Translator: Prakriti Bhatta

Jin Hong died at midnight of the next day he was brought to Han’s house because Han Tianyu stubbornly refused to send him to the hospital. Jin Hong eventually died of excessive blood loss. Han Tianyu’s reason for not sending him to the hospital was: Yin Minglu, that young fool hasn’t come yet! If she had sent him to the hospital, the whole world would have known that she had done it! And she could never allow it!

She stubbornly waited for her ”uncle” to bring the ”real culprits” back because she believed in her uncle’s wiseness and skills. She waited till the end but no one came.

Her heart was completely cold and her expression was really ugly. She stared at Jin Hong’s corpse blankly. When she collapsed on the ground, she didn’t have the slightest strength in her body. Her eyes had lost their focus. Isn’t she going to go to jail now? Why didn’t Lin Shuwu, that woman, and her son come back? This was completely beyond their plan… What’s wrong went with their plan! ?

Lin Shuwu and her son on the other side were actually not doing well. Not long after they got in the car of the Xia family, they were followed over by a group of people. Several unlicensed private cars were following them aggressively. They didn’t look like they were right people at first sight.

The driver of the Xia family was terrified. His forehead was full of cold sweat and he didn’t know whether he should stop or speed up and drive away. In the end, his survival instinct approached and he went all out to show his driving skills and beat those people. Father Xia, who was sitting in the passenger cabin, also turned black. His calf under his suit trousers trembled frantically. He thought he was being kind enough to accept a mother and son on the way, but he didn’t expect to witness such a horror scene.

The people following them were obviously the sons of the devils, ready to hunt down and hijack people.

But he didn’t dare to abandon and throw the ”main characters” down unless the cooperation between the Yin and the Xia family would collapse. Even if he personally goes and hands over the ”main characters”, he didn’t know how many buddies were there and whether or not they were holding some weapons. Once they stop the car to abandon the mother and child, every person inside the car might suffer.

Lin Shuwu hadn’t expected that when cruel people’s faces are torn off, they won’t hesitate to do anything. Those people were still overtaking all the way on this heavy traffic road, pressing every inch, obviously not stopping at achieving their goals. The situation was critical now and there was almost no room for people to think. But she did not sit still. She immediately contacted the police. So after their car drove across a road, a lot of traffic police suddenly appeared and they began to place roadblocks on the car, saying this was for road maintenance. So car owners were advised to change lanes. There were also many traffic policemen holding light sticks, wearing uniforms and signs, checking for drunk drivers and people driving without a license.

Seeing the traffic police, many drivers who really drank or forgot to bring the driver’s seat immediately chose to change their lanes. Some car owners even turned around and ran away reflexively after seeing the uniforms. The scene was a bit crowded at one time. Those unlicensed private cars were completely blocked behind.

After getting out of trouble, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Father Xia’s nervous heart that was about to jump out of his throat fell back into his chest. His tight nerves relaxed. He thought that he would stay away from the Yin family’s mother and child in the future. Nothing matters, his life is the most important thing.

He looked back and saw the little fool who relied on his mother in the back row. He seemed scared and stupid. His eyes couldn’t move anymore and his small mouth was slightly open for a long time and he couldn’t close it. Father Xia groaned inwardly, thinking that fortunately, his eyes worked properly. Although compared to a little idiot, he seems a little lazy buy he was active in his young times too.

The driver of the Xia family breathed out slowly, only to realize that his hands were sweaty. After the game of life and death, he once again faced his own boss’s scolding. He also saw his own majestic face in the mirror, so now he didn’t feel scared anymore.

Lin Shuwu contacted her bodyguards and ordered them to pick them up. When saying goodbye, she thanked the Xia family for their help. The beauty’s sincere thanks slightly dispelled Father Xia’s fears. He squirmed his lips a few times, and finally coughed a few times in a graceful manner, saying that it was nothing and it was just a matter of helping. The two families are partners and he couldn’t just watch them being chased, right? Otherwise, it’s against his morality.

But as soon as the door closed, he immediately called the driver to drive quickly and go home quickly. On the contrary, Xia Ming had a kind tone and politely asked them to be safe.

Seeing that, Father Xia cursed: Be safe and shit…humph! First, think about whether these people you’re helping will bring you trouble or not! Then he cursed all the way back home.

That night, under the guardianship of more than a dozen bodyguards in the Yin family, the mother and son slept peacefully. There were four big men in uniforms standing outside the door of the little guy.

The next morning, before the mother and son woke up, two scandals broke out in the upper-class society of capital Beijing, which caused many wealthy wives to ”cry” in exclamation at the tea party.

