The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 140 - Invitations.

Yang Dao fell asleep as he swung on the hammock gently. The weather was not too cold in the retreating winters. Well, the cold never bothered him, anyway. (Yes, I watched frozen last night. Now read)

The next morning Yang Dao woke up to the bright sunlight. He was refreshed. It has been few days since he worked so much; the body takes time to get back in the swing of things. He walked inside and saw Lisa cleaning up. The boy shook his head. This girl has gotten used to this after many years and her habits won't leave her for a long time as well. 

Lisa spotted him and bowed her head as she said, "Good morning, Young Master." her sweet and clear voice brought a smile to Yang Dao's face. He replied, "Good morning to you as well, Lisa. I will go take a bath, can you prepare breakfast? I have practice." 

Lisa nodded and fluttered to the kitchen like a swallow out of a cage. Yang Dao went inside his room and after fifteen minutes he came out looking all crisp and charming. A sports t-shirt, tightly fitting around his torso, paired with a contrasting short. He was brimming with energy. His nose twitched as soon as he walked out of the room. 

He smiled and walked to the dining table. His gaze was dazzled by a stack of pancakes neatly served. Lisa came out of the kitchen holding three bottles in her hands. She said, "Young Master, would you like, Honey, chocolate syrup, or maple syrup to be served with the pancakes?"

The boy said as he sat down on a chair, "Maple and Honey please, you can put them here I will help myself. Also, you are forbidden to have chocolate syrup with pancakes. I will not forgive this sin." 

His voice was so serious as if Lisa actually sinned. The boy took a hold of the two bottles and started eating the pancakes. He alternated the syrups with every bit. Still, he ate it all in under ten minutes and said with a content expression, "You did well, Lisa. I liked the food a lot."

The boy stood up and after picking up his bag he went downstairs, holding a helmet in his hands. 'Silence' was parked below last night. His other low-level bike was left at the club for practice. The silence was his first choice for commuting but sadly they did not allow this bike into the competitions.

His feet moved, and the bike followed his wishes. He came to the college. Same as yesterday he was the first one, but Icarus arrived three minutes later than him. The guy had a smirk on his face as if saying, 'Senior Ayaka is mine.'

The Dao Child could only shake his head at this simpleton. Soon Ayaka also arrived. After a short greeting, Icarus and Yang Dao proceeded for practice. Just when they were riding, Icarus said, "Dao, when is your birthday?"

Yang Dao was surprised by such an abrupt question and said, "The new year."

Icarus nodded and said, "Well, mine is today. You are invited to the party at my home. I am not taking a no or any excuse at all. I will have some friends from my high school and the cycling club is also coming. Don't you dare back out." his glare made Yang Dao, who was about to back out gulp a mouthful of excuses and he nodded. 

Icarus smiled, and the two carried on with their practice. Later on, the two people washed up in the locker room, changed clothes, and walked together to the class. They were about to enter the class when Yang Dao ran into the physics professor. 

Micheal Newt smiled and beckoned at Yang Dao. The boy exchanged a glance with Icarus, and the two parted. Yang Dao bowed to the professor and said, "Good morning professor."

Newt smiled and said, "Good morning. Dao, congratulations on the new products and the success of your company."

The latter thanked him for the good wishes and asked, "Professor, is there something I can help you with?"

"Well, can you look at this draft paper and solve the problems written below? What you need to do is derive a formula. This thing is not entirely physics." as he extended the draft paper in his hand. 

Yang Dao took the paper and said, "Sir, you could have sent it to me via mobile or just called me over. Why rush by yourself." he took the paper and looked at it.

Professor Newt shook his head and said, "You don't know the importance of this thing. I would never take a risk of putting it through the screens. The reason this was given to me to deal with is because of the solution you came up with last time. You can take this home and do it within a week if possible." 

Yang Dao nodded as he said, " I will get this done for you by tomorrow. I have some idea about this as I look at this question. The reference of Thermodynamics is very useful in this." his words shocked the professor. 

Unknowingly, the two people stood in the corridor and kept talking about the solution. Two minds are better than one. This famous saying came true when Newt used his experience and accumulated knowledge to support and lead Yang Dao's radical ideas and methods. 

The two people came up with a rough equation within thirty minutes. Do not underestimate Newt. he is one of the leading Physicist in the entire world. Yang Dao is a young aspirant with impeccable memory and reasoning skills. (Thanks to heaven{Author is the heaven here})

The two only woke up when the bell for a class period rang out through the campus. Students flooded the corridor. Everyone passing the two would greet the professor. This caused a lot of disturbance. Yang Dao took out a pen and after he wrote the conclusion of their discussion, the two parted. 

Yang Dao could not take a class. He had to meet with Frieda to help her further with the project. Just as he predicted, the girl was already waiting for him in the library. Yang Dao greeted her and said, "Senior Frieda, I have an idea. May I?"

Frieda nodded, and the boy talked to her about how they are lacking in experimental data. Frieda nodded and told him she could not afford such an expensive experiment. Even though her family conditions were well off. Renting a lab space and conducting practicals were very costly. This was something she could not do at the moment.

Yang Dao smiled and said, "I can handle those things. There is a lab in my sister's company we can do it there. But I would like to ask you. Would you like to join my company and lead the robotics division?"

Frieda was stunned at the sudden invite. She thought for a bit and was about to reject when Yang Dao said, "I will not limit your research and provide you sufficient funds based on your progress. You will have your due credit in all and any contributions you make. The patents will be under your name. I just hope that you allow the rights of use and application to the company at a low price. You see, I am also a beginner and need to support the family." 

The girl could not hold on and started laughing. She calmed down after a warning from the librarian. She almost scared the people in the library to death. She said, "Alright, I will talk at home and then tell you my decision." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "You stop the work right now, and continue when we get a lab space?"

Frieda surprisingly nodded and said, "I will go home today, will let you know about the job on Monday. Can you arrange a lab space in time?"

Yang Dao nodded and the two people parted. He attended Kylie Dew's class, where the teacher made everyone clap and cheer him and Icarus for the wonderful result and achievement with their automated vehicle. The boy fled away as soon as the class finished. 

He came to the cycling club and practiced a bit. Ayaka let them all go early as they wanted to go to Icarus's birthday party. Yang Dao first rode his bike to a watch store. He had a good amount of money for himself after the profit. 

He gave Icarus and Ray an appropriate share as well. The two were happy with it. After all, the two contributed hugely to the project with their algorithms. Yang Dao purchased an elegant-looking watch, costing half a million. This gift was bought with a lot of thought. Icarus was a rich guy, so it should match his status. Not that Yang Dao had become a snob, but the people who attend the party may look down on Icarus for having shabby friends.

He had it gift wrapped and then went back home. As he was getting ready, he suddenly sensed as if something bad was about to happen.

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