’s known that way. You know very well, Princess.”

“That’s what I’m saying. You want to test your limits?”


The sorcerer laughed lightly and continued her words.

“No way. Unlike a lot of Dunjae and Bumjae, I know my limitations better than anyone else without having to be vague.”

It sounds like I heard something nasty, but it’s from a certified genius sorcerer, so I let it pass.

“Then why…”



“I have something to confess.”

Then the words that followed were confessions.

“Well, I actually followed you, princess.”



“The day I happened to run into the princess in the northern village and cast a spell on you. And then I stalked the princess.”

She continued her shock confession in a calm voice.

“I noticed a little later that the princess was heading for the North Forest. Well, I meant to extend your escape a little bit, not to put you in danger.”

So she said she followed me.

The north forest was not a very short place for a possible threat. But she said, if I was in danger of dying, she would show up and save me.

I’m speechless.

No, so how many people were following me back then?

“Then along the way, I found out that there was another tail following you, princess… Oh, did I tell you? I’m a very sensible person…I figured out their relationship with the princess.”


“So I thought maybe I should get out of there. I was in the forest when I made that decision and turned around….”

The sorcerer twitched her nose at this point. It seems to be quite embarrassing for her to think about it again.

“Just before I left the forest, I saw a sudden influx of monsters crowding in. It is also in the direction of the princess.”

She let out a sigh. It was a breath of complexity that reminded me of how I felt back then.

“It was a huge number. I was surprised and very embarrassed at the same time. I’m a brilliant genius sorcerer who can make it to two people at the same time, but I wasn’t sure if I could get you out of those monsters.”

There seemed to have been some noticeable self-praise in the middle of her story, but her story continued to flow anyway.

“What should I do about this? Should I just jump in? That’s when I thought about it.”


“I felt a sudden wave of mana nearby that tore up space and then the Duke appeared there.”

heart beating

My heart reacted unconsciously. It’s just Ash mentioned in the story.

Unconsciously, I listened more than before, and then followed her words.

“I noticed his excellency showed up with a rag-like sorcerer.”

A rag-like sorcerer.

“And as soon as they showed up, he threw the sorcerer away and began slaughtering the monster. Roughly.”

I suddenly opened my mouth after hearing all her words.

Because I wondered if this was the cover of what she wanted to say.

“Then the reason you came here today…… Are you saying it’s because of Ash?”

Is she worried that she might die if Ash knows that she used to help me with reverse magic while running away ?

So she came to me in advance and helped us like this to ask me to keep it secret?

When I thought that it was a pretty plausible reason, I heard the voice of the sorcerer.

“I’m sorry.”


I looked at her suddenly, wondering what she was talking about. The sorcerer said again.

“I’m sorry I could have ruined one person’s life. That’s why I’m here.”


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