Si Yanxiao was not surprised. “No Rush, let’s take it slow.”

Yun Ci raised her eyebrows. “Okay.”

In the following period of time, Yun Ci went a few more times, pretending to be hypnotized each time.

They could not drag it out for too long, it was almost time to close the net.

Maybach stopped outside the building, and Jun Siche tilted his head to ask Yun CI, “Is the thing ready?”

Yun Ci took out a recording pen from her pocket. It could be remotely controlled, and there was also a self-destruct device installed. After destroying the recording function inside, it was no different from a normal pen, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

Anti-hypnosis needed a medium.

And the medium that Yun ci set up was the sound of fingers tapping on the bench. She recorded the sound, and as long as Si Yanxiao heard it, he would be hypnotized by her.

Yun Ci jumped out of the car and walked into the building.

As usual, Si Yanxiao helped Yun ci with her hypnosis treatment. When he wasn’t paying attention, Yun Ci threw the recording pen under the sofa.

After it was over, Yun Ci got into the car. Jun Siche drove the car to a remote corner,

outside the window, the night fell quietly, and the neon lights lit up.

It was time.

Yun Ci opened her laptop and hacked into the building’s surveillance system. The screen cut to Si Yanxiao’s office.

He really got up from his chair and seemed to be preparing to leave.

Yun Ci took out the remote control and pressed the button. The recording pen played the sound of her knocking on the bench.

Knock Knock Knock --

It was like a strange spell.

In the screen, Si Yanxiao’s body swayed and he was stunned in front of his desk. A moment later, his movements were stiff as he pulled open the drawer. He took out a gun from inside and slowly walked out of the office.

Yun Ci logged out of the system and closed his laptop.

Not long after, there was a sudden commotion in front of them. There were gunshots and cries of surprise.

Yun Ci Winked at Jun Siche. “I want to take a look.”

The two of them got out of the car.

The corner they were at was separated from the other side of the street by a wall. In order not to be suspected, it was best for Yun ci not to show herself. However, she wanted to know the situation there.

She stepped on a tree branch with all her might and climbed up the wall agilely. She turned her head to look at Jun Si che below.

Guessing that he would not do something like climbing the wall, Yun Ci decided not to call out to him. He squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

Si Yan Xiao rushed into the crowd with his gun and fired into the air. Although he did not intend to hurt anyone, it still caused panic.

A group of military police rushed over and evacuated the crowd. They surrounded him and shouted for him to put down his gun.

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Si Yanxiao aimed his gun at his temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was a loud bang and fresh blood splattered everywhere.

Si Yanxiao’s body fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Yun Ci leaned against the wall and clenched her hands tightly. At that moment, she let go and closed her eyes. It was as if all the shackles on her body had been removed. Her stifled chest could finally catch her breath.

“Is it over?”Junsi urged from below.

It was over. Everything was over.

Yun Ci turned around and looked at the bottom of the wall. She was wondering if she should jump down directly or step on a tree branch.

“Jump down,”Junsi said calmly at this moment.

Yun Ci looked down and saw Junsi standing below. He opened his arms to her. His handsome face was expressionless, but his eyes were really determined.

“Jump down directly. I’ll catch you.”

Yun Ci looked at him and pursed his lips. Then, he slowly stood up, closed his eyes, and jumped towards Junsi.

The sound of the wind whistled in her ears. Her body landed lightly and then, she crashed into a warm embrace.

Junsi caught the girl in his arms and wrapped his arms around her slender waist. A moment later, he put her down steadily.

Yunci landed on her feet. Her heart was beating fast. She bowed her head and said, “Thank you.”.

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