The last group to enter the Five Elements Tomb was led by Yu Su-rin.

The successors had the opportunity to choose the exploration team they wanted to join.

Despite the pressure of being first, few wanted to be the last to enter.

The number of volunteers for Yu Su-rin’s team was limited. They were either close to her or didn’t mind being last due to their easy-going nature.

Yu Su-rin had no close friends. She braced herself for the possibility that no one would join her team.

Fortunately, that bitter scenario did not happen.


“Young Lady Yu, please take a rest.”

Diancang’s Lightning Flash Yu Tae-jin and Zhongnan’s Flowing Cloud Flying Dragon Lee Jae-il joined Yu Su-rin’s team.

They volunteered for Yu Su-rin’s team almost simultaneously and were surprised to see each other there.

Both had expressions suggesting they hadn’t expected the other to apply for this team.

“Would you like some water?”

“I’ve had some.”

“How about food…”

“Yes, I’ve eaten. I’m quite full.”

For some reason, Yu Tae-jin and Lee Jae-il were cold to each other, as if in rivalry.

There was another person who watched Yu Su-rin flanked by those two, looking as if he found the situation amusing.

It was Noh Shik of the Beggars’ Gang.

Lee Jae-il locked eyes with Noh Shik.

“Why are you picking your nose so disgustingly?”

“A beggar can pick his nose too.”

Noh Shik had been picking his nose even when he first volunteered for Yu Su-rin’s team.

Yu Tae-jin and Lee Jae-il frowned at this, but Yu Su-rin welcomed Noh Shik.

Not all members of the Beggars’ Gang were exceptional, but the exceptional ones were resourceful.

And, as Yu Su-rin expected, Noh Shik was quick-witted.

“Thanks to Noh Shik, we’ve made it here safely. We are very fortunate.”

“Don’t praise me too much. If Young Lady Yu hadn’t identified those things’ true nature, we would have been in grave danger.”

They quickly dealt with the surprise attack of the Hungry Ghost Parasite.

Yu Su-rin identified their nature, and Noh Shik figured out a solution.

It was to stuff their mouths with dry rations on the spot.

The four of them were all elites, so two blocked the narrowest part of the passage, front and back.

The other two stuffed their mouths with food and water, taking turns so that others could eat too.

Eating as much as possible was a hundred times better than wasting it.

Of course, that wasn’t all.

Noh Shik was an excellent member of the Beggars’ Gang, and as much a beggar as one could be.

He didn’t have a fragrance pouch like Yi-gang’s party, but wore clothes smelly enough to cover the scent of meat.

The reduced bulk of the dry rations went into Noh Shik’s possession.

“Hehe, come to think of it, I should return these now.”

Noh Shik distributed the wrapped bundles of dry rations from his pocket to everyone.

Yu Tae-jin and Lee Jae-il received their share with expressions of deep dislike. It seemed they would have to endure Noh Shik’s stench every time they ate.

“Wait a moment.”

Yu Su-rin interrupted their chatter.

As her expression hardened, the rest of the group’s gazes also turned icy.

They cautiously drew their weapons.


“Who are you, approaching us so stealthily?”

As Yu Tae-jin said this, people emerged from the other end of the passage.

Hwa So-so was at the forefront.

“Apologies. We’ve also had a tough time.”

The group led by Namgung Shin appeared with somber expressions.

“There were casualties.”

Unlike Yu Su-rin’s group, they had suffered at the hands of the Hungry Ghost Parasite.

But more shocking than that might have been the disappointment of narrowly missing the Earth Shattering Finger.

“You arrived before us.”

“Yes. We were waiting to see if anyone else would come.”

Yu Su-rin responded to Hwa So-so’s muttering.

For some reason, Namgung Shin’s group and Yu Su-rin’s group had ended up meeting here.

“The entrance was blocked.”

“This is…”

What awaited Yu Su-rin’s group, who had just arrived, was a large iron door.

