Chapter 87

Face-slapping the fox demon and the righteous monk (3)

Editor: chestnutwhale

So as it turned out, Xia Qing was still alive, which was something that Zhou Xu did not expect. On top of that, the original world never mentioned that Feng Yanyi had the Huanyang Pill at all.

After several days, Xia Qing was finally fully conscious. But since her Demon Bone had been removed, she wouldn’t be able to cultivate ever again in the future.

With a gloomy look, Xia Qing gritted her teeth. Even if she were to become disabled, she would take revenge: she must kill Zhou Xu, and she must kill Jiang Feng.

She secretly took out her Gu Worms which she had been raising for decades and looked at them. She was ready to give her all.

This type of Gu Worm was different from the other ones in Nan Jiang. As a matter of fact, these Gu Worms weren’t even real worms. They were something made from demonic cultivation, which later took the shape of a worm.

Xia Qing has been secretly practicing this Demon Cultivation technique. Such a technique had no effect on human beings, as it was only to be used on Gu Worms.

But if one were to use a Gu Worm, then the person who raised it would suffer from endless pain due to his or her meridians broken.

Xia Qing had raised a total of three Gu Worms. The green one was called Tenfold Gu. Just as the name suggests, this type of Gu Worm could boost one’s cultivation by ten times.

Of the other two worms, one was called the Transformation Gu, while the other was called the Marrow Stealing Gu.

Although her Demon Bone was gone, Xia Qing’s cultivation base still existed so she planned to use the Tenfold Gu on Feng Yanyi, as long as he was willing to take revenge for her.

“Knock, knock, knock.” There was a knock on the door, and Xia Qing stood up to open it.

Without the Demon Bone, Xia Qing was just an ordinary person, and in fact, demons without their Demon Bone would have their original form exposed. However, because Xia Qing had the Transformation Gu, she was able to stay in human form.

“I’m glad you woke up, I’ve prepared something for you to eat.” Feng Yanyi’s voice was very gentle, giving people a sense of comfort.

Xia Qing hadn’t seen many mortals before, but she somewhat liked Feng Yanyi from many aspects. Well, she didn’t necessarily like him, it was closer to having a good impression on him. On top of that, this person saved her before, so there was also a sense of gratitude among this good impression.

Feng Yanyi smiled as Xia Qing thought about how to explain it to him. She wasn’t really sure whether the Gu Worm would work or not, and if something went wrong, not only would she be injured, but Feng Yanyi would also die on the spot too.

The two had their own things on their mind, and neither of them said a word until Xia Qing finished eating.

Feng Yanyi also had his own plans and was stubbornly obsessed with cultivation. But due to his evil spirits, cultivation had not been easy for him. Now he finally met a person who would help him, he would never let Xia Qing leave.

Now that the topic has been brought up, Xia Qing felt a bit easier explaining what she wanted to say, “Yes. My Demon Bone has been removed, which you should know already, but my cultivation of more than a hundred years still exists. I want to pass it on to you. What do you think?”

With a sigh of relief in his head, Feng Yanyi pretended to be worried, “But that’s all your hard work, how can you just hand it to me?”

“Either way, my Demon Bone is gone already. I can’t do big things anymore; it’s better to give it to you. In fact, I have a way for your cultivation to crease significantly in a very short amount of time.”

She did not talk about the Tenfold Gu, nor did she mention that the cultivation would increase by ten times, and definitely not the consequences if it failed. She was worried that he might object, and she didn’t fully trust anyone anymore. The only reason she trusted Feng Yanyi a little bit was the fact that he saved her.

“But...” Feng Yanyi pretended to be troubled, but in fact, he was celebrating. He thought he picked up a piece of candy, but in fact, he had found a whole candy factory.

“But there is one condition.” Xia Qing paused for a while and then continued, “That is, you must avenge me by killing the Fox King and the Demon King.”

The excitement in Feng Yanyi’s head decreased a bit after hearing Xia Qing’s words. He wouldn’t stand a chance in front of those two opponents. Even if he received the cultivation from Xia Qing, it was still only a hundred years of cultivation or so. Even if it was doubled, it would still be only about two hundred years. That still wasn’t enough to go against the Demon King, as the Demon King had at least a thousand years of cultivation already.

However, if Xia Qing really passed her cultivation to him, then she would just be a weak woman who couldn’t do anything at all. So at that point, even if he didn’t go take on the Demon King, Xia Qing wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

After processing his thought, Feng Yanyi looked with a solemn expression and said decisively, “I promise that I will avenge for you. Whether I succeed or not, I will do it at all costs. After all, you’re giving me a hundred years’ worth of cultivation.”

Hearing such sincere words, Xia Qing truly felt a little sorry for him. She smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Feng Yanyi also felt somewhat apologetic towards Xia Qing. He smiled back and replied, “I should be thanking you.”

The two both had their own plans and were both trying to fool the other side.

Here Xia Qing and Feng Yanyi reached an agreement, but Zhou Xu over there was still sad. Because he still didn’t find the person he loved.

Zhou Xu could basically tell whether a person was his loved one or not just by touching that person. He would know when he touched that familiar feeling.

