136 the forest of prophecy

Usually, when Antonya wanted to teach him something, she would personally give him some pointers on the spot.

this time, he had been specially arranged to attend classes elsewhere, which was somewhat unexpected.

zhao xu followed the directions that antonya had given him and went to a mysterious classroom in the hall of knowledge.

The hall of knowledge was the main place where all the apprentices in floating city received their training. Because Zhao Xu had always been receiving Antonya’s training alone, he had never come here before.

most of the apprentices were trained from the first to the third floor.

When Zhao Xu entered the eighth floor, he realized that the entire corridor was empty.

Compared to the lower floors, the entire 8th floor was completely sealed off. Not a single light could pass through. Meanwhile, it was empty and desolate.

Only in the corners of the walls, every twenty steps, there would be a weak candle flame.

as zhao xu walked, he saw that there were quite a few murals on the walls that had been stacked up and sealed up. however, most of them were very abstract, as if they were some sort of mysterious ritual symbols.

Zhao Xu knew that there were some paintings that could easily be controlled if one observed them carefully, so he didn’t look at them too closely.

There was only the sound of “ta ta ta” footsteps in the entire corridor, and it even seemed as if there was an additional person.

zhao xu stopped in his tracks a few times, and the sound of his footsteps also stopped.

in the end, after carefully passing through seven or eight classrooms, he finally noticed that numbers had started to appear on the doors of those classrooms. this meant that he wasn’t far from the classroom 101 that antonya had told him to go to.

in contrast to the large halls of the academic lecture hall, the classrooms in the academic hall were even smaller than the classrooms in the universities on earth. some of them were even just small meeting rooms.

As Zhao Xu walked along, he realized that most of the classrooms looked like they were in shambles. No one was even there to straighten the seats, and they just fell to the ground like that. There were even some broken mirrors that were piled up in the corners.

the entire layout of the eighth floor, from the floor to the murals painted on the ceiling, did not have any bright colors at all. they were all extremely dark gray.

it was a scene that had been abandoned for a long time.

zhao xu was a wizard, so he wasn’t afraid of anything happening to him.

compared to ordinary people, his ” magic bullets ” could restrain many things that ordinary people couldn’t deal with.

however, after he took a few steps, he felt that there was a shadow following him, which made him feel a little strange.

But no matter how Zhao Xu turned his head around, or whether he used his listen or detect skills, nothing seemed out of place.

“Protection from evil!”

Zhao Xu thought about it for a moment and decided to cast a defensive spell that he often used on himself.

suddenly, he felt a little more courage.

At this moment, he had already walked to classroom 93. It didn’t look far from Classroom 101.

Suddenly, a “Yi ya” sound came from behind.

zhao xu jerked his head back and the wooden door of classroom 92 slowly opened.

Zhao Xu stared at it for half a minute. He was ready to cast his spell, but there was still nothing coming out of classroom 92.

it was as if the half-rotten wooden door had been blown open by the wind due to years of disrepair.

the only question was, where did the wind come from?

Zhao Xu thought about the oppressive atmosphere around him, and he knew that his mind was already overreacting a little, and it was easy for him to get suspicious.

he reached into the side pocket of the bag and thought of the lion’s fur. suddenly, the lion’s fur, one of the materials he poured into the bag, appeared in his hand.

after zhao xu finished casting the ain stone in his hand, he grabbed the lion’s mane and started to chant an incantation to cast a spell.

“Lion’s heart!”

then, the moment the spell was completed, he pressed the warm magic energy in his palm directly into his body.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu’s entire body was filled with boundless courage!

At this moment, even if there was any supernatural situation, he was not afraid.

zhao xu gritted his teeth and ran straight towards the classroom of 101.

if he encountered any strange situation in the wild, he would definitely cast a spell to check it out without a second thought.

however, as a floating city, no one knew if there were any special mechanisms.

The lion’s heart that Zhao Xu had cast on himself was a divine spell that only Paladins could cast. It could make him immune to fear for two rounds (12 seconds).

previously, when he had encountered the dragon, he had been unable to do anything. it was difficult for him to even raise his head, which was because he had fallen into a trembling state, one of the effects of fear.

Now that he had cast this spell on himself, whether it was his true feelings or the pure effect, he, who was immune to fear, would at least not be too passive.

zhao xu was able to cover the distance of ten classrooms in no time at all, and he managed to complete the sprint within 12 seconds.

However, as he counted the numbers, he realized that the classroom after 100 was 102.

Classroom 101 had disappeared into thin air.

and just like that, zhao xu stood on the wall between the two classrooms and fell into deep thought.

antonya definitely wasn’t going to trick him if she asked him to come here.

But Zhao Xu didn’t understand why the eighth floor of the palace of knowledge was filled with so many strange things.

Suddenly, all the candles in the corridor were extinguished.

Darkness suddenly came, and the sound of crying mixed with laughter rang in his ears.