It had no handle, and pushing didn’t open it, so they had no choice but to wait.

“There was a sign that said ‘The Gate of the Yellow River.’”

At the tip of Yu Su-rin’s finger, at the top of the iron door, was an irritating phrase.

The Gate of the Yellow River

Hwa So-so frowned.

What bizarre thing might be waiting for them inside?

“Where Earth and Water meet. Is that why they call it the Yellow River, as a play on words?”

The Yellow River was a huge river that ran through the northern part of the Central Plains.

True to its name as the muddy river, its waters were a yellowish-brown, mixed with mud.

When it rained heavily, the muddy waters seemed threatening, as if they could cover the earth.

“It doesn’t seem like just a play on words.”


“Try pressing your ear against the iron door.”

Hwa So-so followed Yu Su-rin’s suggestion with a skeptical look.

She felt the cold touch of the iron door against her cheek, and soon her expression hardened.


The sound of water could be heard.

It was rough, like the Yellow River on a rainy day.


Surprisingly, the iron door smoothly slid open.

“The door is open!”

“That which wouldn’t open no matter how much we pushed…”

Noh Shik and Yu Tae-jin were amazed.

They moved beside Hwa So-so to push the iron door.

As the heavy iron door slowly opened, people flocked towards it.

Inside was a pitch-black cave.

With the opening of the door, the faint sound of water grew louder.


A damp wind blew in, carrying the smell of water.

“The lights are turning on.”

It seemed that a mechanism had been triggered by the opening of the door.

Oil flowed from the walls on either side of the cave and ignited.

Soon, the scene under the iron door was fully illuminated.

“The Yellow River…”

“It’s an underground water flow.”

It was a natural cave.

However, the water flow in the cave was so fierce it was astonishing, as if it were more than just underground water.

Mud and gravel were mixed in, giving the water a murky yellowish-brown hue.

“If we fall in, our bones would be crushed.”

“Even for a skilled swimmer… it’s not water to swim in.”

“Wait, look over there.”

At Hwa So-so’s shout, everyone looked up.

A phrase was written on the largest stalactite in the cave.

If you swim upstream, you will find the Dragon Gate.

Rising Dragon Gate.

It was said that upstream of the Yellow River, there was a rapid known as the Dragon Gate. Legend has it that if a carp swims up it, it can transform into a dragon.

“It seems we are to cross that stepping stone.”

“I wondered why those stone pillars were there…”

Stalagmites were emerging from various places in the underground body of water.

The smaller ones could barely hold one person, while the larger ones could hold several.

Fortunately, there were enough to potentially allow for crossing upstream.

“The erosion from the water current is severe. We need to be cautious.”

Most of the stalagmites were thinner at the bottom than at the part where one could step.

Currently, there were six in Namgung Shin’s group and four in Yu Su-rin’s group.

As they pondered how to start, Namgung Shin was the first to step forward, as usual.

“I will go first.”

Perhaps he said this out of the basic courtesy ingrained in him.

He stepped onto a stalagmite using his swift movement technique.

Then he swiftly leaped to the next one.

Despite the wet and slippery conditions, his courage and light footwork were remarkable.

However, the problem occurred when he stepped on the third stalagmite.

There should have been nothing lacking in Namgung Shin’s light footwork.

Moreover, this stalagmite was much sturdier and larger than the others.


The stalagmite crumbled all too easily.

A dizzying scream erupted.

But Namgung Shin displayed a rare skill, stepping on the breaking stone pieces to move to another stalagmite.

“It didn’t collapse on its own.”

“Is it designed to crumble after one step?”

Noh Shik’s inference was correct.

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of the people changed.

For now, there were enough stalagmites, but soon there might not be.

A misstep could lead to falling into the water, making it impossible even to retrieve that person’s body.

The first ones to follow Namgung Shin were Hwa So-so and Ok Ja-cheong.

“We will go first.”

“Oh no…!”