So after shaking hands with the Wolf King, Snake King, Rat King, etc, he found that none of them was his lover. So once again, he arrived at the Demon King’s cave.

Yes, the Demon King had gone to seclusion again!

He knocked hard on the stone gate as he imagined the Demon King coming out of the cave with an angry expression. He didn’t like it when people disturb him when he was sleeping.

But after knocking on the door for quite a while, there was no one who opened the door. Zhou Xu guessed that Jiang Feng was probably cultivating.

Just as he was about to leave, the stone gate suddenly disappeared. Zhou Xu’s eyes met Jiang Feng’s and he waved with his right hand, “What’s up, Brother Bear, long time no see.”

Jiang Feng replied coldly with a long face, “Didn’t I tell you last time? Don’t call me Brother Bear.”

“Oh, Jiang Feng, long time no see.”

“What do you want?”

Zhou Xu realized that not only was Jiang Feng’s expression unusual, but his tone was also cold. However, at least he didn’t start a fight, which meant he was still accommodating and patient with Zhou Xu.

“Yes, here, let’s shake hands first.”

Zhou Xu reached out his hand, but Jiang Feng looked at the beautiful Fox King like he was looking at a psychopath.

It was already evening, and the gentle breeze made Zhou Xu’s hair flow with the air. His lips were slightly open; his eyes were as beautiful as silk. In the evening sun, he looked so beautiful.

The members of the Fox Clan were mostly like this, but Jiang Feng thought that Zhou Xu was particularly special. Before, he had never noticed anything special about Zhou Xu, however, ever since the last time they met, why was it that he couldn’t control his emotions anymore?

Zhou Xu still had his hand in the air, so Jiang Feng stopped thinking and looked coldly at Zhou Xu’s hand. Then he asked, “Why do you want to shake hands? If you want to tell me something just go ahead. Otherwise, I’m going back in.”

This was just as Zhou Xu expected, so he quickly pulled his arm back. Then his other hand went for Jiang Feng’s shoulders as if they were good brothers.

But as soon as his hand touched Jiang Feng’s clothes, Jiang Feng turned around and flew into the air. “Don’t touch me.” He said as he looked down on Zhou Xu from the air.

It wasn’t because he didn’t want to shake hands with him, nor was it that he didn’t want his shoulders with him either. It was only because he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to control himself and top him.

Zhou Xu’s patience was running out. He raised his head and shouted at Jiang Feng who was still in mid-air, “Come down!”

Jiang Feng hesitated. How did Zhou Xu’s temper change so quickly? He landed obediently as he thought.

With the breeze blowing, Jiang Feng could smell the faint scent from Zhou Xu’s body, and he even felt that part of his body was about to start growing.

“What do you want?” Jiang Feng’s tone was less cold now and instead more relaxed.

Zhou Xu stopped talking and casted a spell with his fingers, pining Jiang Feng in place.

In fact, even if Zhou Xu didn’t use the spell, Jiang Feng wouldn’t move either, as both of them knew that Zhou Xu’s Freeze Spell wouldn’t cause any harm at all.

Sometimes, when talking in terms of love, one was willing to give and the other willing to accept.

Zhou Xu finally grabbed Jiang Feng’s hand and the moment their fingertips touched, Zhou Xu already knew that this was none other than his lover.

The warmth and dryness of the temperature would never change, and the sense of familiarity and safety wouldn’t either.

Zhou Xu did not break the spell but leaned gently on his shoulder. Jiang Feng didn’t bother to move either and left Zhou Xu leaning on him.

Zhou Xu’s lifted corners of his mouth seemed as though they’d never fall as he heard Jiang Feng’s heartbeat in his ears. It was obviously beating too fast.

Under the gorgeous sunset, the lovers cuddled together.

Under the same sunset, Zhou Xu finally found his lover, and Xia Qing secretly led the green Gu Worm into Feng Yanyi’s body.

A glint of light in the dusk reflected off the Gu worm, like the gloomy eyes of a beast in the forest.

Before that, Xia Qing and Feng Yanyi sat face to face and Xia Qing spoke, “Feng Yanyi, close your eyes and be aware of your meridians.”

“Oh, okay.”

Feng Yanyi closed his eyes, and Xia Qing took out the Gu Worm that was as thick as a finger.

As the worm entered the body, Feng Yanyi didn’t seem to realize it at all.

Xia Qing swallowed her own saliva nervously. If this failed, she and Feng Yanyi would both die. Even if this went successfully, she would still suffer from tremendous pain.

But for her revenge, she was willing to accept the risk. As for using Feng Yanyi, Xia Qing calmly closed her eyes and decided not to think about it.

Summit Translator’s Notes: Hello readers, happy new year 2021! I’m Summit, and I’ll be helping Slowya to translate some of the chapters in VFSCA! As a fairly new translator, I’m also very excited to get onboard with the wonderful community here and hopefully learn more as I translate. You are always welcome to leave me suggestions anytime. Most importantly, I hope that you enjoy this amazing novel as we go! See ya next chapter! 😛

Slowya : I Let’s give him a BIG WELCOME for joining VFSCA as a co-translator o/ I’m so happy!! (I’ll be posting Summit’s chapters for now ~)

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