Chapter 49

Face-Slapping the School Heartthrob and Student Council President (4)

Editor: ghost

“Ha ha ha, that’s right! But don’t worry, I’ll use the money I won to treat you to spicy salted prawns. You loved this dish the most when you were young. What do you think?”

“It’s! Nothing! Great!” Zhou Xu gnashed his teeth in reply.

Anyone with a bit of discretion could see Zhou Xu’s bad mood, but Yang He carefully stared at Zhou Xu’s face before pinching his cheeks.

“Ha ha ha, you’re still angry. Don’t be so petty,” Yang He turned to look at Zhou Xu’s parents and grandfather, “Look, we haven’t seen him in such a long time yet he unexpectedly never changed. He’s still the same as when he was young.”

Zhou Xu was behind Yang He and his eyes started to redden; fuck, Yang He thought he did not use much strength, but when his claws pinched his face, it was really a bit painful.

He did not care about other things, but if Zhou Xu was caused pain, he must return the favour.

Standing behind Yang He and looking at him laughing merrily with his parents, Zhou Xu reached out and wrapped his arms around Yang He’s waist, appearing very brotherly with Yang He.

“Grandfather, Dad, Mum, how am I petty? I’m also very happy to see Older Brother He ah.” Zhou Xu brilliantly smiled. His appearance brought an indescribable comfort to his family, especially since they knew he previously had agoraphobia.

They still remembered the Zhou Xu in the past who was always timid, and had worried he would commit suicide due to depression. They were always working away from home, but after the end of the college entrance exam– seeing their own child in that state, they were determined to never leave again to see their child only once a year.

The family laughed. Zhou Xu could see that they were genuinely happy.

Since Zhou Xu could tell, Yang He naturally could tell as well. Hence from the moment Zhou Xu wrapped his arm around his waist, although he grimaced in pain, he used it to smile.

After this bout of laughter, Zhou Xu returned to his room to put down his bag. Yang He followed him, rubbing his waist that was pinched purple, “You’re really ruthless. Look, look, it’s already turned purple as if it was squeezed by a door. Did you really need to use so much strength?”

Zhou Xu placed his bag neatly before turning to look at Yang He who raised his shirt for him to look. Indeed, the side of his waist had really turned purple.

Zhou Xu was very satisfied. Daring to let him feel pain, he would also dare to make Yang He feel pain till he lost his sense of direction.

The corner of his mouth lifted. Zhou Xu sat at his own bed, looking at Yang He’s waist in mockery, “Serves you right.”

Zhou Xu suddenly really wanted to know if this person’s certain place had a red mole. However, how would he get to see it?

Zhou Xu smiled slightly. Just now was revenge for pinching his face; this time, he would be more heavy-handed because this was for Yang He using him to gamble with his parents.

After hearing Zhou Xu’s words, Yang He purposely showed a wronged expression. He released his grip on the hem of his shirt and was about to say something jokingly before Zhou Xu suddenly turned hostile. Without any time to react, Yang He was knocked down by Zhou Xu who pounced on him.

Releasing him, Zhou Xu dusted his hands. He disdainfully looked at the handsome, tall man on the ground, “If you dare to use me to gamble with my parents again, I’ll strip you bare and toss you onto the strip. I’ll let you off today.”

Zhou Xu stood up. His mother’s voice sounded, “Little Xu, Yang He, quickly come out. Let’s eat dinner together.”

Zhou Xu shouted in reply, “Coming.”

Tidying his clothes, Zhou Xu headed to the living room. Yang He also stood up and tidied himself. The corner of his mouth raised slyly and Yang He rested his head on Zhou Xu’s shoulder, whispering, “Little Xu, you let go because you couldn’t strip me right? Ai yo yo, don’t you have too little strength?”

Zhou Xu glared at him before continuing to the living room, only to hear Yang He laugh, “Actually, if you want to look, I can take the initiative and let you look, ha ha ha....”

Yang He laughed as he followed behind Zhou Xu. Once they left Zhou Xu’s room, he was pushed to a wall by the retaliating Zhou Xu. Although Zhou Xu was shorter than Yang He, Yang He felt that he was looking down on him.

Zhou Xu narrowed his eyes and bewitchingly said in a low voice, “Okay, then let me look ah. Right here, right now. How about it?”

This time Yang He could not laugh. Leaning against the wall and looking at the Zhou Xu who was closing in on him, Yang He’s heart suddenly started pounding. He realised that the current Zhou Xu had too much charm; this kind of beauty was not a woman’s soft and gentle beauty, but a man’s masculinity, unyielding nature and imposing manner that made up his beauty.

Yang He’s dazed reaction delighted Zhou Xu. He smiled faintly and hit his butt, “What are you scared of? I’m just kidding.”

Zhou Xu turned and left to go to the living room, but Yang He remained leaning on the wall in a daze.

When he finally snapped back to reality, Yang He realised that his face had already reddened and a certain place had hardened.

Hand on forehead, Yang He could not help but laugh to himself. He quietly said, “This little rascal really has some capability.”

He shook his head, feeling that it was not Zhou Xu who was capable but he who instigated this. He read the Three Character Scripture for half a day before he finally calmed down.

In the end, Yang He did not eat dinner at Zhou Xu’s house; he had not returned home for a semester and could not possibly eat at another’s house on the day he returned. Moreover, if he did not go home, he definitely would be scolded by his parents. Considering that he would be staying home for the entire winter break, Yang He felt that he should not oppose the “king” and “queen”.

After Yang He left, Zhou Xu chatted with his parents and grandfather. He was all smiles, the shadow of his past self cast away.

