Chapter 66.1

Face-Slapping the reborn CEO (1.1)

Editor: ghost

Zhou Xu once again returned to the vast space. This time, Zhou Xu was very calm and collected because he was already used to it and understood it well.

First, he had gaps in his memories, and these memories could be restored. Next, he now knew his lover very well. He only needed a hug or a touch to recognize him. These two things were very important to Zhou Xu.

Although Zhou Xu discovered that his memories could be restored, he still needed a specific event or experience to recall the corresponding event. That’s why his memories couldn’t be fully recovered until now. Zhou Xu didn’t mind. Not only did he have time and energy, he would also go through more worlds, encountering more events and undergoing more experiences. He was not afraid of not remembering.

The shadow once again appeared in the space. Unexpectedly, this time their eyes met.

Although the shadow still disappeared very fast, this time Zhou Xu saw it very clearly.

Zhou Xu was sure that he knew this person. He was certainly someone from his real world because the look he threw at Zhou Xu was not simple at all.

This person was about 1m90 (6″2) tall with bright eyes, a high-bridge nose, with not-too-thick and not-too-thin lips. The whole person’s temperament felt very noble. The gaze he used to look at Zhou Xu was very warm. There was a trace of eagerness within the warmth, as well as a trace of impatience, and also...

This gaze was too complicated. Zhou Xu couldn’t describe it clearly, but he knew that person was very important to him. Because the instant the shadow disappeared, Zhou Xu felt a panic beyond expression.

In a certain ward on the Noah Star, the highest-ranked admiral opened his eyes. This time, he could finally sit down. He still felt a little dizzy, but at least he could move.

The entire ward was white, making people feel very oppressed. It was deathly still, but this kind of room let the admiral think deeply.

The time he stayed awake was longer and longer. His body had more and more strength. Did this mean that he could recover completely?

Then, how was he recovering? Was it thanks to Zhou Xu, or was it because of himself?

Did Zhou Xu know that all of his lovers were incarnations of him?

Zhou Xu certainly knew. Zhou Xu had been smart since he was little, smart enough to scare the whole galaxy. It was also because of this that he was targeted and had to cross over all these worlds.

He had to save Zhou Xu. He had to.

Pressing the emergency button at the head of his bed, the general laid down again. He couldn’t let himself lose consciousness so quickly.


Zhou Xu opened his eyes and discovered that he was on a bed. The bed was very big, neither too soft nor too hard, it was very comfortable.

The room was decorated in a typical European style. Even the random chair should be quite pricey. The European style printing on it was probably often used by European aristocrats.

Standing up, Zhou Xu thought he crossed into a European world. But when Zhou Xu looked at the full-length mirror, he discovered that his appearance was still that of an Asian – black hair and eyes, Grecian nose and vermillion colored lips. Only his eyes were a little sharp. If he didn’t smile, only one sentence could describe the feeling his face gave: don’t come close.

His pinky finger tingled, meaning that the information of this world was being transmitted. Zhou Xu narrowed his eyes and received the information.

After receiving the information, Zhou Xu looked at his reflection in the mirror. Very good. The him of this world only had one characteristic: viciousness.

Wrong, it should be that the personality of Zhou Xu in both worlds was vicious. Because the protagonist of this world had been reborn.

The only difference was that in the first world Zhou Xu killed the other party, while after the protagonist was reborn, Zhou Xu was killed by him.

After sorting out the information he received in his mind, Zhou Xu felt that his death was pitiful. He had starved to death. Normal people wouldn’t think much of it, but Zhou Xu’s family was among the richest.

But it could also be seen that money wasn’t a reflection of a family’s happiness.

The protagonist of this world was called Zhou Xueli. He was the second son of the Zhou family while Zhou Xu was the eldest.

The two of them were brothers, but their relationship was brimming with conflicts since they were young. They were born from different mothers, but what was identical was that both of their mothers had died in a car accident. Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli were the same age, they were only a few months apart.

This also showed the status of Zhou Xueli’s mother. But unfortunately, no matter what her identity was, in the end she was still a beauty with poor fate.

In the first world, it was because of Zhou Xueli’s identity that Zhou Xu hated him, went after him and suppressed him. In the end, he even sold Zhou Xueli to a “bar” where he died miserably.

After his rebirth, Zhou Xueli allied with the female lead, Wen Chan. They schemed against Zhou Xu and finally made him meet with a tragic death. No matter in which world, Zhou Xu was always the biggest villain.

Zhou Xu sneered. To him, no matter if the other party had been reborn or not, or had the ability to foresee the future, as long as there was no fundamental change, then it was all garbage in Zhou Xu’s eyes.

After getting dressed, Zhou Xu went downstairs. Because it was the first day after Zhou Xueli’s rebirth, it was also his first emergence after rebirth. But Zhou Xu wanted him to know that even if the opponent had been replaced, no matter how many times Zhou Xueli was reborn, it was all useless.

The building where Zhou Xu lived was a two-story, also European-style villa.

The villa was very spacious, and all the decorations were in an European fashion. Zhou Xu was really fed up with this style, he preferred simple and neat decorations. But at the moment he had no right of speech, he was only 19 years old after all, and had nothing.

He walked to the dining hall using the original’s memories. The first thing that came to view was a really long dining table, with several vases of fresh flowers on it. His father, Zhou Qiang, was sitting at one end of the table.

