Chapter 57: Karen James’ Shameless Family

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Yvette Larson could no longer take it.?‘My husband has made great contributions to our family. Does my mom think it’s very easy to wash the clothes, cook our meals, and clean the house every day? There were many times that my significant other paid for our food out of his own pockets. In fact, it was my husband who had gotten me this position as the Deputy CEO.

‘Also, he had clearly purchased this car with his own money. Mom was going overboard by telling him not to even touch the car. Now, she’s even saying such hurtful things.’

“Mom…” Yvette Larson shouted, wanting to blurt out the truth so that her mom would treat her husband better in the future.

However, Finn Taylor walked up to stop her. “Yes, Mom. You’re right. I’ll remember whatever you said.”

“Go away then; don’t stand in my way. Yvette, what did you want to say?”

Yvette Larson paused for a moment but chose to respect her husband’s decision. “Nothing much. I’m tired, so I’m going back to rest. You can look at the car all you want.”

With that, she turned and left.

Linda James didn’t care whether her daughter had left; her eyes were glued to the car.

Just then, her phone rang.

After picking up the phone, she started a long conversation.

When she finally hung up the call, her expression was terribly sour. “Francis, Karen James and her family are here again.”

The moment Francis Larson heard that name, his expression fell as well.

Karen James was Linda James’s younger sister.

The former’s entire family was extremely strange, and Karen James herself was a terribly vain woman who got easily jealous.

Her husband, Larry Shaw, was an alcoholic. Finn Taylor had never seen him sober.

As for their son—Weston Shaw—he was a good-for-nothing young man who lazed around, dreaming of striking the lottery.

Buying lottery tickets, gambling, borrowing from loan sharks—there was nothing Weston Shaw didn’t do.

“Why are they coming?”

“Isn’t it obvious? That b*stard—Weston Shaw—borrowed more than 10,000 dollars from loan sharks and can’t pay them back. They’re here to escape from them, of course!”

Francis Larson’s hands trembled in anger.?‘He’s here to escape his creditors? What if his creditors find him here? Our family will then be dragged down too.’

Such a situation had happened in the past.

Thankfully, Weston Shaw hadn’t owed that much at that time. It had only been hundreds of dollars.

In the end, their family had been forced to pay Weston Shaw’s creditors.

But even up until today, Karen James’s family hadn’t returned them that sum of money.

“They’re already at the bus stop. What should we do? Francis, hurry up and think of a solution!”

“Solution? What solution could I possibly have? Do you think we can hide from them? It’s not like they don’t know where we live. Even if we run away, they’ll look for the Larson family.”

Linda James was fuming.

“Dear, I have an idea.”

“What idea?”

“We can get Finn Taylor to drive this car over and tell Karen James’s family that we only made the downpayment on this car and have to make monthly repayments. Once they realize that we don’t have any money to lend them, they’ll leave after a couple of days.”

Linda James gave it some thought and felt that her husband’s idea was feasible. Although her heart ached, she had no choice but to hand the key over to her son-in-law.

“Finn Taylor, you have an important mission this time. You’d better make sure Karen James and her family believe that we have no money and that we owe others money as well.”

Finn Taylor nodded seriously, but his mother-in-law stopped him just as he was about to get into the car.

“Finn Taylor, you have a driving license, don’t you?”

“Of course, Mom. You made me take the test when I first got married to become Yvette’s driver, remember?”

“Oh, oh. Yes, I do. Oh right, you haven’t driven in three years. Do you still remember how to drive? Do you know which one is the accelerator and which one is the brake?”

“I do, Mom. The left is the clutch, the middle one is the brake, and the one on the right is the accelerator.”

“Oh, oh. That’s good. You must be careful; the car is new. You’d better not get into an accident.”

Finn Taylor nodded and reassured his mother-in-law again and again before she finally relented and allowed him to drive off.

When he arrived at the bus stop, the family of three was already waiting by the roadside with their luggage.

Karen James didn’t even spare Finn Taylor’s car a glance as it rolled to a stop. “Go away. We won’t take illegal taxis; we have our own car.”

Finn Taylor frowned.?‘Why didn’t I know that Karen James’s family had bought a car as well?’

He rolled the window down and said to the family, “Auntie, it’s me.”

When the family of three finally caught a clear glimpse at the other’s face, their faces were filled with disbelief. “Finn Taylor? Why are you here?”

Finn Taylor frowned again.?‘Idiot. You called Linda James for someone to pick you up. Who else would come?’?

“Mom, look! It’s a BMW!” Weston Shaw’s eyes widened as he stared at the brand logo on the car. He had to resist the urge to pluck it off for himself.

His mother walked over and analyzed it.

Eventually, she also realized that it was indeed a BMW. “Finn Taylor, did your family buy a car?”

“Yes. Yvette is now the Larson Corporation’s Deputy CEO, so we got this car.”

Once Karen James heard that, she didn’t even feel happy for her sister that was now living a blissful life. Instead, her face was filled with utter jealousy.

“Auntie, hop on. Let’s go home.”

“Mom, I want to drive a BMW too.” Weston Shaw’s eyes were glued to the steering wheel in Finn Taylor’s hands.

However, the latter had no intention of moving aside.

“Finn Taylor, thanks for coming to pick us up.” Karen James seemed to be thanking him.

“That’s alright. We’re family.”

“Yes, we’re family. You must be tired from driving here. Why don’t you let Weston drive so that you can rest?”

Finn Taylor smiled bitterly. “That won’t be good.”

“Why not? Why don’t you listen to your elders? Have you forgotten who I am? I’m the younger sister of your mother-in-law. That means that I represent Yvette’s family. What, do you dare to go against her family?”

Finn Taylor’s expression darkened.?‘How could Karen James be so shameless?’

“Finn Taylor, I won’t leave if you don’t let my son drive. I’ll call your mom to say that you didn’t pick us up. No, I’ll say that you knocked into us and wanted to kill us!”

Finn Taylor sneered inwardly.?‘Linda James will probably be over the moon if she found out that I killed your family. I’d be doing her a huge favor.’

But Finn Taylor wasn’t going to let Karen James make that call. He was sure she would kick up a huge fuss at the station if she made that call.

Yvette would then be put on the spot by the Larson family, who would claim that they had embarrassed the family again.

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