Afterwards, Zhou Xu talked to each of his parents separately. When he knew that his father had begun dabbling in the stock market, Zhou Xu took a glance at the stock market’s prices before asking his father, “Dad, how much stocks did you buy?”

“Oh, about twenty thousand worth.”

Zhou Xu nodded and said, “Dad, sell those stocks tomorrow. Buy these instead; do you see Xuri Dongfang? It will definitely earn money.”

“How do you know?”

Zhou Xu laughed, “Dad, don’t ask about this. Believe me, I definitely won’t let you suffer a loss.”

Raising his head to see his own son brimming with such confidence, Father Zhou nodded, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

The winter break was a little more than a month long. However, Zhou Xu did not plan to laze about at home for such a long time. Even he would feel tired after constantly having to act.

He was always fighting to do some form of work the entire winter break, as well as actively chatting with his parents and grandfather. All in all, he was the gold standard for a good son.

Zhou Xu thought that Yang He would frequently come to find him, but after that day, he unexpectedly only came twice; once to send a big box of ribbonfish and the second to send two live chickens. In addition, he would immediately leave after he finished his task.

Zhou Xu did not care much. He realised that every time Yang He saw him, Yang He would act a bit awkward. This awkwardness had some ambiguity. In any case, Zhou Xu was clear that Yang He’s heart was probably in turmoil and this change was to Zhou Xu’s liking.

On the sixth day of the new year, Zhou Xu had already packed up his things and was prepared to return to school early.

He had just finished packing when Yang He arrived. Unexpectedly, Yang He was here to say goodbye to Zhou Xu’s parents and grandfather.

“How about this: Little Xu will go with me. I still have space in my car. Surely it is more comfortable than the train.” Knowing that Zhou Xu was departing today, Yang He proposed his idea.

“It wouldn’t trouble you?” Father Zhou asked.

Because of the stocks, Father Zhou earned quite a bit of money within two weeks. This made him very happy. Of course he already treasured Zhou Xu, hence if Zhou Xu did not need to suffer then naturally Father Zhou would not let him.

“Dad, I don’t need...”

“Of course it’s no trouble. I would more than welcome someone to chat with on the trip.”

“Okay, then we’ll be troubling you. Where is your car? We’ll put Zhou Xu’s luggage in the boot.” Father Zhou said. He turned to face Mother Zhou, “This is great. We can let Little Xu bring more things to eat. Get the fried lotus root and bring two portions of it: one for Yang He and one for Zhou Xu.

Like this, Zhou Xu had not spoken a word before he was sent to Yang He’s car.

The journey was a few hours, neither long nor short. The two perfunctorily chatted. Zhou Xu’s right hand supported his forehead on the car window. He would look at the scenery outside or at Yang He driving, unexpectedly having a sort of happiness amidst years of peace and calm.

When he looked at Yang He again, Yang He was focused on driving. The contours of the side of his face looked soft and gentle, a bit different from his energetic sunshine personality. He exuded a sort of sex appeal in the bob of his Adam’s apple. His face did not have much facial hair and he appeared very clean.

“What? Do you feel that I’m especially handsome?” Yang He was looking at the road ahead, but could feel Zhou Xu’s gaze.

“En, quite handsome. However, in comparison to me, it’s a bit lacking.”

“Ha ha ha... En, you’re more handsome than me.”

The car soon reached the school.

The student dormitories were not closed during X University’s winter break so Zhou Xu did not have any problems in returning to his dormitory.

Yang He helped Zhou Xu bring his luggage from the boot. He kept staring at Zhou Xu unblinkingly.

“What happened?” Zhou Xu took off his outerwear and scarf. His delicate and pretty face was fully shown, reminding Yang He of that time he unexpectedly got hard because of Zhou Xu.

“Little Xu, what would you do if I feel like kissing you?” Yang He pulled Zhou Xu into his embrace.

The two’s faces were very close. Yang He slowly continued inching closer and his eyes gradually closed. Just when he thought he would kiss Zhou Xu’s lips, he felt a wave of heart-rending pain from his lower body.

“Ow.... Little Xu, you.... you....”

Zhou Xu smiled, “So what if I kicked you? Just now you asked a question, but did you wait for an answer before you simply tried to kiss me? Old hoodlum.”

Yang He covered his lower body, hopping about in pain. Zhou Xu looked at him as if he was a performing monkey. In the end, Zhou Xu could not help but laugh.

“It’s really that painful?”

The moment he finished asking, Yang He pushed him against the wall, “I’ll kick your lower half, see for yourself if it hurts.”

Yang He trapped Zhou Xu between the wall and himself. The two locked eyes. Zhou Xu suddenly asked, “I remember I saw your little brother when we were children. Is that red mole still there?”

Yang He was stunned for a moment before laughing in reply, “Ha ha ha.....”

“Don’t laugh. Is it there?”

“Ke ke, how can that disappear? Right, just when did you see my... that place before?” Yang He let go of Zhou Xu, lightly covering his forehead as if to relieve his embarrassment. He rubbed his temples a few times.

Of course Zhou Xu had said it without any proof, but now he already had the answer. The corner of his mouth lifted and he lightly laughed. Indeed, his lovers in the past all liked to cover their forehead and rub their temples. In addition, their hugs all carried the same type of warmth.

Very good, Zhou Xu thought. Since he knew this person was his lover, he would not brood anymore. He had a lot of confidence in seduction.

“What are you doing?” You Luoqi had just entered the dormitory when he found Zhou Xu and their new teacher so close together, looking particularly intimate.

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