First, the young master of the Jin family, Jin Hong, was cut tragically in his most private place by his fiancee Han Tianyu. When people had first discovered, they saw the young master of the Jin family’s body swollen. His hands and feet were tied with ropes. When he died, his eyes were wide open, and at a glance, everyone knew that Jin Hong himself knew that he was dying. It is said that when she heard the news for the first time, Mrs. Jin, who had always been doting on her grandson, passed out of a stroke and was rushed to the intensive care unit. She has not yet woken up.

Everyone was shocked by Han Tianyu’s sturdy methods. They heard that this girl was not yet eighteen, but her mind was so vicious. Just because she was dissatisfied with her fiancé, she took his life! She even watched him breathe alive in her own room. This is what a crazy person can do!

For a while, everyone in the outside world was amazed, The incident was too violent and the relationship between the Jin and Han family completely collapsed.

Uncle Han didn’t know that his daughter was so bold and behaving so viciously. Because his daughter was going to marry into the Jin family sooner or later, he got along well with many people in the Jin family. As soon as the news came out, he, who was in the nightclub with a chic, was scared and fainted.

As soon as the news flowed out of the upper circles, it quickly came up on the latest pages of major newspapers, magazines, and media newspapers, and attracted the attention of countless people. Because the victim was the Jin family, the Patriarch of the Jin family, who was heartbroken for his child, had red eyes during the interview, as if he was about to give up his life. He threatened to ask Han Tianyu to pay for his son’s life. He looked so helpless that the ordinary people couldn’t help but stand with the Jin family. The corporate reputation of the Han family completely collapsed. Many companies that had connections and friendships with the Jin family directly cut down ties with the Han family. The share price of the Han family fell again and again, and the impact was extremely bad.

Moreover, it was said that when Han Tianyu was arrested, she cried and cried, and also yelled at the same time that she did not do it. She was innocent and everything was done by a fool but no one believed it at all. Everyone sneered at her and only cared about how many years this vicious girl will be sent to jail for.

The second scandal was of Yuan Jing, the second young master of the Yuan family. It is said that at the age he should be reading and learning, he fucked a peasant girl with no appearance. He was directly caught red-handed in bed by his whole family. It was a shame. After hearing this, Miss Gu, the nominal fiancée of Young Master Yuan Jing, turned pale with anger and seemed to regret the marriage.

This matter was naturally not as hot as the previous one. Everyone sighed after hearing it. He really is worthy of being an illegitimate young master who can’t be trusted at all.

What is happening to youngsters these days? Where do they learn this kind of thing? Probably from adults who teach the same children to be obedient while committing crimes themselves!

After reading the newspaper, Lin Shuwu couldn’t believe it. After a long while, she seemed to get emotional. She couldn’t help holding her son tightly and crying.

The next period of time was calm. Because the team of lawyers in charge of Lin Shuwu’s divorce and many policemen in charge of the murder case went to the door of the Han family together. Because of this scandal, the Han company was on the verge of collapsing. Meanwhile, The Yin family and Jin family were also suppressing the industries under the Han family. Han Shihao himself was in despair.

After the divorce agreement was signed, Lin Shuwu thought she was finally safe and began to dare to go out gradually. Of course, she still didn’t dare not bringing bodyguards with her.

Yin Minglu was not completely relieved. After waking up from a nap one day, he opened his own refrigerator, a place that few people paid attention to.

The Yin family’s floor space was too large. The bodyguards were humans, not gods. There are always places where they are lax and unnoticed. The automatic alarm device is sometimes too slow, so he could only design the Yin family’s defense system with the refrigerator electric meter. As long as someone tries to invade Yin’s home, there will be a short power outage in the refrigerator, from then on judging the safety of the home.

He put a glass of frozen water and a coin on the bottom of the refrigerator. Once the position of the coin changes, it means that the power has been cut off at a certain time in the night, that is, a certain corner of the house has been invaded because a brief power outage will melt the water in the cup, causing the coin to sink and change its position.

This was just a little trick.

However, Yin Minglu noticed that the coin sank a few centimeters in the place visible to the naked eye, embedded in the ice cube, which means that someone really came last night. Although it was not for a long time, the bodyguards did not notice, and the alarm system did not sound. It was very likely that the intruder saw a bodyguard patrolling while in the courtyard, so the operation was canceled.

The Yin family was safe for the time being, but this was not the way to go. He can’t always live inside the house forever. Moreover, even if those people could not invade this time, they definitely must have a backup plan. They will definitely find a way to kidnap him. After all, as far as the Han family is concerned, as long as the little idiot is grasped, they are not afraid that the Yin family will not subdue.