“light.” zhao xu immediately took out the firefly from his pocket and cast the spell.

the robe that zhao xu had cast a light spell on immediately started glowing and was about to break through the darkness in front of him.

in an instant, an even deeper darkness enveloped him like a wave.

The light spell lost its effect in an instant, and the strange sound disappeared.

And just like that, Zhao Xu listened to his own heartbeat in this pitch-black environment.

thump, thump, thump.

However, lion’s heart, which was immune to fear, was already at its last second.

the deep, dark, and silent fear rose up again in zhao xu’s heart.

Zhao Xu didn’t think too much about it. He just took out another lion’s mane from his backpack.

what he needed to do now was to remain calm.

“It’s done.” suddenly, a cold voice came from behind zhao xu.

Immediately after, a bonfire appeared in front of him.

In front of them was a scene of a dilapidated forest.

Five mages in robes and cloaks sat around a bonfire in an open space in the forest. There was an empty seat waiting for him to sit down.

” the person who comes the latest will always be intimidated. since you didn’t cry, go and sit down. ”

if zhao xu hadn’t recognized reyan’s voice, he would have started cursing at him.

however, he still obediently walked over and sat in the empty seat in front of the bonfire.

it was only then that zhao xu noticed reyan winking at him.

“Kid, don’t you know how to expel it? i designed this scene so that you can act cool.” suddenly, reyan’s mind-link was sent over.

there’s not a single undead here. Why should I use the ability to dispel undead? ” If Reyan hadn’t mentioned it, Zhao Xu would have almost forgotten that he had this ability.

now that he had encountered a problem, he was more inclined to use his own spells.

“you’re also stupid. the positive energy from the dispelling ability has a warming effect.”

“I originally wanted to let you show off your strength before arranging a more terrifying plot for you. the effect of this illusion is explosive, right?”

zhao xu finally understood when he heard this. “isn’t your illusion a little too strong?”

“of course. this floor is the mirror of illusions. the control core is in my hands, so i can control the space and illusions on this floor at will.”

Zhao Xu had already sat down in the corner. He noticed that the two companions beside him were both girls.

When he thought about how the other party must have been threatened by Reyan’s wicked sense of humor, Zhao Xu couldn’t help but show a look of sympathy.

“are you alright?” The female wizard on Zhao Xu’s left asked out of concern.

Zhao Xu nodded. I think it’s okay.

these illusions are beyond the scope of normal illusions. the female wizard on zhao xu’s right also said at this moment, “i just tested it out, and some things do feel real to the touch.”

zhao xu leaned against the campfire and noticed that the man’s eyes under the hood were purple.

“hehe, who told you that this is an illusion?” Suddenly, Reyan walked to the campfire and looked at the six Wizards.

“welcome to the forest of prophecy.” Reyan’s voice was low and hoarse.

zhao xu guessed that it was probably an imitation of a sound spell.

you’re not here to teach me the ‘concealed spell casting’ ability? ” zhao xu was using the mind-link spell to ask reyan this question.

“That’s the reward for clearing the stage. You idiot, let’s do the test first. if you implicate your teammates and they lose, you will be taught, but they will not be qualified.” reyan warned him with ill intentions, “do you think everyone is like you, teaching everything?”

Reyan thought to himself and started to feel indignant. Back then, he had to wait until he was almost level 10 before he was qualified to learn this technique.

“the eighth floor of the knowledge palace is actually an invisible teleportation gate. When you step out, you will be teleported to the designated location, which is here-the forest of prophecy.”

“I think you’ve all heard of it before you came, right? Only by passing the test will you be able to obtain the ability that has never been revealed to outsiders.”

nothing was more attractive than abilities that other players could not learn.

even though zhao xu knew that he would be able to get this power, he still couldn’t help but listen to reyan continue.

you’ll be split into two teams later. Then, you’ll each think of your own code names. You’ll use your code names in your teams.

the test is simple. I’ve placed something in the forest of prophecy. Find it and come back to the bonfire. You’ll pass the test.

reyan said word by word.

“what’s that thing?” a wizard across from zhao xu said.

“you’re asking me, but who should i ask?” Reyan revealed his true nature after a few words, but he immediately pulled himself back. “you’ll know when you see it.”

“alright, with this line as the dividing line, you guys will split into two teams. stay thirty meters away from me within two rounds, or i’ll activate the instant death spell.” Reyan’s tone was cold.

as soon as he finished speaking, zhao xu and the two female wizards beside him quickly got up and moved to the side.

the three of them only stopped when they ran to a big withered tree.

by then, the bonfire where reyan was had disappeared.

“how about you introduce yourself first?” The girl who spoke to Zhao Xu at the start said, “codename Lu, Level 2 wizard, player.

“codename, shadow, level 2 wizard, player.” the purple-eyed female wizard said.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Zhao Xu.

zhao xu was silent for a moment. then he said, ” codename: wind. level 2 wizard. i’m also a player. ”

the three of them looked at each other.

Who knew when Arthur would have three level 2 Wizards?

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