They swiftly stepped on the stalagmites, moving upstream against the water. Again, several stalagmites collapsed.

A sense of tension surrounded the remaining members of the group.

As Yu Su-rin exchanged glances with her team members, the remaining members of Namgung Shin’s group hesitantly stepped forward.

Yang Gu-jeon was particularly noticeable.

“P-please, help us!”


“Namgung Shin is a man without chivalry. Because of him, one of our companions lost his life!”

The man, crying out, even showed the wound on his arm.

“We are ashamed to say our martial arts skills are not great.”

“So… what about it?”

“We know that the Taoists of the Azure Forest are all merciful. Please, I beg you…”

Yang Gu-jeon, with a flushed face, beat around the bush.

However, his meaning was quickly understood.

Noh Shik scratched his forehead and sneered.

“Are you asking us to let you go first?”

“How could that be possible?”

Yang Gu-jeon bowed deeply.

Lee Jae-il and Yu Tae-jin wore displeased expressions but remained silent.

The decision was passed to the team leader, Yu Su-rin.

Yang Gu-jeon seemed to realize this as well.

“Miss Yu Su-rin…”

Yu Su-rin felt troubled.

She wasn’t sure if Namgung Shin had really oppressed them, but this was the first time she had received such a direct request.

She disliked their groveling attitude, but it was hard to outright refuse when they invoked the mercy of the Azure Forest.

-Young Lady Yu.

Then, Noh Shik’s telepathic message reached her ears.

-We will follow Young Lady Yu’s decision.

Yu Su-rin clenched her mouth shut.

In that moment, she thought of her senior, Yi-gang.

What would Yi-gang do in this situation?

After much deliberation, Yu Su-rin finally spoke up, “I’ll give you a warning.”

Yang Gu-jeon stiffened at her icy tone.


“Never speak carelessly about the Azure Forest or Taoists again.”

If Yu Su-rin had been alone, she might have helped them.

But she was the leader of an exploration team.

“We will cross first.”

Her words meant she was taking responsibility for the three of them.

Sacrificing those who followed her for strangers would make her no better than a fool.

Leaving behind the bewildered Yang Gu-jeon and the successors, Yu Su-rin signaled.

Noh Shik and the team grinned and leaped onto the stalagmites.

And Yi-gang.

In the Wood passage, he faced a similar situation to the other exploration teams.

On one side was a passage leading further in.

On the other side was the legacy of the Five Elements Divine Lord.

The only difference was that this place followed the flow of Wood Qi.

The legacy of the Five Elements Divine Lord wasn’t a martial arts technique like the Earth Shattering Finger.

Surprisingly, it was a remaining elixir.

Enjoying the spiritual energy of the White Lotus Moss would be satisfying.

Yi-gang admired the appearance of the moss, which seemed to have snowflakes settled on it.

Since entering this place, a clear fragrance had been noticeable.

Always pleasant to smell, it was the scent of an elixir.

“There’s also a moss-shaped elixir…” Moyong Jin murmured.

As he said, the White Lotus Moss was a rare and valuable elixir.

Although not as precious as the internal elixirs of the Golden Flower Carp, it was still a hard item to give up.

However, Yi-gang spoke decisively, “Surely, there’s no one petty enough to want to take this moss with them.”

Tang Eun-seol, So Woon, Moyong Jin.

None of them raised their hands.

“That’s a relief.”

Yi-gang thought again.

It was more important for the exploration team to have fewer members, but ones that shared the same spirit.

All of them were in agreement with Yi-gang. It was fortunate they had formed a small group.

However, the problem was that Yi-gang had no intention of just leaving.


He grabbed Moyong Jin’s shoulder as he was about to proceed through the passage.


A bewildered Moyong Jin.

Yi-gang spoke with a serious expression.

“Leaving behind that elixir would be just as foolish.”

“…You say one thing and then another.”

“Do you have a problem with it?”