Sure enough, one day when Yin Minglu was painting, he received a text message from an unfamiliar number, signed by Uncle Han. In the text message, Han Shihao expressed his longing for the original owner, saying that he was very guilty that he had not fulfilled his stepfather’s responsibilities before letting his mother divorced him.

Yin Minglu didn’t reply and soon there was a second message.

The content of the message was obviously carefully edited. Each and every word could be understood by the original owner. Han Shihao wrote that: Minglu, uncle miss you very much. Uncle knows the real reason for your father’s death. Your father was killed by a bad guy. If you want to know, come out and meet your uncle. Uncle will tell you in person. Don’t show the text messages to your mother, because your mother is fragile and cannot accept it if she knows it.

After that, at the bottom was a familiar address, Mc Donald’s restaurant on the nearby square that the original owner liked to go to because there was a children’s playground there and the original owner once liked to play there. As he got older and older, his mind and age did not match the children playing there at all. So Lin Shuwu stopped him from going out and gradually he stopped going there too.

But for the original owner, he was still familiar with that place. It was only two blocks away on foot.

He must say that this text message was written completely to touch the little fool’s heart. The text message involved two people he cared about most: father and mother, as well as things he cared about, even familiar locations.

Yin Minglu, who was familiar with the plot, knew that the cause of death of the original owner’s father was no conspiracy at all. He died of cardiogenic heart disease. Before his death, he often fainted at work, so the hospital case was accurate and there was no possibility of him being murdered. But when Father Yin died, the original owner was still young, and he was still ignorant of these things. He only knew that his father had left. He didn’t even know how the other party died.

If it was other normal children who were slightly smarter, they would have passed the text messages to others to read under the suspicion. But if the original owner saw this text message and heard that his father was killed by a bad guy, he would definitely rush out regardless. He would even forget to bring the bodyguards. Sure enough, Han Shihao knew his stepson, the original owner very well. His methods of coaxing were very familiar and superb.

Yin Minglu smiled and surfed the Internet familiarly. He entered a website that could only be viewed by members and posted a task on it. He hired several underworld punks to help out as bodyguards.

In his opinion, the bodyguards of the Yin family came from security companies and veterans in the final analysis. They are good, but they are not bloody enough. They are not as reliable as those who lick blood on the knife-edge all year-round and specialize in receiving all kinds of shameless commissions.

What’s more, he can’t beat the shit out of that dude himself. So of course he has to rely on external forces.

As soon as the deposit was given, he immediately received calls from several people who were rushing over on the road. As for the person hiring them, they don’t care at all. They are only responsible for collecting money and doing things. After their customers’ businesses are settled, they will take the money and never see each other. There will be no signs of them having contact with their customer at all.

The only trouble is that as soon as the amount was transferred out, Lin Shuwu immediately received a text message notification. She said: “Minglu, what did you buy online?” Why did he transfer out more than 100,000 yuan in one breath? She naturally didn’t think it was too expensive. But she was worried that his stupid son was cheated when shopping online.

He blinked his eyes and pretended to be obedient: “I bought a toy.” As he said, he pinched a plastic chicken beside him, and the chicken immediately made a croaking sound, which sounded strangely unpleasant.

Lin Shuwu was relieved, but she still ordered: “Next time you want to buy toys, you have to call your sister Yue to help you see it, you know?” Sister Yue was the nanny at home, usually responsible for buying vegetables and cooking. The little guy was very close to her. After hanging up the phone, she still felt wrong. Why are children’s toys getting more and more expensive these days, it seems most likely that her son has been taken advantage of again.

On the other hand, Yin Minglu used the original owner’s pocket money to buy more than a dozen high imitation toys on Taobao(a Chinese online shopping platform). Lin Shuwu was still wondering and thinking about that expensive toy. So he bought an “Apple” watch. She definitely won’t be able to think much now.

After preparing everything, he immediately ran out the door with his little feet.

He picked up the shoes and continued running.

And Han Shihao, who was sitting in the McDonald’s window, was tall and handsome. He attracted the attention of many parents with children, but he kept looking out the window, unintentionally paying attention to the gazes of others.

Until a familiar little figure broke into his sight. As he expected, this little dude ran over so carelessly, without anyone behind him.

His heart was pounding and he couldn’t help standing up from his seat, trying to stretch out his hands to welcome the beautiful child.

——Yin’s baby, his last hope.

Guys, I found out that the previous chapter made most of you guys uncomfortable as well. So do you guys think I should change some parts like some words that made us uncomfortable? I know it will affect the originality of the novel but it will help future readers to prevent being uncomfy. Tell me what do you guys think.

Thank you guys for reading. Please feel free to comment your thoughts. ?

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