Chapter 75

However, when they saw Lin Zaozao winkingly eat a fruit, they looked at each other, and also ate the fruit in their hands expressionlessly.

After eating a fruit, Lin Zaozao twisted her face and looked at her two younger brothers and asked, "How is it? Can you accept this sour taste now?"

The twin brothers looked at each other seriously and nodded.

"Then when we go back later, you two must pretend the fruit is very sweet and tasty, so Murong Hai and Ji Fantian can eat it nicely, understand?"

Lin Zaozao squinted at the twin brothers. They also knew she was up to some trick again.

But when thinking of Ji Fantian and others with twisted faces from sourness, the two children nodded seriously.

"Hehe! Good boys! You really are my Lin Zaozao's good younger brothers, so obedient."

After patting the twins' heads, Lin Zaozao thought of the upcoming plan, and felt like she was not panting so much when walking.

When Lin Zaozao returned to the yard, she saw several of her unfortunate husbands gathered together studying something.

She squeezed in with her basket to take a look. Murong Hai and Ruo Qiu were seriously looking at the mushrooms and radishes collected by the twin brothers, as if those radishes were some treasure.

Tsk! Those who haven't seen the world, it's just a few radishes! What's there to look at.

"Aiya! It's just some mushrooms and radishes! What's there to look at?"

Lin Zaozao took the radish from Ruo Qiu's hand, rubbed it on herself, and was about to put it in her mouth.

But before she could bite it, she was stopped by Gushan.

"Zaozao, this is not a radish, it is a hundred-year White Jade Ginseng."

"Ah! Hundred-Year White Jade Ginseng?"

Lin Zaozao looked at the white and fat root in her hand with green leaves. No matter how she looked at it, it still looked like a radish!

"Gushan, don't lie to me! I've seen ginseng before. Ginseng is small and has a lot of whiskers, right? This one is white and fat without a single hair, and the leaves on the head are radish leaves too. How can it be ginseng?"

"Zaozao, this really is Hundred-Year White Jade Ginseng. They have grown for a hundred years, so the extra roots have faded away." Ruo Qiu held the ginseng in his hand and said seriously.

"Is this really ginseng? What about this mushroom! It can't be some treasure too!" Lin Zaozao asked in disbelief as she picked up the ginseng on the table.

"It is the companion of Hundred-Year White Jade Ginseng, the White Jade Lingzhi Mushroom, each is worth a hundred gold." Ji Fantian's voice came from behind Lin Zaozao.

"White, White Jade Lingzhi Mushroom?"

Lin Zaozao's eyes widened as she carefully examined the mushroom in front of her. Ah! Not mushroom. It's White Jade Lingzhi Mushroom.

But no matter how she looked at it, she still felt it was just a mushroom!

She had seen lingzhi on TV before. They all grew like wood and the texture was very hard. She had never heard of lingzhi being so soft and white and fat.

"Fantian, you're awake."

Lin Zaozao ran to Ji Fantian's side with ginseng in one hand and lingzhi mushroom in the other and asked flatteringly,


"Fatty, don't talk to me in that tone. If you have anything to say, just say it properly."

"Fantian, besides selling these ginseng and lingzhi for money, what other effects do they have when people eat them!"

"When people are on the verge of death, as long as they have one of them, they can live for three more months. Outside, these two things are priceless. As long as you take them out to sell, many people will come to buy them."

After hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Ji Fantian paused for a moment in his tone, and then continued to say.

"There is also, it can strengthen the yang."

"Strengthen the yang! These really are good things!"

After speaking, Lin Zaozao winked at Xiao Taohua standing on the side. When Xiao Taohua's eyes met Lin Zaozao's, he couldn't help but shiver.

"Xiao Taohua, why don't we stew a pot of soup with these ginsengs and lingzhi mushrooms this morning!

To strengthen yo-ou. You are really too weak."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Xiao Taohua's body immediately stiffened. So when he met Lin Zaozao's eyes, he subconsciously backed away.

Seeing Xiao Taohua's cowering appearance, they couldn't help but think of what Ye Yi told them early in the morning, that Lin Zaozao had already consummated the marriage with Xiao Taohua.

"Xiao Taohua, this Hundred-Year White Jade Ginseng and Lingzhi are great tonics. If you make them all into soup and drink it, it may kill you." Xiao Taohua said in a dodging tone.

"How is that possible? You are so weak, drinking it will only make your body stronger. Xiao Taohua, don't forget last night, you only lasted three seconds..."

Before Lin Zaozao could finish, Xiao Taohua quickly flashed to Lin Zaozao's side and covered her mouth with his hand, pleading,

"Mistress, please don't say anymore. I fainted last night and didn't know anything. And you say three seconds, just three seconds!"

Hearing Xiao Taohua's angry voice, Lin Zaozao slapped away his hand on her mouth and sneered with the corners of her mouth tilted up. f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

"Xiao Taohua, since you don't believe what I said, let's go in and try again to see if you really only last three seconds!"

"Lin Zaozao, fatty, do you even want any dignity as a woman?"

"No. I threw away dignity long ago." Lin Zaozao said indifferently.

Xiao Taohua looked at the little fat hand pulling his arm and was about to push Lin Zaozao away.

