Chapter 55: Swear

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Everyone outside the room clearly heard Phoebe Scott vomiting blood.

Her brother flew into the room frenziedly, but he was greeted by an unexpected sight.

After vomiting that blood clot out, Phoebe Scott now looked much better. As she lay there and saw her brother rush in, she sneered.

The pitiful weeping beauty in front of him pained his heart.?‘My sister has suffered through too much while staying by my side. There are many who envy me because of my position as the head of Seattle’s Scott family and Thunderbird of Peregrine Hall. But nobody knows that my deepest desire is simply for my sister to live a peaceful life. At that time, I had only entered Peregrine Hall because they had saved my sister.’

Finn Taylor remained outside the room; he was in no hurry at all.

Everything was under his control.

He had initially intended to stay the night to watch over Phoebe Scott. But now that she had already vomited blood, he could put his mind to rest.

Finn Taylor strolled into the room.

When Phoebe Scott saw him, she wanted to get up from the bed to bow to him. But Finn Taylor gestured for her to stay put, and she did.

“This is from my wife.” Finn Taylor stretched out his hand—there was a small hydrangea in it.

Phoebe Scott was a little confused but still thanked him and asked him to thank Yvette Larson on her behalf too.

Finn Taylor had organized a grand birthday party for his wife on the peak of Pacific Heights. Although she was a young lady from a respected family, she had volunteered to become an attendant for that day.

Today, Finn Taylor had returned this favor by giving her this hydrangea in his wife’s name.

He nodded as he looked at Phoebe Scott. “You look quite good. Alexander, don’t bother tidying up the guest room. I think I can leave at ease.”

Alexander Scott was overwhelmed with emotion. He had already known just how impressive Master Peregrine’s medical skills were.

Of course, he understood what Finn Taylor meant by his words. This meant that his sister had truly been saved.

“Send me off.” With that, Finn Taylor turned and left.

Alexander Scott nodded and hurried out too.

The pair walked out of the villa.

“What happened? Didn’t I instruct Jeremy Smith to take care of your sister? If you followed his treatment plan, there would’ve been no way her illness would act up so easily. What happened?”

“It’s the Sanders family.” Alexander Scott told the other all about how Phoebe Scott had bumped into the Sanders family and how they had forced her to drink a glass of medicine.

Before this, Finn Taylor had been wondering about whether the Sanders family had anything to do with Colorado’s Sanders tribe. It now seemed like they were definitely in contact.

Otherwise, the Sanders family would never have even thought of dealing with Phoebe Scott.

‘It seems like Colorado’s eight tribes can no longer sit still. Are they getting ready to make their comeback?’?Finn Taylor signaled for Alexander Scott to stop speaking. He already had a clear understanding of the situation.

After that, he drove off into the night.

When Alexander Scott returned to the villa, he heard a huge din. Thinking that something had happened to his sister again, he rushed in without hesitation.

But what he saw was Jeremy Smith holding the hydrangea, while Logan Yeats, Phoebe Scott, and the others stared intently at it.

“Oh, Alexander, you’re back. Alexander, oh Alexander. You’re so lucky.”

The person in question was still a little dazed. All he knew was that everyone was staring at him with gazes that were full of envy.?‘I just went out to send Master Peregrine off. What happened? Why is everyone looking at me like this?’

“What’s wrong?”

“Alexander, do you know about the Master Peregrine Order?”

Alexander Scott was agitated. “Of course, I know about it. The Master Peregrine Order is the most precious treasure in this world. For anyone from Peregrine Hall, seeing the Master Peregrine Order is like meeting Master Peregrine himself.”

Alexander Scott rattled on fluently. After all, he held a senior position in Peregrine Hall and was not unfamiliar with the Order.

“Yes, do you know what the Order is made of?”

“Of course, I know that too. The oldest tree in the world is a Great Basin bristlecone pine. Legend has it that the Order was made from that very tree.”

“Yes, as expected of Peregrine Hall’s Thunderbird. You do indeed know the Master Peregrine Order like the back of your hand. I’ll let you in on a secret. People have thought of the tree that makes up the Master Peregrine Order as the key to longevity. Even just an inch of its bark costs tens of millions of dollars. Nothing compares to it—not pearls, not precious stones, and not diamonds. They can’t even compare to this tree even when added up together.”

All four guardians, as well as all the onlookers, were stupefied when Jeremy Smith said so. They had never known that the Master Peregrine Order—which they had always heard about—was so valuable.

“Let me tell you something else. The hydrangea that Master Peregrine gave your sister contains a small piece of that tree.”


The entire room fell silent.

Logan Yeats, Hunter Sullivan, Alexander Scott, and Zachary Kennedy were very well-known figures who were able to turn the tides of the business world with just their words. Yet, their eyes were as wide as saucers.

Not a single person could imagine how much Finn Taylor thought of this friendship to give such a valuable gift to Phoebe Scott.

It was to protect her life and wish her a long life.

Alexander Scott walked forward, trembling with every step. He received the hydrangea from Jeremy Smith and held it up high above his head; then, he kneeled down on the ground respectfully. “I swear on my heart that I will work for Master Peregrine alone in this lifetime, my next lifetime, and forevermore. The heavens will be my witness, and I’m willing to be struck by lightning or brutally killed if I ever go back on my words.”

Alexander Scott’s eyes were filled with tears, and each of his words was from the bottom of his heart.

Because Finn Taylor had been sincere to him, he was willing to reciprocate as well.

Even the other three guardians had tears fill their eyes too! Although they hadn’t said it explicitly, they swore in their hearts to serve Finn Taylor faithfully.

But Finn Taylor wasn’t doing as well as they thought; he was experiencing a bad headache.

At that time, he had bought this BMW 5 series on impulse. However, this car was way too expensive.

‘1.5 million? How should I even tell Yvette about this? If she finds out that I spent 1.5 million dollars, she’ll probably kill me.’?

‘Speak of the devil.’?As Finn Taylor was wracking his brain while sitting in the car, his wife walked out of the house with a trash bag.

She then spotted her husband.

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