The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 247 - Mrs. Mo or Dr. Mo

Chapter 247 - Mrs. Mo or Dr. Mo

"Look... I know this is an important meeting but if you are not really feeling well, I can always cancel everything and bring you to the hospital." Mo Li eyed Bella as he continued driving.

"And tell them what?" she groaned and stroked her legs. Last night was good— too good. However, this body was a little weak. She does Yoga but her cardio was pretty bad! In the end, her body had suffered. She had been complaining since this morning. To her surprise, Mo Li ended up not attending his meeting in the morning just so he could make some soup for her. It wasn’t something extravagant but the action was pretty surprising for her.

She didn’t know that Mo Li could actually cook like a pro!

"Oh, I get it." Mo Li beamed. Seems like Bella doesn’t want him to get in trouble. Especially now that he was planning to build his reputation. "Then, just tell me if you can’t walk. I will carry you." A mischievous smile flashed on his lips.

She snorted before she closed her eyes. Today, they were scheduled to have a meeting with some people who worked for Mo Li. This would be the first time she would meet his employees. After this, they would have their dinner in another famous restaurant with his trusted assistants and the Vice President of his company.

"I heard your father canceled his press conference," Mo Li said. She doesn’t need to look at him to know that he was smiling. "Must be difficult to try and ruin your name when you look really happy." If the Mayor would say something terrible against his daughter, it would only make him look bad. After all, Bella had shown that she no longer cared about the past. "But, knowing that man, I was certain that he would do something else.

"Hmmm." Bella nodded but said nothing. That old man thought that she was still in love with her ex. This was enough to tell her that he would use her ex against her soon. Perhaps an accidental meeting? She slowly opened her eyes and eyed the streets of Lu City. Her ability to assume is getting stronger. Of course, this was not really a bad thing as it is truly helping her complete tasks. But her sudden ability in scheming was just making her speechless.

She felt that her brain was akin to a calculator, almost immediately calculating everything and giving her answers and solutions. Sometimes, these thoughts sounded too impossible, and yet, her brain was making it seem as if it was all normal. For instance, she had thought that the Mayor would soon hire thugs to make Mo Li look bad.

It was just some random thought. Something that sounded too impossible. Or was it?

Bella was actually trying to test these thoughts inside her head. It was like, she was trying to see if these assumptions would soon come true. If it would... then she wouldn’t hesitate to slap her own forehead! This was her promise.

Bella was too engrossed in her own thought that she didn’t notice their car pull over in a building.

"We’re here." Mo Li uttered and walked out of the car so he could open her door.

Bella eyed the huge sign in front of the four-story building, Mo Capital. "Mo Capital." Mo Li told her that his company involves finances. Basically, they manage investment portfolios from clients. The company was considered one of the best ones in the city despite it being just established five years ago.

"Hmmm." Mo Li held her hand as he walked towards the building. He led her towards a spacious lobby and into an executive elevator. After a few seconds, the two arrived on the fourth floor

"Mr. Mo!" Two people, one male, and one female immediately bowed when he walked towards his office.

"Mrs. Mo." They echoed as they looked at Bella.

"Hmmm. Is Liu Cheng’er in now?" Mo Li uttered.

"Yes, sir. She is in her office. Shall I— "

"Yes. Tell her I will be waiting for her in my office." Mo Li said. All this time, he never once let Bella’s hand go. He quickly pulled her towards his office, which looked more like a barren room surrounded by glasses. A huge rectangular table and a swivel chair was the only thing inside the room. "I like it clean." Mo Li explained when he noticed her eyes roaming inside his office.

Just as Mo Li said, the room was clean— too clean. Aside from his computer on the table, there was were no files, no books, or anything else. "You don’t have a seat..." aside from the swivel chair, there were no other chairs inside.

"Oh! I will ask them to put something in here tomorrow. I don’t usually bring people here. I just use this space for work. We have a different space for meeting clients and board members."

"That— Then I will sit in your chair." She said and walked towards the only chair in the room. "You stand there." She uttered. Seeing Lily’s bossy attitude slowly creeping out, Mo Li let out a burst of heartfelt laughter. He was really in an extremely good mood, ah.

"You wanted me to just stand here?" he lifted an eyebrow.

"You can sit on the table." She said. This office was just a bit too big. This was even bigger than their guest room in the condo. How could he not ask his assistant to bring another seat in? Simple! He wanted her to sit on his lap. She glared at him and wondered how could she read him like they were never apart of the last seven years.

"Why don’t I sit on the chair and sit on my lap?" As expected, Mo Li didn’t hesitate to tell her his plan.

"Nope." She shook her head. "Not comfortable."

"Eh? But you seem to love sitting on my lap on the tub last night?"

She widened her eyes, blood rushing through her face. This man... "Still no!" She turned her head away and pretended to pout.


Bella jumped out of the seat when she heard his voice against her ears. She didn’t know if that was her imagination or... she widened that the man who was now standing next to her seat. "You— How did you approach me like that?" she asked and soon realized how nonsense her question was. Of course, he walked towards her. It’s just that, she had been too deep in her own thoughts, she actually didn’t notice him. "Are you planning to kill me from a heart attack?" she asked and patted her chest. Seeing her reaction, Mo Li laughed and sat on the now vacant chair before pulling her in his lap.

"What do you think?" Mo Li asked. "I think my lap is just as comfortable as the chair, no?"

Bella squinted. She was about to answer him when the door suddenly burst open. A blond woman, wearing a gray skirt suit that looked comfortable and elegant as it hugged the woman’s body, perfectly showcasing her h.i.p.s and small waist. The woman wasn’t wearing a jacket on top of her office suit so, Bella could immediately tell she was slim. Despite wearing three inches stilettos, it was obvious that the woman was taller than Bella.

"Ready?" the woman asked Mo Li without sparing Bella a single glance.

"You can ask her," Mo Li, his playful tone disappeared. "After all, the dinner was to celebrate your meeting. Or did you forgot that, Miss Liu?"

Bella paused. She could feel Mo Li’s changes when the woman appeared. Mo Li didn’t need to tell her that he disliked this woman. But why? Isn’t this person the Vice President of Mo Li’s company? Bella met the woman’s eyes and immediately spotted the anger on Liu Cheng’er’s orbs. However, the woman quickly masked this emotion as she smiled at Bella.

"Of course. I forgot." She walked towards them and held her hand towards Bella. "I cam Liu Cheng’er from the Liu Family. You can call me Dr. Liu."

Bella beamed. "Doctor?"

"Yes, I am a physician but I now worked in the industry and help people with insurance and other medical stuff."

"I see." Bella nodded as she stood from Mo Li’s lap. She accepted the woman’s hand. "I am Bella Mo. But it would be best to call me... Mrs. Mo."

The woman’s face sunk as she eyed Mo Li. "You let her took your last name?" she asked Mo Li without letting go of Bella’s hand.

"Is there a problem?" Bella asked.

"No... I just... It was just really rare."

"It is..." Bella nodded. "If you are not very comfortable with calling me Mrs. Mo then please call me Dr. Mo instead."

"A doctor," the woman uttered.

"I have two." Bella smiled. "It is usually frowned upon to have two doctorate degrees. But Dr. Liu doesn’t care about that right?"

"That— "

"I hope Dr. Liu won’t treat me horribly just because I have two doctorate degrees." Bella gave a sweet smile.

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