Chapter 78

Lin Zaozao took out two taels of silver from Ye Yi's money bag, and added three taels of silver from her own money bag. She put all of it into Zhao Yingmei's hands.

"Zhao Yingmei, this is money to buy furniture. You take it. I don't want to take advantage of you for nothing. This also saves you from coming to me in the future to ask for money for the furniture."

Looking at the silver in her hands, Zhao Yingmei's heart involuntarily tightened.

Lin Zaozao had calculated the accounts with her so clearly. Could it be that she no longer wanted to catch the evil spirits in her body?

"Lin Zaozao, the evil spirits in my body..."

Hearing Zhao Yingmei's hesitant voice, Lin Zaozao didn't even need to think about it to understand what she was thinking.

Grabbing Zhao Yingmei's hand, Lin Zaozao closed her eyes and quickly recited the doggerel verse she had memorized, then let go of Zhao Yingmei's hand.

"First fear of old age, second fear of a large waistline, third fear of having no small change, fourth fear of clothes falling apart, fifth fear of children soaking in bars and not coming home, final fear of husband's fickle heart. So which claw should I bite first?"

After quickly muttering, Lin Zaozao calmly let go of Zhao Yingmei's hand and said,

"Alright, Zhao Yingmei, I've caught the evil spirits for you. You must persist in coming to find me every day. I dare to guarantee that in no more than two months, you will definitely be able to conceive a baby."

"But Lin Zaozao, why didn't you wear your cloak today to catch evil spirits for me?"

Faced with Zhao Yingmei's confusion, Lin Zaozao covered her mouth and coughed lightly. She straightened her chest and said solemnly,

"Zhao Yingmei, I, Lin Zaozao, am a great immortal. For just that bit of evil spirit on your body, do I still need to dance around you? With the powerful Taoist magic of I, the great immortal, in the future I just need to simply touch you and I will be able to clear the evil spirits from your body."

"Really?" Zhao Yingmei asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, if it's not steamed then it must be boiled. Furthermore, I'm now catching evil spirits for you for free. Why do you still have so many questions? Also! I live right in Luoshui Village. If you don't get pregnant in two months, then you can come find me to make trouble. If you don't believe me, then I'll return this house to you now. I don't believe that in a village as big as Luoshui, I can't buy another house. If there's no place in Luoshui Village, I won't go elsewhere to buy one. I have money, why would I worry that I can't spend it out!"

Hearing the impatience in Lin Zaozao's tone, Zhao Yingmei didn't dare question Lin Zaozao anymore. She could only docilely say that she was sorry.

Seeing that Zhao Yingmei had quieted down, Lin Zaozao turned to the village chief and asked, "Village Chief, didn't the young masters of the Wang family say yesterday that they wanted to bring their wives to me to catch evil spirits? It's already noon now. Why haven't they come yet? "

"Wait a little longer. The situation with the Wang family's wives is a bit special. Let's wait a while longer." The village chief lowered his head, hiding the shame in his eyes as he softly said.

"Alright then. Village Chief, why don't you go rest inside first while you wait. That would also make it convenient for me to host you!"

"No need. The sun isn't too harsh now. I'll just wait here."


After speaking, Lin Zaozao turned her head to look at Xiao Taohua, signaling for him to pour some water for the village chief.

After Xiao Taohua poured water for the old village chief, an ox cart appeared at Lin Zaozao's courtyard gate. The one driving the ox cart was the Eldest Brother Wang from yesterday.

Lin Zaozao craned her neck, preparing to take a look at the woman sitting in the ox cart. But the wife of Eldest Brother Wang was wrapped up very securely. No matter how long she looked, she didn't even see a finger.

It was early summer now, right at noon. That woman was wrapped up so tightly, wasn't she hot?

Just as Lin Zaozao was looking at the woman in the ox cart with confusion, she saw that right after the ox cart stopped, Eldest Brother Wang immediately took out a large black umbrella from the cart. He carefully propped it over the cart and slowly helped down a woman completely wrapped in black cloth.

Eldest Brother Wang's actions left Lin Zaozao completely confused.

What was going on? Could it be that his wife really was possessed by an evil spirit?

But she was a fake immortal. She didn't actually know how to catch evil spirits!

Just as Lin Zaozao was looking at the scene before her in surprise, Xiao Taohua swiftly walked to Lin Zaozao's side and pulled her back a step.

"Xiao Pang, that woman's smell isn't right. There's a stench of decay coming from inside her body to the outside."

Upon hearing Xiao Taohua's words, Lin Zaozao was instantly shocked. A decaying smell from the inside out, wasn't that the smell of a dead person?

Just as Lin Zaozao was looking at the black cloth wrapped woman in front of her in surprise, Eldest Brother Wang had already knelt down in front of Lin Zaozao, bringing his wife down with him.

"Wife of the Lin family, please forgive our selfishness just this once. I beg you, please save my wife! If she dies, our Wang family will fall apart."

Following Eldest Brother Wang and his wife kneeling down, the village chief who had been sitting on a chair also knelt down upon seeing the Wang family kneel.

Seeing this scene before her, Lin Zaozao was stunned for a time.

Just what was going on with the village chief and the Wang family?

Lin Zaozao was puzzled in her heart, but under Xiao Taohua's pull she still reflexively took a step back.

After all, Xiao Taohua had smelled something off from a distance. So there must be something wrong with the Wang family.

Otherwise, the village chief wouldn't have knelt down with them.

She didn't know what the reason was right now, but better safe than sorry.

When the village chief and Wang family men saw Lin Zaozao reflexively retreat back, the glimmer of light in their eyes instantly faded.

