The Untouchable Son-In-Law: The Master Peregrine

Chapter 72 - 18-year-old Secret of the Larson Family

Chapter 72: 18-year-old Secret of the Larson Family

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just talking about Hilary Stone’s secret made Yvette Larson want to burst out into laughter.

She didn’t go straight to the point. Instead, she asked her husband a question. “Finn, why do you think all the other Larson family branches ganged up against our family?”

‘Huh?’?Finn Taylor had wondered about this question too.?‘I’d always thought that the eldest family had lost favor with them because of the tradition of the eldest son inheriting everything. But now that my wife is saying this, it seems like there’s more to this.’

“Let me ask you another question. Why did Grandpa skip the second generation and choose his successor from the third generation?”

This was something worth thinking about. In the past, Finn Taylor had received a standardized answer to this question: the Larson family’s entire second generation was useless. As such, the Old Master had no choice but to choose his successor from the third generation instead.

But after a few interactions, Finn Taylor realized that the second generation wasn’t as useless as they were made out to be. This included his father-in-law, Francis Larson.

His father-in-law had always been putting on an act, allowing Linda James to run the family instead.

All these things added up together gave off the feeling that there was something amiss in the Larson family. It was as though everyone was hiding a secret.

‘Could this secret have something to do with Hilary Stone?’

“Let me ask you a final question. Why hasn’t Hilary Stone been back even once to see her son in the past 18 years?”

Finn Taylor thought that he already had his answer. It was just that he couldn’t voice it out.

His suspicion was that Hilary Stone had been having affairs with the Larson family’s second generation. Perhaps it was Quince Larson’s father, Franklin Larson. Or perhaps, it was Eleanor Larson’s father, Frederick Larson.

Of course, there was an even greater possibility that it was both of them.

It was this very scandal that had disqualified the entire Larson family’s second generation from inheriting the company.

Finn Taylor even suspected that the death of Quinn Larson’s father—Freddie Larson—was related to this matter.

That was why Yvette Larson’s family was being targeted. It was because their family was the only one who hadn’t been involved in this scandal at all.

As for his wife’s last question, Finn Taylor wanted to ask if Quinn Larson was Freddie Larson’s son at all. Maybe he was Frederick Larson or even Franklin Larson’s.

‘However, this is no longer important. I thought that I had met with a nobody, but I never thought that Hilary Stone would be such a big shot. Interesting! How interesting!’

The next day.

Finn Taylor headed out with a few lackeys to find Oliver Kleine. He had previously promised Penny that he would resolve the matter for her.

Finn Taylor glanced at the lackeys whom Wampus had found. With just one glance, he could tell that these lackeys were capable.

They weren’t putting on an act.

Finn Taylor punched one of their shoulders.

That guy didn’t even flinch—his body was well-built.

Finn Taylor quickly brought them to a construction site.

This was none other than Oliver Kleine’s workplace. He was a construction supervisor and had 30 to 40 construction workers under his leadership.

“Remember, deal only with the person who’s at fault. If anyone here hurts an innocent worker, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Of course, they all took Finn Taylor’s commands seriously and swore not to go against his wishes.

Just as Finn Taylor got out of the house, his wife headed for her office too.

Hilary Stone was waiting at the entrance to the neighborhood with a cup of coffee in her hand. It was as though she was waiting to watch a show.

At the same time, four to five beggars appeared nearby out of nowhere. However, they loitered by the entrance without leaving.

It seemed like they were waiting for someone. From time to time, they would even glance toward the neighborhood.

At the construction site, Finn Taylor went up to a worker and asked for Oliver Kleine.

“Are you looking for Mr. Kleine? He’s there—do you see the excavator? He’s on it.”

Finn Taylor turned in the direction that worker had pointed—there was indeed an excavator.

Upon seeing it, his gaze hardened.?‘Things are different now. If I were to go over now, it would be easy for Oliver Kleine to get away since he’s in the excavator. Once the latter starts operating the vehicle, nobody would even dare to get close. Of course, it’s simple for me to damage the excavator. It’s just that I’m unwilling to expose myself for such a trivial matter.’

“Mate, I’m looking for Mr. Kleine to discuss a business deal. I have an upcoming project, and I want to ask him if he’s interested,” said Finn Taylor as he handed the worker a cigarette.

That worker glanced at the cigarette and took it; he had fallen for this trap. He was overwhelmed with emotions as he headed toward the excavator.

Finn Taylor threw his lackeys a glance.

They immediately understood their boss’s intention.

Just as Yvette Larson drove out of her neighborhood, she was surrounded by a few beggars.

She couldn’t even move her car.

She honked at them, but they had no intention of stepping aside.

‘Maybe all they want is money.’?As this thought, she retrieved 30 dollars from her purse. “Here, I’ll give you some money. Can you guys move aside?”

As soon as she rolled her window down, a beggar rushed over to try to yank her door open.

Yvette Larson felt a chill run down her spine. She tried her best to roll the window back up as quickly as possible, but it was already too late.

The man had already forced his way in.

Another person then tried to drag Yvette Larson out of the car.

She struggled to step on the accelerator and rush off, but she was too late once again.

She was forcefully hauled out of the car, and Yvette Larson tried with all her might to land a punch on that beggar’s face.

Unfortunately, she was too weak and had no way of breaking free from his grip.

In front of the neighborhood entrance, Hilary Stone was still sipping on her cup of coffee cheerfully. Then, she stood up and left.

When she left, a strange smile was plastered on her face.

At the very same time that she left, those beggars suddenly dropped everything and left as well.

Yvette Larson was left on the ground, sobbing.

She had been scared stiff earlier; it was terror she had never felt in her entire life. She had been completely helpless.

How she wished her husband could be by her side at this moment.

At the construction site.

After learning from a worker that someone was looking to hire him for a project, Oliver Kleine was visibly excited.

He rushed over eagerly, but he had no sooner done so than the people behind Finn Taylor took out a sack to throw Oliver Kleine in.

He struggled frantically, but of course, he was no match for them.

That worker from before was terrified by the sight before his eyes, but Finn Taylor stared at him, and he didn’t dare to make a peep.

Then, Finn Taylor gestured for his lackeys to follow him.

With that, they headed out of the construction site.

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