Chapter 44: A Prospective Cleric

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The number of shocks that Zhao Xu had gone through recently made him get used to calming his excited heart down.

He quickly glanced at the spell data in his character stats.


Divine Magic Cantrip spell slots: 3=3 (Character Class)

Divine Magic Level 1 spell slots: 2=1 (Character Class) +1 (Wisdom)

The information was similar to the ones for his Wizard class.

The only difference was that the text here was all grayed out and wasn’t active yet.

It was just like how his wizard slots were when he logged into the game that morning. They were in a frozen state because he hadn’t meditated on them yet.

Zhao Xu’s wife in his previous life had gone through cleric training, so he knew a thing or two about it.

Clerics obtained Divine Magic by meditation and prayer.

They didn’t need to study or research any spells, they just went into deep thought at a fixed time so that they could receive that day’s spells as a blessing from the deity they worshiped.

Even if you didn’t get 8 full hours of rest, it wouldn’t affect Divine Magic.

Zhao Xu was currently at a point where he just needed to meditate for one hour, and he would be able to attain that day’s Divine Magic.

Originally, he wanted to cross the entrance of the church and make up for that last 1% chance as the Goddess descended.

Zhao Xu was now a prospective cleric. He just needed to get through the rest of the training, which wasn’t too hard.

He found it a little hard to believe this.

In his previous life, Zhao Xu had seen a lot of cleric apprentices who had spent all their time studying books and trying to understand the teachings of their gods.

There were even those who continued to work hard until they were already old, and they still hadn’t been able to become a Level 1 Cleric.

Even though during this one year before the transmigration, the gods and deities were very generous towards the players, the proportion of players who managed to become a Level 1 Cleric was still not very high.

Besides the player’s natural self-awareness, the main problem was that, for a cleric, going up in level wasn’t something that everyone could work toward and attain.

That was also why his wife in his previous life had eventually given up trying to become a cleric.

Even though this rather magical situation had happened to Zhao Xu, he knew that remaining silent was the best thing to do for now.

This opportunity was way too profound.

He wanted to take the character class of Archivist, so he just needed to become a Level 1 Cleric.

According to what he knew, the abilities that came with being a Cleric were enough to make everything worth it.

Right now, everyone in the church was standing respectfully.

The bells chimed on and on without ceasing, and all of them were quietly praying to the Goddess from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhao Xu didn’t know why he had been pulled through the long river of time and had gone to meet the Goddess at a time before she became a Goddess.

Right now, the reverence he felt toward the Goddess was way less intense than the reverence he had for her before going back in time.

The closer she was, the less she made people feel reverent toward her.

This was also why wizards respected the Goddess but didn’t necessarily believe in her.

Zhao Xu didn’t dare to think that the Goddess had something to ask of him. He didn’t think he was such a big shot.

But what was becoming very clear was that the Goddess wanted his support.

Whatever she wanted seemed to be so urgent that she couldn’t wait until he had some sort of achievements before getting him on her side.

The only guess he had was that his identity as someone who had gone back in time could become a possible variable of fate.

It was like a chessboard where the game was played out. There were no more options, until, suddenly, a new pawn appeared. Even though the pawn itself possessed very little power, it was enough to stir up a storm.

Zhao Xu didn’t look very conspicuously around the place and followed the other believers by humbly bowing his head as well.

This was the normal way of life in Arthur.

His wife in his previous life didn’t get to become a cleric, but she was still a very devout believer.

In Arthur, after a living creature dies, its soul will normally float toward the Outer Planes of the most suitable Alignment.

That was the outermost circle drawn on that huge round disk that Zhao Xu had seen during the ceremony with all the planes of Arthur indicated on it.

Those who had a religion would be protected by their gods and deities and would be taken into the plane in which they lived.

So besides the super-powerful wizards who might never die, most people would obediently look for a god or deity that aligned with their inclinations and believe in them.