Could it be that even Lin Xiaohua, the great immortal who could summon thunder and lightning, couldn't save them?

Lin Zaozao glanced at the people kneeling on the ground and quietly asked Xiao Taohua,

"Xiao Taohua, what's going on with them? Why did you say they have a strange smell?"

"Xiao Pang, I don't think that woman has been possessed by any evil spirit. It's more like after being infected by a plague, there is the smell of death coming from inside her body. I smelled that stench from far away."

Xiao Taohua's words made Lin Zaozao reflexively take another step back.

Dear god! In the ancient times with extremely lacking medical conditions, aside from war, plagues were the most terrifying things.

Just a large scale plague outbreak, whether rich or poor, they were all equal in the face of plague!

Now there was a woman with plague standing right in front of her. How could she not be afraid?

"Xiao Taohua, can you confirm that she has the plague?"

"Without taking her pulse, I can't confirm right now. But Xiao Pang, I feel that to avoid trouble, it's best you don't get involved."

Hearing Xiao Taohua's advice, while looking at the group of people kneeling on the ground, Lin Zaozao felt that Xiao Taohua's words were right.

She, Lin Zaozao, was no selfless savior who would give herself up for others.

Thus Lin Zaozao turned back to look at Murong Hai's group behind her. She waved her hand to signal them to first go back to the room.

Things like plague were extremely contagious. She had the system so generally there wouldn't be an issue.

But there was no guarantee for Murong Hai and the others. If they caught the plague on top of the poison already in their bodies, the consequences would be unimaginable.

For the sake of their little lives, it would be better for them to avoid this for now.

But when met with Lin Zaozao's urging gaze, they didn't seem to see Lin Zaozao's signals and remained unmoving where they stood.

The most outrageous was that fake immortal Ji Fantian. He actually strode right over to Lin Zaozao.

"Ji Fantian, what are you doing coming over here? Have you lost your mind?"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's complaining tone, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Ji Fantian's lips.

"Xiao Pang, even if I'm lacking, I'm still an imperial physician. For things like treating illness and saving lives, I feel I can still be of help to you."

"But Ji Fantian, right now this isn't a simple matter of providing medical treatment. Xiao Taohua said that woman likely has the plague. You know very clearly that with plague, even a tiny mistake could lead to deaths."

Thus saying, Lin Zaozao disregarded Ji Fantian's objections and forcefully tugged on his and Xiao Taohua's sleeves, pulling them towards the room.

"Get back inside, all of you scram back for me. I'm going to take care of big matters out here. What are you grown men doing with nothing better to do!"

If you're that free, go embroider flowers for me in the room!"

As Lin Zaozao spoke, she pushed Ji Fantian and his group into their respective rooms without heeding their objections and directly locked their doors.

[Host, urgent task. Host must complete it. Task content is to control the spreading plague.]

[System, what do you mean by this? Are you saying the illness this woman has contracted is the plague?]

[Host, this woman has indeed contracted the plague.]

[Is there a cure?]

[There is.]

[What is the cure?]

[One level 5 anti-toxin pellet can save 10,000 lives.]

[One level 5 anti-toxin pellet can save 10,000 people? System, do you mean this plague has already begun spreading? Why haven't I heard anything about it here? Moreover, when I went into town recently, I didn't see anyone who had contracted the plague!]

[Host, the plague has just spread here. Not only does this plague spread rapidly, its origin is not here. But outside, the plague has already widely spread.]

[Is that so? System, what do I need to pay to obtain a level 5 anti-toxin pellet?]

[Host, you can obtain a level 5 anti-toxin pellet by spending a night with any of your husbands in the bridal chamber. Spend a night with two husbands in the bridal chamber and you can obtain two pellets.]

[System, do you have any way besides spending the night with my husbands in the bridal chamber?]

[There is. If the host really wants to, the host can exchange five years of life for one level 5 anti-toxin pellet.]

[Damn! So originally, exchanging things only required me to embarrass myself, but now the condition to exchange has become taking my life. System, do I look like a benevolent savior to you? Do you think I would exchange my life for others' lives? If it comes down to it, can't I just wander outside Luoshui Village instead of living there? Also, you can get someone else to complete your task!]

[Host, special level task! If you leave Luoshui Village without completing the task the system has given you, not only will you die, but you must also choose a husband to die with you. Moreover, the reward for this task will also be cancelled.]

[Damn! Vicious system, how can you be so heartless! My husbands and I are currently living well. How can you make me die together with one of them? After interacting with them for so long, do you think my conscience would feel alright if I died and dragged one of them down with me?]

[Host, didn't you say you don't have a heart? You can completely do this.]

[Inhumane system without any human touch. I wish you get choked while eating, drowned while drinking water, and are out of toilet paper every time after using the latrine. That's right, what was the reward you mentioned to me earlier?]

[The system can give the host a life-saving resurrection pill. But the resurrection pill can only be used by the host herself. If the host gives the resurrection pill to someone else, the system has the right to punish the host by making her gain 100 catties of fat.]

[Resurrection pill! If I were dead, would I come back to life as a zombie to eat it!?]

[Host, the system will give it to you after your death!]

[Damn system! There's only one super life-saving pill, why isn't there two!?]

[Host, do you think the resurrection pill just rolled off your body!? One is already the system showing leniency because this task is somewhat arduous.]

[Will I really gain 100 catties if I give it to someone else?]

[That's right. And it will be a swift gain of 100 catties of fat.]

[You might as well just turn me into a ball then. ]

[If that is what the host hopes for, the system can turn the host into an unfeeling giant ball of fat right now.]

[Get lost, I don't hope to become an unfeeling giant ball of fat!]

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