615 the infernal king’s installation, the land of death

“The founder of the nine Swords?”

This name almost crushed Zhao Xu so much that he couldn’t even lift his head.

Zhao Xu had already made up his mind to delay the casting of the 5th circle Divine Art and go straight for the 9th sword for the double elite class Divine Art. He suddenly felt like he was going to ” worship ” them.

Especially when this old man looked like the legendary unkempt and unparalleled master.

“I didn’t study much, but don’t you lie to me.” Zhao Xu immediately shook his head and said, ” I’ve looked through the family records of the eastern land Empire. Since the establishment of the Empire, there has never been a person called undefeatable nie.

Not long ago, he had met Ying ergou, the current expert of the eastern land Empire. His seniority was almost the same as the group that had founded the country. There was no ‘no’ generation in the later generations.

The old man in front of him stroked his gray beard and laughed heartily. even if magic became a system, that was before the magic Empire was established.

if the nine Swords system didn’t take shape after hundreds of years of accumulation, how could there be an Empire of the eastern land? ” Then, the old man, invincible nie, looked at Zhao Xu’s face and said, ” even the descendants of the big families in the Empire of the eastern lands might not be able to read the entire calendar. It looks like you’re also interested in joining our Nine Swords system.

“That’s right.”

Zhao Xu couldn’t help but think that it was as if someone had just given him a pillow when he was about to doze off.

It was too much of a coincidence.

“However, you’re already a sorcerer. Do you want to follow the path of ‘sorcerer Yufeng’? however, i have to remind you that even though wizard yufeng is one of the best among the advanced nine swords, you can’t increase your arcane level at level 1 and level 6. to you wizards who are one level away from heaven and earth, it might not be a good deal.”

the old man said as he looked at zhao xu with a profound gaze.

“Sir, before we talk about the nine Swords, can I ask you a question first? where is this place?” Zhao Xu realized that if he continued to circle around, he might end up in the nine Swords school, so he quickly returned to the main topic.


However, the old man shook his head in disdain. young people are always impetuous. You must know that all the laws in the world lead to the same end. If we are all in the same school, how do you know that what you and I are discussing is not the same thing? ”

As he spoke, he paused the thick wooden sword in his hand. On the originally soft soil, there was a dull sound. In an instant, the old man’s entire body exuded a kind of ” unity ” feeling, making people unable to see the slightest flaw.

This also made Zhao Xu hesitate for the first time. If he wanted to attack the old man in front of him, then which part of him should he start breaking through from?

it was as if he was facing a mountain or an abyss. this was the kind of suppression he felt.

“Please advise me.” zhao xu said humbly.

He realized that the old man he had met this time was different from the other Arthur’s powerhouses he had met before.

the question you asked is related to another question. It also involves why you are being hunted down and why there are so many undead creatures in this land.

As he spoke, the old man sat on the ground without a care. His right hand was still holding the wooden sword, as if he could not let go at all.

“have you heard of the ‘demon king installation’?”

After a long time, the white-haired old man opened his eyes again. His gaze instantly turned into lightning that penetrated deep into Zhao Xu’s heart.

“What is this ability?” Zhao Xu was shocked.

In that short moment, the old man had instilled all the knowledge about the Infernal King’s device into his mind, stirring up the domain of consciousness in his mind like paste.

All kinds of concepts were like a barrel of gunpowder that was being sprayed out, constantly exploding in all directions and filling the sky with Starlight.

“That’s why these are all problems. However, I’ve also confirmed one thing. Little friend, your curiosity is indeed exuberant. Very good, very good.”

As he spoke, the old man continued to stroke his long beard. this is one of the abilities of the ‘ancient weapon’ in my hand-‘impartation’. It can use the method of’ enlightenment ‘to save many years of effort for another person, and they will know directly.

is it similar to the first circle spell ‘scholar’s touch’ that we Wizards have? ” Zhao Xu couldn’t help but compare.

The scholar’s touch was known as the ‘quick-to-become Grimoire’ for the slacker and the ‘friend of the top student’. It could transform the contents of a book into a general impression and instill it into the mind of the subject.

“Take a look at what I’ve told you before you ask.” Suddenly, the old man felt as if Zhao Xu had used a 1st-circle spell as an analogy. He moved his waist and twisted his head away as if he was a piece of rotten wood that couldn’t be carved.

Zhao Xu also calmed down and started to carefully read through the information that the old man had given him bit by bit.

