Chapter 453: In the dark space

|Can we start trying to break out already? It has been long enough.|

The violet orb levitating in an ocean of darkness sighed and asked a slightly smaller white orb nuzzling against it.

|Not nearly enough. The global quest should originally start a few years after the night of the hungry wolves event – this powerful system overseer bend the rules a lot to start it sooner – also, that's why the system reset was necessary – to make all the necessary characters reach the appropriate age.|

The white orb spun around its axis and declared.

|So it wasn't just you trying to patch things up the best you could, it was planned?|

The violet orb asked for confirmation sounding rather surprised.

|Ha? You asked a weird question, neither of the things you said invalidates the other – it was something planned but it was planned in order to patch things up.|

The white orb scoffed and explained.

|...huh.... that makes sense, I guess....|

The violet orb sounded as if it furrowed its brows and shrugged its shoulders – that it certainly had neither of.

|Oh, don't be like that, chin up, Zombie! I promised you that everything will be fine and I always keep my word!|

The white orb sounded as if it smirked, and nudged the violet one to the side.

...or front...?

...actually, maybe on the back...

Either way, the violet orb has been nudged.

|How can you promise something that you have no power over? There are so many problematic points – the filth of an older sister of mine for example! She's out there doing whatever the hell she wants!|

The violet orb jolted up and trembled from the bottled-up anger.

|Caramel? She does exactly what she is supposed to do, though?|

The white orb sounded as if she furrowed her brows, looking at the violet one with concern.


The violet orb floated back in confusion and let out a surprised gasp.

|Don't huh me. Believe it or not but the reincarnated girl that you terrorized since early childhood actually chose to use the secret ending to her advantage since the road leading to it would keep you sealed for a few years. For example, right now she's enjoying a peaceful sleep – not like she could do that with you around. For now, she isn't our problem.|

The white orb pointed out indifferently, though she sounded like she was smirking quite a bit while saying all that.

| that the reason why you always warned me from going too far but never outright banned me from paying her back?|

The violet orb stopped floating back and asked, focusing on the white one.

|That was the reason, yes.|

The white orb bounced up and down and spun around diagonally.

|I see.|

The white orb sighed and started floating away as if it was going on a walk through the endless darkness – and the white orb followed behind it without a moment of hesitation.

|Just... keep an eye on the outside world and tell me if you notice something is off, alright? Since you can clearly see what is going on there.|

The violet orb said absentmindedly while slowly floating towards the faraway differently colored orbs.

|I wouldn't say clearly. It's more like a hunch, but I am pretty confident in it.|

The white orb said dismissively while tailing the violet one through nothingness.

The two orbs just drifted along for a bit in silence, but no matter what, the faraway orbs did not get any closer – it was actually very plausible that the violet and white orbs only thought that they are moving and never actually left their original spot, to begin with.

|There's still only one yellow one.|

The violet orb pointed out at the lone yellow gleam that was definitely the closest one from all the other ones.

|Yeah. That's mostly because none of the Greeds is keen on getting the attention of the queen herself since she's just as jealous as she is greedy. Funnily enough, she is waiting for her son to get the appropriate skills as she hopes for the crown to stay with her direct descendant.|

The white orb explained.

|Relatable. Besides, isn't it appropriate to have the son of the royal couple take their place on the throne?|

The violet orb clearly got into a more chatty mood as it waited for the white one to get to his side and they continued floating together

|Ha? But Roan isn't the king's child?|

The white orb glanced at the violet one and scoffed mockingly.

| it another one of those things that you didn't tell me, or...?|

The violet orb sounded as if it frowned, very much pissed off, but managed to keep its cool.

|Nnnn... Not really? This one is more of a – We never talked about it so the subject never came up.|

The white orb sounded as if she waved her hand dismissively and floated forward, leaving the violet one slightly behind.


The violet orb certainly didn't sound convinced but caught up to the white one and they continued floating anyway.

|Who is the father then?|

The violet orb asked indifferently just to keep the conversation going.

|The third person capable of using the teleport spell in the kingdom. With how the events should play out we'll surely meet him on our way out of the palace. It will be some time in the future, but I'll tell you this now – don't try to take him out even if you'll be able to. He will be a valuable asset for the future.|

The white orb revealed and used the chance to warn the violet orb.

|Though I bet he will be level 99 or better – and depending on his skills, I might not be able to fight him as equal for quite a while, don't you think?|

The violet orb pointed out quite surprised because of the white orb's choice of words.

|Oh, you're only saying that because this space is separated from the outside world and you can't see the system messages showing up for you.|

The white orb laughed dismissively.

|Cranberry from this playthrough worked hard to get a passive skill that sends you a portion of her experience and since you are doing literary nothing pinned to the treasury's wall like an extravagant decoration, you managed to get the sloth-based skill, passive exp enhance and even rank it up to a tier two kept man skill. Congratulations. With how things are going – and if my calculations are correct - you should gain the acedia skill right about the same time that you will be freed. You might be on for a surprise.|

She added in an innocent voice.

|...I would really prefer if you told me such things sooner... I still had to master any of the shield-based skills that I got since I didn't really care for them before, thinking that I still have a lot of time on my hands... Could have used somebody's guidance then, but someone was taking a vacation and would not respond no matter what.|

The violet orb sighed heavily, sounding as if he was hanging his head down in defeat while delivering a quite well-aimed complaint.

|Hey,? though that absence might have been my fault, it was not my idea nor wish, so don't sass me like that, will you?|

The white orb scoffed back defensively.

|And what else is there to do besides teasing you?|

The violet orb laughed and bounced away to the side.

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