Chapter 68: Fired

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Ms. Carter, right? One billion—I want to withdraw it right now. If you don’t have enough cash here, you’d better call your superiors and get them to send it over now. I want cash.” Finn Taylor placed his Peregrine card in Ms. Carter’s hand.

In an instant, Ms. Carter was on the verge of tears.?‘A billion dollars. It’s true that a Peregrine card holder can choose to withdraw any amount at any branch, but I don’t want that branch to be my branch. This is because I would have to take full responsibility for whatever happened in that case. Perhaps they won’t just fire me for losing this Peregrine card holder. In fact, they might even kill me. I would be blacklisted from the finance industry from then on.’

In fact, Ms. Carter was even worried that they might simply kill her because of their fear of Finn Taylor.

Ms. Carter landed a slap on the manager’s face. “Scram! You’re fired! Get lost! Don’t you dare to show up here again!”

The branch head’s furious roar attracted many dumbfounded stares.

As onlookers watched on in disbelief, Ms. Carter slowly bent her knees until she dropped into a kneel before Finn Taylor. Yet, the other didn’t even spare her a glance.

His indifference horrified Ms. Carter even more.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

She repeatedly kowtowed, each bow making a disconcerting sound as her head hit the ground. “Please be magnanimous! Please be magnanimous!”

In the eyes of many, Ms. Carter was already an elite as the branch head. Who would’ve expected her to kneel down to Finn Taylor and even kowtow to him, begging for mercy?

This was really beyond anyone’s expectations.

The manager stood by the side, feeling incredulous.?‘What is going on? Why is the high and mighty Ms. Carter doing this?’

But the branch head gave no care to the stares she was receiving and continued kowtowing.?‘I’m going to move Finn Taylor with my sincerity. I want to let him know that I was wrong and beg him to give me another chance.’

Finn Taylor glanced at his watch.?‘It might take a few more hours if I want to withdraw a billion dollars. My plans at home will be delayed then.’

In the end, he waved them off. “Forget it. Help me get 23,000 for now.”

Ms. Carter was extremely emotional when she heard these words. She rushed into the bank and hollered at one of the staff, “23,000. Hurry up and give me 23,000!”

The staff member inside was slightly bewildered, but she stretched her hand out. “Miss, your bank card.”

The staff member wanted to say that they could only hand over that 23,000 dollars once she passed them her bank card.

To this, Ms. Carter had to resist the urge to lash out at them. “Scram! You’re fired!”

The branch head couldn’t be bothered to waste her breath on this person and simply fired that staff member. Then, she walked up to another counter. “23,000.”

Having witnessed the previous incident, the staff member quickly withdrew 23,000 dollars for Ms. Carter this time.

She took it and jogged over to Finn Taylor, handing him both the money and his card politely.

Finn Taylor glanced at Ms. Carter but didn’t say a word before taking his money and leaving.

It was only after Finn Taylor left that the manager cupped his face while asking, “Ms. Carter, who’s that?”

However, Ms. Carter’s fury hadn’t yet dissipated. “Scram! You’ve been fired! Hurry up and pack your things. After that, disappear!”

With that, Ms. Carter pointed at another person inside. “You too! Scram!”

The manager and that employee were shell-shocked. They had thought that Ms. Carter had only been putting on a show for that customer. Who would’ve known that she was serious about it?

“Ms. Carter, you can’t do that. We’ve toiled for this bank for over a decade. You can’t just fire us like that.” The manager tried to speak up for himself, but that infuriated the branch head even more.

“Toiled? Do you know what a grave mistake you made today? You nearly lost our bank a Peregrine card holder! Do you know what that means? Every Peregrine card holder has to have a billion dollars with our bank at the very least. If our superiors find out about this, you won’t be facing just a termination but a blacklist as well. You’d be blacklisted from this industry for sure. In fact, it wouldn’t just be this industry but all industries. No company would dare to offend a Peregrine card holder for your sake.”

“I’m only telling you to scram by yourself on the account that we’ve been colleagues for more than a decade. Otherwise, I would’ve reported you to HQ and let you face the music yourselves!”

The manager and the staff member stared at Ms. Carter wide-eyed. They never could’ve imagined that that plain-looking person was actually a Peregrine card holder!

Ms. Carter pointed at everyone present. “All of you had better shut your mouths about what happened earlier. You won’t be able to bear the consequences of leaking the identity of a Peregrine card holder. But if you want to lose your job or cause your family, your wife’s family, and all your relatives to lose their jobs and never find a job ever again, go ahead and let everyone know about what you saw today.”

In an instant, everyone was stunned by Ms. Carter’s words.

These people—who had stayed behind to watch how this would play out—chose to leave for their own good. Of course, they wouldn’t even dare to speak a word of what they had witnessed even if they had 10,000 times the courage that they had.

This wasn’t a joke. A life really was at stake.

Of course, Finn Taylor didn’t know about any of this, nor did he want to know about it.

After withdrawing that 30,000 dollars, he headed home, where Karen James’s family was already waiting.

Seeing him enter, Karen James rushed forward and snatched the bag from Finn Taylor. Then, she shamelessly counted the money in front of everyone.

Only after ensuring that she wasn’t being shortchanged did she let out a smile.

“I didn’t miscount, did I? Do you still remember what you promised me?”

Karen James beamed. “Of course. Of course, I remember.”

Karen James walked up to her sister and gave a respectful bow. “Sister, I’m greeting you as your younger sister.”

Linda James was the James family’s eldest daughter and used to hold quite a high position in the family. Later on, she married Francis Larson.

Because Francis Larson was looked down upon by the Larson family, the James family started looking down on Linda James too.

Then, Finn Taylor married into their family. This caused everyone to look down on her even more.

But now, Linda James was being treated as the eldest sister once again. She was overwhelmed with emotions.

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