At this moment, his expression also became somewhat heavy.

That was because this similar feeling was not from the scholar’s touch, but the enlightened spellcaster specialty.

But then, when Zhao Xu saw the information about the Infernal King’s device that was sent over to him, he started to look even more incredulous!

The Demon King’s device, as its name suggested, was a tool used by the extremely evil demon King to destroy the world and reproduce the glory of the end of the world-it was the best way to destroy the world.

From a certain point of view, this device was no less than a divine artifact that was specially made to destroy the world.

No matter what kind of magic item it was, the manufacturing formula would essentially point to a certain spell, and the magic net device was, in a sense, a controlled wishing spell.

what the other party was passing to zhao xu right now was the formula for making a demon king’s equipment. if he was at level 17, he would be able to complete the most important step.

As for the other strange item creation specialties, he could use potential points to simulate them.

But Zhao Xu still frowned. Then he turned around and looked at the marks around him. based on this introduction, the Infernal King’s installation needs to be specially made underground, or even in an area where it can manifest. And I’ve never even heard of at least 60% of the raw materials.

not to mention, even if it’s successfully manufactured, it still has to go through long-term testing to achieve the strongest effect, and this process also has to bear disastrous failures. What’s even more ridiculous is that the activation device also requires sufficient knowledge and skills verification, and even special ‘experience’ or some form of ‘magic’ and ‘psionic power’. ”

Then, Zhao Xu shook his head. just these descriptions alone make me feel that creating a Demon King’s device is probably even more difficult than creating a God-level device with a mortal’s body. Mr. Ying, you mean that there’s a Demon King’s device here that’s driving these undead?”

” i’ve already told you what i should tell you. you can see for yourself. ” The old man, nie bubai, only paused and didn’t explain.

Zhao Xu immediately scanned through the ten lines and immediately went to the last line, which was ” example creation.

” emerald undead machine-registered with bones and the body of the undead. it can turn all corpses within a three-kilometer radius into zombies controlled by the device’s owner. ”

the undead spirit gathering mirror-it looks like a huge telescope, but when the lens is focused, it can project negative energy in an area, similar to causing minor injuries to a group? ”

Magic Black hole-able to cover an anti-magic force field effect within a five-kilometer radius. The construction requirement is to be at a special magic intersection.

After he finished reading through all of these, Zhao Xu felt that the undead tide was definitely related to this Infernal King device.

Even the anti-magic field that was created when the meteorite destroyed the palace of Azur with a radius of 50 kilometers in the Twilight Forest was similar to the devil King’s installation.

“Senior, do you mean that there is a ‘Demon King device’ buried in this mysterious cave, and it is the source of the ‘undead tide’ that is turning the entire dead zone of the Wildlands upside down?”

or perhaps, it’s the main culprit behind the unique environment of the Wildlands? ”

At this moment, Zhao Xu couldn’t help but clench his fists tightly. Countless people on earth had died, but it wasn’t because of a special area formed by the intertwining planes. It was actually caused by a ” man-made ” device.

the old man said regretfully, ” you’re smart, but not smart enough. ”

” you should think about it the other way around. it’s this special region that gave birth to the infernal king device. they complement each other. ”

Zhao Xu broke out in a cold sweat. He realized that he had suppressed his emotions and was no longer as calm as before because of the number of casualties he had suffered in the undead horde and the ” trauma ” that had caused more than half of the people on earth to die in the undead horde in his previous life.

“you’re right, senior. Is the Demon King’s device nearby?” Zhao Xu asked.

At this moment, his eyes were burning with a raging flame. He silently took out a scroll box from his waist and held a scroll embroidered with black and gold threads.

Unlike other magic scrolls written on goatskin, this was also a Dragon-skin scroll, which showed its extraordinary nature.

A mage’s disjunction magic scroll!

At this moment, Zhao Xu was holding a ” tactical nuclear warhead ” in his hand. It was a ” weapon of mass destruction ” that could make even an Archmage cry out in pain when it was activated.

Suddenly, the old man, who was still calm and composed, shook his head when he saw this scene. the young people these days actually bring deadly props that can make people go bankrupt. Aren’t they a little too vicious? ”

“You have to know that if you throw this thing out, it will be a situation where you won’t rest until you die.”

“Isn’t this a good way to deal with the current situation?” Zhao Xu said seriously.

that makes sense, but the premise is that you have to have enough scrolls to destroy the ninety-nine Infernal King installations in this cave. Suddenly, the old man revealed a mysterious smile.