But when his hand had just touched Lin Zaozao, Lin Zaozao's next words almost scared him to death.

"Xiao Taohua, although your body is a little weak, we did consummate the marriage after all. You said, could I be already pregnant with your child in my belly?"

"How is that possible? Lin Zaozao, your brain must be full of shit! It's impossible to get pregnant from one time!"

"My brain is full of you!"

Lin Zaozao pulled Xiao Taohua over and brought him to Ji Fantian. She held out her hand to Ji Fantian and said,

"Fantian, come, feel my pulse properly and see if I'm really pregnant or not!

Remember, you have to grasp my pulse firmly and cannot make mistakes! You must, you must say something I like to hear."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's arrogant threat, Ji Fantian felt his body almost shaking with laughter.

But to cooperate with Lin Zaozao's play, Ji Fantian placed his hand on Lin Zaozao's wrist.

"Hmm! The pulse is somewhat floating and weak, but although not very obvious, it is still a double pulse sign. Zaozao, you are indeed pregnant."

Ji Fantian's words immediately pulled down Xiao Taohua's face. He wanted to personally check Lin Zaozao's pulse to see if she was really pregnant, but was slapped away by Lin Zaozao.

"Xiao Taohua, I know you are happy to be a dad. But under broad daylight, us... hmm! It’s too straightforward and not very good!"

Xiao Taohua looked at the flirting glance thrown by Lin Zaozao. He couldn’t believe that he really had a relationship with this fat girl Lin Zaozao last night.

So he turned his head and looked at Ruo Qiu incredulously asking,

"Ruo Qiu, is it true that Lin Zaozao has consummated marriage with you guys?"

"Of course it's true. It was so intense that the bed collapsed under us. Oh yes, the collapsed bed was also fixed by you." While speaking, Lin Zaozao winked at Ruo Qiu.

Seeing Lin Zaozao's silly look, Ruo Qiu coughed lightly. He lowered his head and pretended to be shy, nodding lightly.

He couldn't be blamed for acting like this now. He was really afraid he would burst out laughing once he saw Lin Zaozao’s face.

If he laughed out loud, then this little fatty Lin Zaozao would definitely pester him endlessly.

"You see, even Ruo Qiu nodded. Can you believe it now!"

"No, I don't believe it."

Xiao Taohua shook his head in disbelief, then turned to Gushan and Ji Fantian and asked,

"You two, did Lin Zaozao really sleep with you?"

"That’s right!"

"Yes, it’s true."

Hearing Ji Fantian and Murong Hai's unanimous answers, Xiao Taohua felt the last glimmer of hope in her heart completely shattered at this moment.

He really did enter the bridal chamber with the chubby little girl in front of her.

And she really only had three seconds?

Xiao Taohua looked up and down at Lin Zaozao's plump figure, then saw that her eyes were full of excitement.

At once, Xiao Taohua felt that she really couldn't go on.

Seeing Xiao Taohua's dejected appearance, Lin Zaozao quickly gathered up all the mushrooms, ah! the lingzhi and ginseng.

After all, these were collected by her two younger brothers at the cost of their own injuries. Seeing the injuries on their bodies, she could guess with her toes that collecting these things must be very dangerous.

"Xiao Taohua, looking like that, do you really not need to replenish yourself?"

Lin Zaozao placed the ginseng and lingzhi in front of Xiao Taohua, squinted her eyes, pursed her lips and asked with a smile.

"No need, I won't replenish. If you need to replenish, you should replenish yourself."

"You're right, I should replenish myself properly. After all, I'm pregnant with your cub. As an expectant mother, I should indeed eat some good food.

Xiao Taohua, go make something tasty for your little cub. Remember, sour for boys and spicy for girls, I want both sour and spicy, come out as dragon and phoenix twins."

Having said that, Lin Zaozao pushed the wooden-bodied Xiao Taohua towards the kitchen.

Only after the hopeless Xiao Taohua entered the kitchen did Ji Fantian turn around and ask in a low voice.

"Little fatty, why are you teasing Xiao Taohua?"

"Isn't it because he didn't keep his word? He originally said he would enter the bridal chamber with me, but he didn't.

And yesterday just because I 'lightly' pressed down on him, he almost died on me. Most importantly, it was his fault that I gained four catties of fat.

Four catties of fat! That's enough for a whole family to have a good meal. So this young lady can't just let those four catties of fat grow on my body for nothing, can I!"

"So you said you were pregnant with his child?" Murong Hai sat opposite Lin Zaozao, narrowed his eyes and chuckled softly.

"Yeah! Murong Hai, are you jealous of Xiao Taohua? If you're jealous, I'll get pregnant with one of yours right away."

"No need, I don't want my child to be shat into the latrine by you."

"Oh! Murong Hai, you're usually so refined, why has your speech become so crude? That's not very manly." Lin Zaozao tugged at the corner of her mouth and said disdainfully.

"It's from learning from you. Lin Zaozao, search your heart, since being with you, which one of us is still normal?"

"Murong Hai, the way you talk! I think your current state is normal, your original looks were like wearing a mask on your face, which looked false and pretentious to others at first glance."

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