“No, not if we can take it with us.”

Moyong Jin hesitated.

Tang Eun-seol also nodded in agreement.

“The White Lotus Moss is precious enough to be used in making one of the Tang Clan’s Eight Great Poisons. How it’s used is a secret, though.”

“Using it to make poison is a good thing?”

“Yes, a very good thing.”

Yi-gang’s group was fundamentally different from the others.

There were two people knowledgeable about mechanisms and hidden weapons.

Yi-gang and Tang Eun-seol had already analyzed the mechanisms installed here.

“Look, the floor of the passage is hollow. It seems to sink if pressed.”

“It’s a weight-sensitive mechanism.”

“What about the side where the White Lotus Moss is?”

“It’s not weight-sensitive. The mat where the White Lotus Moss is placed has wires wrapped around it. It looks like they will break if touched.”

“Judging by the marks on the ceiling, it doesn’t seem to be a grate but rather a whole iron wall that comes down.”

Tang Eun-seol leaped to the ceiling and hammered a metal spike into it.

“It’s solid metal.”

“Once it comes down, it can’t be opened.”

“It doesn’t seem to be operated by gears, just fixed with a latch.”

“So, if touched, it falls down with a thud?”

While Yi-gang and Tang Eun-seol exchanged this dialogue, So Woon watched blankly. He and Moyong Jin honestly had nothing to do.

Yi-gang approached So Woon, who was lost in thought.

“It’s thanks to you.”


Yi-gang patted his chest lightly.

The Wood box inside.

Their encounter with the White Lotus Moss in this place was also thanks to So Woon.

So Woon finally smiled.

“It’s about your short spears.”


“What are they made of?”

So Woon carried two short spears. Initially introduced as short staves, but when twisted at the top, spear blades popped out.

“Made of ten-thousand-year-old cold iron.”

At that, Moyong Jin and Tang Eun-seol’s eyes widened.

Two short spears made of ten-thousand-year-old cold iron. They were undoubtedly precious items.

So Woon seemed flustered as if he had misspoken, but Yi-gang didn’t mind.

“Will you help me with something?”

“H-how can I help?”

Yi-gang explained his plan.

Upon hearing that his sword would also be used, So Woon could only nod.

“Don’t worry.”

So Woon picked up one of his short spears and stood by the right wall of the passage.

The other short spear was taken by Yi-gang, who stood on the left side.

“Precisely, hammer it into the side of the ceiling.”

“Got it.”

“One, two…!”

Yi-gang and So Woon leaped up and forcefully hammered the short spears into the walls of the passage.

Then they grabbed onto the wall and the short spears, hanging from them.

Yi-gang looked back and said, “Young Lady Tang, we’re ready.”

“Be careful. I’m taking it now.”

Tang Eun-seol, standing in front of the White Lotus Moss, issued the warning.

As she ripped off the mat where the White Lotus Moss grew, a snapping sound occurred, and an iron wall fell from the ceiling of the passage.


However, the iron wall, which should have blocked the passage, was caught by the short spears hammered into both sides.

Moyong Jin and Tang Eun-seol quickly slipped through the gap that didn’t close completely.

Yi-gang and So Woon immediately retrieved the short spears and sprang away.



The two rolled on the floor and entered the inside of the passage.

Finally, the iron wall blocked the passage.


It was a deafening sound that made their ears ring.

So Woon lay on the ground, catching his breath.

“Whew, that was dizzying.”

“Thanks, it was helpful.”

So Woon smiled and received his short spear back. The thick short spear, made of ten-thousand-year-old cold iron, was sturdy enough to support the iron door and didn’t even receive a scratch.

Yi-gang quickly stood up and approached Tang Eun-seol.

“Let’s take a closer look.”

“Here you go.”

Tang Eun-seol held the mat of the White Lotus Moss in her hands.

It was as beautifully pure as freshly made white rice cake.

There was also plenty for the four of them to share.

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