This cold and cruel number almost made Zhao Xu’s consciousness go blurry.

However, he quickly regained his calm.

Because Zhao Xu was a double elite class, his class will alone was at level 13.

After all, level 20 mages only provided level 12 will immunity.

Not to mention the resistance bonus from the Tier 5 great sage robe, the luck bonus from the wealth of a tier 10 ruin explorer, the Ain stone (Tier 1 performance), and the 1-circle faith spell (Tier 5 morale). He was now at tier 38.

Therefore, the determination in the depths of his heart was beyond everyone’s imagination.

Even if a great wizard cast a 5th-circle intelligence weakening spell on Zhao Xu, he wouldn’t be in any danger.

“Strange, why are there so many of them?” The old man said to Zhao Xu, who was silent.

“No, I’m curious as to why you’re telling me so much.” Zhao Xu shook his head and said, ” especially with the knowledge that I just imparted. If I were to exaggerate a little, I would be able to recreate this Demon King equipment.

as the saying goes,’if you’re polite to others, you must have something to ask for’. It can’t be that old Sir, you’re such a warm-hearted person, right? ”

but that’s only if he’s already level 17, zhao xu thought to himself.

“Yes, I am. That’s true.”

At this moment, the old man, Ying ergou, stood up abruptly. He looked at the stone-like barrier around him and shouted, ” “Then why didn’t I know about this back then?”

In an instant, all the muscles in his body seemed to swell up, as if there was endless strength hidden under his thin body.

I’m telling you this mainly because you’re about to die. Or rather, you’re not that different from being dead.

the old man’s words revealed a ruthless tone, as if the heavens of time had broken through the vast sky.

these ninety-nine Demon King installations that are filled with the aura of death and slaughter were all made by another mage like me.

as a Grandmaster of the nine Swords, I created the hundredth Demon King device, but it was used to imprison me.

As he spoke, the old man looked at the yellow soil that seemed to be floating with dust at all times. the source of the Demon King’s device is the dragoncrystal mine deep underground, and this device of mine is essentially a devouring and sinking device. Therefore, you, who appeared nearby with the dragoncrystal, were automatically attracted to it and completed the cycle of the dragoncrystal.

since you’ve been drawn into this place, you won’t be able to leave. This place is used to imprison me, a mage. You, a mage, have no hope of breaking out.

as he spoke, the old man shook his head. ” what’s more terrifying is that when the other me awakens, he will use you. so, for the sake of the world, i have to kill you first and let this land devour you. ”

think about it. If you die after knowing the cause and effect, don’t you think that your death is worth it and that you have made a contribution to the world? ”

zhao xu was getting more and more surprised as he listened. he didn’t think that the old man would decide his life and death with just a few words.

But the moment he raised the wooden sword, even Zhao Xu, who was almost immune to physical attacks, couldn’t help but panic. He quickly said, ” Sir, you’re suffering from schizophrenia. Maybe I can use my Memory Magic to help you correct it.

However, the old man continued to shake his head, swinging the wooden stick in his hand as he walked towards him. the other me is a legendary mage. Do you think he doesn’t know such a childish spell? but he still hasn’t eliminated my thoughts.

don’t worry, it won’t hurt. After all, you seem to be related to that little girl an. I won’t kill you with my own hands.

“You can just obediently take this eighth-echelon White Crow hammer and faint.”

Zhao Xu quickly tried to defend himself. you have Iron Heart strength. That’s different.

Suddenly, the old man stopped in his tracks. Antonya told you that? This was really troublesome. Didn’t he remember that he had sworn not to reveal it? Do you think that Ernest’s bloodline thinks that their oaths are bullshit?”


Zhao Xu shouted.

The moment the old man swung his sword, he felt the power of the ‘anti-magic field’ pressing down on him again.

The life-saving spells such as Touch of Frost, Swift burst, and elastic magic ball that he had been preparing to cast instantly lost their power.

“Let me tell you one more thing. The rule of this place is that as long as you have the thought of casting a spell, you will be silenced.”

“It’s fine if you know the secret of ‘iron core strength’, bring it with you to the bottom of the earth.”

“Dragon breaking strike!” The old man suddenly changed his move.

In an instant, the shadow of the wooden sword was headed straight for Zhao Xu’s head.

“It was the final scroll that told me.”

The wooden sword was suspended in the air.

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