Everyone was afraid that after they died, their unconscious souls would just float into the nether world with nowhere to go to and might even fall into the Abyss and Hells to become bait for demons.

So, Zhao Xu didn’t doubt the piety in the voices of those praying fervently by his side.

Finally, the sound of the bells slowly faded and silence brought with it a sad emptiness.

“The Goddess has left.” Reyan’s voice suddenly rang out within Zhao Xu’s mind.

Zhao Xu wasn’t a stranger to this sort of thing now. He knew that Reyan had cast a spell to make this happen.

He glanced at his character stats message board.

His activity displayed a string of words: You are now connected to Reyan via Telepathic Bond.

All these activity updates were a reflection of Zhao Xu’s own thoughts.

If Zhao Xu ever misunderstood anything or got the spell names wrong, the message board would also reflect the incorrect message.

That was because this message board could not be used to confirm what was really happening.

He couldn’t rely on this message board to judge whether he was really under this particular spell, or whether the person communicating with him was really Reyan or not.

But after Zhao Xu focused his attention on the few words ‘Telepathic Bond’, he was immediately successfully connected with Reyan.

And if he wanted to reject this connection, he could also use this to refuse it.

“So fast?” Zhao Xu contemplated what words he should use and finally decided to stick to more neutral terms.

The gods and deities wouldn’t read the minds of living creatures like him, but if they mentioned the name of the gods and deities, then the gods and deities would know.

As long as you said it out loud, they would know.

And they would also hear all the rest of the words that you said.

“Bro, we’re here today to see someone and not the other way around. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have appeared in such a hurry just to make sure you got here as quickly as possible. We were in a hurry, so Antonya felt bad taking the time to give you your reward.”

Reyan called him ‘Bro’ so casually and Zhao Xu felt so awkward.

Goodness knows how old this wizard really was, even though he looked like he was only around 30.

But when Reyan mentioned the reward, Zhao Xu suddenly remembered it.

Earlier, Zhao Xu was still feeling sad about Antonya leaving and he had completely forgotten that Antonya had promised to reward him.

“Do you know what reward it is? Mr. Reyan?” Even though Zhao Xu was using his thoughts to talk to Reyan, his curiosity was bursting through his thoughts.

Antonya was a big shot who could casually and randomly pull out a legendary +12 Intelligence headband.

If she was giving him something, then even if it wasn’t a +6 Intelligence item, surely it was at least a +2.

“I wouldn’t know. Antonya usually gives away something she makes herself, and they carry her unique style, so she would never let me see it. I suppose once you finish your cleric training and meet her again, she’ll give it to you.”

“But we were still too slow in coming and we didn’t get to the innermost part of the shrine. It’s easier to get the attention of the Goddess there, and you might even become a cleric straightaway and attain Divine Magic.”

“The shrine?” Zhao Xu continued to ask anxiously.

“That’s right. The shrine had 300 available slots and I used my connections to get you the centermost spot, but I didn’t expect her to descend so quickly and we didn’t get to use it. Hurry up and go to the shrine. The aura of the goddess is still very thick there, so you can increase your chances of attaining Divine Magic.”

Reyan added telepathically, “All those people who couldn’t get into the 300 vacancies are waiting for this chance. Otherwise, why did you think so many people squeezed in to watch?”

Zhao Xu was surprised. “Wasn’t it because they could get Holy Water?”

“Get Holy Water? That useless thing only causes a 2D4 damage to dead souls and other evil creatures from the netherworld. Any random Fireball of mine would cause a 10D6 and I can use metamagic to increase the damage by half. Or you have some special hobbies that need this stuff? Like you want to use it to educate those legendary succubi?

“Alright, alright, enough of this talk. Hurry up and get a space.” Reyan suddenly thought of something and his face reddened, so he quickly tried to draw Zhao Xu’s attention away.

“There’s no need to squeeze with them.”


“I already got Divine Magic earlier, when the Goddess was here.”


“I said, I’ve already attained Divine Magic earlier.”

His voice continued to echo between the two of them.

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