A gorgeous woman was sitting on Zhou Qiang’s right. This woman was Zhou Xu’s third stepmother, Ke Tur.

Zhou Xueli’s mother was only a mistress and had never married Zhou Qiang. That’s why she could not be considered Zhou Xu’s stepmother.

After Zhou Xu’s mother died, Zhou Qiang married twice. Neither wife birthed a child to Zhou Qiang. In the end, Zhou Qiang married his current wife, Ke Tur.

As a matter of fact, Zhou Qiang was not a good person. When he had divorced his previous two wives, he just gave several millions to end things. Moreover, he had a lot of contacts. Even if the women wanted to make trouble and ask for more money, at the end, they have no choice but to give in.

His current wife, Ke Tur, was an actress. The previous year, Zhou Qiang took a fancy to her because Ke Tur had played a pure college girl in a drama. Her inexperienced appearance looked so tender that it seemed water could be squeezed out. Zhou Qiang used a lot of resources in order to get her.

In the end, Ke Tur agreed to Zhou Qiang’s marriage proposal. But Ke Tur didn’t expect that after they got married, Zhou Qiang didn’t stop his relations with his lovers.

After quarreling several times, Ke Tur also seemed to have given up. Every day, she would do gardening at home. When she had nothing to do, she would go out to play mahjong. She had money now anyway, she did not care about other things.

Ke Tur was 27 years old this year. She would appear to be around 20 without makeup, but after she put on heavy makeup, she looked like she was more than 30 years old.

Zhou Xu never called her mom. After all, they only had an 8 years difference.

The original hated Ke Tur very much, or rather, the original didn’t like any of Zhou Qian’s wives or lovers. However, Zhou Xu did not dislike Ke Tur. She was just a stranger he met often. Besides, Ke Tur was also pitiful. Before she agreed to Zhou Qian’s marriage proposal, she hadn’t known anything about him.

Zhou Qiang blocked all news concerning himself and only showed a falsely gentle and mature appearance to her. Moreover, in order to force Ke Tur to agree, he found people to bankrupt Ke Tur’s parents’ small company, making them owe millions in debts.

At Ke Tur’s most vulnerable time, Zhou Qiang once again appeared. He helped pay off the debts of Ke Tur’s parents and even found a specialist to treat her mother’s illness.

Ke Tur felt a twinge of guilt and gratefulness, and under the coercion of her parents, she finally married Zhou Qiang.

After marrying Zhou Qiang, Ke Tur slowly learned what kind of man Zhou Qiang was, but what could she do?

Sitting down opposite Ke Tur, Zhou Xu greeted them, “Dad, Aunt Ke.”

Zhou Qiang and Ke Tur were stunned. Did Zhou Xu greet Ke Tur? It was really rarely seen.

He could clearly see their reaction, but Zhou Xu didn’t care. He picked up the bread on the table and started to eat.

With a light cough, Zhou Qiang said, “Xiao Xu, you have grown up.”

Zhou Xu nodded and looked at Zhou Qiang. “I was really immature before, I won’t be in the future, Dad.”

Bullshit. In a moment, Zhou Xueli would come down. The first thing he would do was to tell on him and slander him. When the time came, with the help of Ke Tur, Zhou Xu would certainly suffer losses.

At the moment, Zhou Xueli still hadn’t appeared. Before he did, Zhou Xu would obviously create some advantages for himself. When the time of confrontation came, it would be easier to talk. After all, there was an expression called: first impressions are the strongest.

“Auntie, Xueli and I were really unfriendly towards you before. In reality, it was not against you, but against every stepmother...”

“cough...” Zhou Qiang made a cough sound to remind Zhou Xu not to talk nonsense.

Zhou Xu looked at Zhou Qiang and continued to look at Ke Tur with a slightly apologetic appearance, “It’s all because of me, because I was not sensible, that’s why Xueli also learned from me. But now, I know Auntie, it was not your fault.”

Ke Tur’s eyes were slightly red and she said with a smile, “It was nothing.”

Zhou Qiang didn’t allow her to continue being an actress. Ke Tur was actually a canary being raised. Even if she wanted to fly, she could not fly out of that huge cage. Because the relationship between Zhou Qiang and the giants of the entertainment circle was extremely close, if Ke Tur divorced, she would also not be able to act again.

“Hahaha, our family’s Xiao Xu has really grown up. Very good. Next year, you will be twenty. At that time, come to the company and find a small department to learn from first. In the future, you can take over our Zhou family.”

“Thanks Dad. I will try hard and won’t fight with you anymore.”

Zhou Qiang smiled, “I knew you were quarreling with me. After so many years, your anger should have also been appeased. Very good, very good, hahaha...”

In the previous world, Zhou Xu did not say so many words at the table. Basically, when the three of them ate, not many words were spoken. Zhou Qiang would speak some sentences that Zhou Xu and Ke Tur didn’t even respond to.

This time, the scene could be said to be joyous and harmonious.

Zhou Xu knew that Zhou Xueli would come down around the time they finished eating.

Zhou Xueli had a shortcoming: he liked to sleep in. No matter if it was the first world or after rebirth, he could not change this shortcoming.

T/N: It’s a modern/CEO setting o/. While reading the comments, I thought about something... If there is a cultivation world, how difficult it will be to translate it ಥ_ಥ. Takoyan, please come back !

Btw, Father Zhou is a big scum U.U coercing a girl to marry him, tsk.

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